This is just a thanks,
from me Kindar, to everyone who is currently staffing at RR this 5
year anniversary. Never before in all of RR history have so many
talented and unique people come together to make this site what it
is. It went through a dark age that many thought would lead to it's
end, but thanks to all these people it pulled out and they are still
here! It's been hard sometimes, but these guys (and gals!) keep RR
fun and true. They usually never get half the credit they deserve,
and from me I'd like to thank all of them!
Apple Kid
Apple Kid was the one who sent me
the wake up call that RR needed more staff. It inspired me
to get more active, that there are still people that want to
see RR continue. So AK joined and began to help on the
mailbag, and then later went on to run the fan games. Thanks
AK for all your support and motivation! ^_^
RR would not be here today if
it wasn't Aqua. Aqua is officially at this time (and if she
still chooses to be!) the co-founder of the site. She has
created the beautiful layout you see today, admin'ed at
every forum we've had, op'ed in the chat, admins and created
the fan art galleries and oekaki, saves us all from the
feedback forms of doom, and holds the site together like
glue. While I know you have grown distant as of lately Aqua,
I still hope RR will pick up and hold your interest like it
once did. I am totally in your debt, thanks Aqua! ^_^
Captain Zreb
I haven't really gotten to
know Zreb real well, but his hard work at the forums is
admirable as well as amusing. ^_^ You seem like a real cool
guy, and your ability to stand up and voice your opinions
despite opposition is a wonderful characteristic. I just
hope you continue to hang with us! ^_^ Thanks Zrebby!
Bagel was recently made an
admin at the forums, and he has been doing such an
incredible job! Bagel, you don't get half the credit you
deserve, and I hope you do feel appreciated because you very
much are! And no I haven't sent you your E3 package yet
because I'm dummy. I lost your address. Please forgive my
brain. ^_^ Thanks Bagel!
Disk has been an enormous help
to revamping and stabilizing our forums. He works tirelessly
to keep the forums stable and appealing, and it is thanks to
him they are fun and function as they are. He is temporarily
away for a while, but I hope you return Disk, because your
presence is warmly enjoyed. Thanks Disk! ^_^
To me Eej will always be
snakey, I don't care what you say. ;P Eej has been around
for a long time, and he makes his appearance here and there
on the forums, but you'll primarily find him in the chat.
Thanks for sticking around despite your busy schedule. ^_^
Fier is our super talented forum
artist, who was once just going to temporarily work on the
forums, but Fier is so talented we won't let him go. ^_^ I
hope you continue to visit and oooo and ahhh us all with
your art. ^_^ Thanks Fier!
Golden Kirby
Glod is
just funny. How can you not love Glod XD He currently works
on the mailbag, and his presence is always felt on the
forums. Thanks for being you! ^_^
is perhaps one of the oldest members at RR currently. He's
been here very shortly near the beginning. He's sweet,
friendly, firm, and funny. RR would not be what is it
without him, he is a very big part of it. I've always been
real fond of you and hope you continue to hang in with us,
because it wouldn't be the same without Flosty. ^_^
Ivyna J. Spyder
Ivy makes people happy, sad, or
mad. Her sharp words and wit can reduce anyone to hide in
fear. ^_^ She is super talented with her art skills, and she
is the goddess of the Kirby Anime. She always shares her
neat stuff, and frankly I really enjoy her presence. Ivy at
times can make people butt heads, but honestly Ivy, I really
admire and love your sharp sense of wit and self. I hope you
stay with us! ^_^ Thanks for everything!
Kirby Warrior
Wow, I
can't even begin XD I've know KW forever it feels like. He's
been here since the beginning. We've talked on and off for
years and used to stay up late talking while trying to outdo
each other with Kirby stuff. But KW always won... well he is
the Kirby guru after all! ^_^ He's also become a site admin
too. He's done amazing work at the site, and knows things to
this day that are so exclusive he won't spill on some of
them. XDThanks for hanging out so long, I just hope you
don't wander away. ^_^ Thanks for everything KW!
Master Zora
You are
funny, interesting and I really like chatting with you. ^_^
Your work on the mailbag is awesome too, and although we
don't talk as much anymore I hope you plan on sticking
around. Thanks for everything ^_^
Meta Warp
Sometimes you confuse me, but
I really think your a nice guy. ^_^ Your site is too awesome
for words, and I'm thankful that you divide your time here
at RR too. Your ideas are fresh, interesting, and your
updates are always fun. Thanks for hanging around! ^_^
Musashi and I don't really
talk too much, and at the beginning I embarrassingly used to
call him Mushashi. XD He didn't like that. LOL Your fan fics
section is looking great, and I hope you continue to hang
out! Thanks! ^_^
Party Turtle
PT, I really don't know you as
well as I'd like to, but you are a very nice person. ^_^ You
do an incredible job around RR with the Kirby Cards, and I
really hope you'll stay with us. Your presence is always so
warm and fun. ^_^ Thanks for everything!
Primary Duck
PD and I
started talking a lot, and we seem to have quite a few
things in common. I really think your a great person, and I
know you have a lot of stuff on your plate right now to deal
with. ^_^ But around the site, you are incredibly in tune
with things, so much sometimes that I think you have to pull
away sometimes like you do. You are so sensitive, but that
is a good thing. ^_^ Your doing a great job with the comics,
and I hope you don't collapse too often from them. ^_^
Thanks for everything PD, and yea the Scorpions are cool. ;)
Trolly and I
have grown very close, and we talk constantly, although not
as much as we want to usually. ^_^ He started as the links
guy, but quickly became a site admin when he started
spending hours upon hours working on everything around the
site. When I don't feel like doing something, he usually
inspires my lazy self to get up and start working on the
site. Plus he's staring to teach me Spanish which is awesome
^_^ Thanks for everything Trolly!
^_^ You make me laugh so often, and I don't think you even
know it. Your work around the site is great, and you've
quickly climbed up to be one of the many respected people
around here. I really hope you stick around! We should talk
more though XD Thanks for everything Wolf!