What better holiday to
start than Halloween! The idea is simple: Create some sort of
Kirby/Kirby character related material with a Halloween motive. This
can be done in the form of pictures, stories, games, comics, etc. --
anything you can think of!
After submissions are
received, some of the staff who do not participate in the contest,
can judge the entries and choose one to win the Haunt Fest for the
Ivyna J Spyder
has generously donated her talents to draw a requested picture
for the winner! If you've seen Ivyna's art you'll know it is
nothing short of spectacular! Be sure to visit her awesome
site at
KRR cannot give out physical prizes at this time. Not only
would your parents be weary if you started receiving packages
from people on the internet ;) but because we are hosted there
is a policy that we have to get everything approved beforehand
and let our hoster know. There is no time for this event, but
next event you never know!
Submissions can be
sent in any form to
krrhauntfest@yahoo.com. As they are received, they will be
placed on the site as soon as possible.
No submission will be
rejected, unless it is profane beyond belief. =)
The last submissions
will be accepted on November 3rd 2004. Contests and results should
be available November 4th-5th 2004 depending on judge availability.