Review: Burn/Burn

Ability : Burn/Burn

Title : Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards

Reviewer : VBKirby

Kirby doubles his fire power and spreads his wings for one of the fastest abilities in Kirby 64! Double Burning!

When Kirby mixes Fire with Fire, he gets Double Burning! Double Burning is essentially a faster version of Burning that also goes a much farther distance. Kirby will charge forwards in a fiery ball and destroy any enemy he hits. It has an added bonus of wings that spread when you start the attack, which also destroys baddies. Double Burning also benefits as being one of the fastest modes of transportation in the whole game. Though it shares the same problem its weaker versions have always had, even way back in Kirby's Adventure.

Double Burning has this nasty habit of ending its attack right in front of an enemy. Since Kirby can't do anything for a second after he's stopped, he gets smacked in the face by whatever happens to be in front of him. This may just be annoying the first few times, but it ends up being very frustrating after the tenth time in a row. In addition, that short time where Kirby can't do anything is just enough time to fall down a pit if you're too close to the bottom.

There is also a slight problem with its transportation function. While it is indeed fast, if you happen to hit a wall while using it, you stick to the wall until the power stops. This ends up being an annoyingly long wait sometimes, so if this happens a lot, it's probably overall faster to just run.

In the end, Double Burning has good qualities (great speed and an invincible charge attack), but they each have a problem that severely cripples it. For speed and invincible attacks, you may be better off using the Ice + Stone combo for the Curling Stone.

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Last Updated - August 1st, 2008