Kirby's Rainbow Resort > Fan > Ability Review > Review: Rick Stone | |
Review: Rick StoneAbility : Rick Stone Title : Kirby's Dream Land 2 Reviewer : Speedy Wham! Inhaled Stone Ability -- Hereeeee's Stone Rick! ... ... Rick?.. Yeah, Rick. Sure, Kirby can get the Stone ability, but for this review, it's Rick's turn to get stoned... Kine? Coo? Nah, they're useless, they can get stoned in their own time... *bricked* Oww... Okay, okay I'll quit it with the lame puns. Anyway, we're going back in time, to the Stone Age!... okay okay, that was the last. Kirby's Dream Land 2 is where we're really heading. Before I really start though.. let it be mentioned, that I've yet to play Kirby's Dream Land 3. I might incur the wraths of some fans, maybe even Gobbo, but hey, no info on KDL3. Just KDL2. Anyway, Stone ability. Yeah, finally getting to it. Stone ability is useless. Kirby turns into a rock. Bam. Invulnerability, sure, but.. well, aside from hills, there's just no movement. Same goes for Coo. Stone power makes him a meteor so to speak and wham, movement gone. Then there's.. Kine.. dont get me started on Kine, his Stone power is even less useful than Kirby's, aside from the mini-hop he does when he's using it mid-move... Oh wait, Kirby's does that as well. Nope, Kine got nothing. ... But, then I had Stone, and I had Rick. I kind of expected something like bam Rick turns into stone and.. Kirby's pretty much out in the open or something... Dang, was I wrong or what? With Rick, Stone is a great ability! Sure, there's no jumping, but, hey, who needs that? Rick is the only one of the three who can move during Stone. How? Kirby! Kirby walks on Rick, moving the stone in which direction you want! Hole or gap in your path? Switch back, jump over, change back. Rick's a steamroller ... without steam, really. The only real problem with this ability is that Kirby's still vulnerable like heck, as he's just standing there on top of Rick, but really, how many land based enemies can survive being run over by a stoned hamster? |
Last Updated - August 2nd, 2008 | |
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