Kirby's Rainbow Resort - Fan Art FAQ  


Thanks for taking the time to view the Fan Art FAQ! Fan Art at Rainbow Resort has reached incredible popularity, with at this time over 500 fan arts. Naturally, there may be some questions on how to submit art, update galleries, remove galleries and other stuff. If this FAQ does not answer any questions you may have, please feel free to send your questions over to KindarSpirit.

* Special Note * - Please only send work made by yourself. We cannot accept fan art  on someone else's behalf without their express permission. Any artwork claimed by an individual to be unfairly credited to someone else, will be deleted immediately.

What kind of art can I send in?

Any kind you want, as long as it is somewhat Kirby related. Many send in art of their own characters made inspired by Kirby, or mixing Kirby characters with other video game characters. This is very much appreciated! Please, remember all ages view this site, so anything crudely obscene will not be posted.

How can I send in my art?

There are actually quite a few ways:

1. Attach your file(s) into an e-mail and mail them over to kindarspirit.
2. Upload them to your own webspace and send the links over (we can transfer them to our server).
3. Arrange a meeting time on AOL IM or mIRC and send them via the file transfer feature.
4. Post them on our Message Boards under the Fan Created forum, making sure you specify you want them on the site.
Please make sure you also give yourself credit, let us know your name you would like credited as well as your e-mail (optional).

How much art can I send?

As much as you like! There honestly is no limit in how many or what the size is, so please thank our most generous host -

What kind of art files may I send?

Currently, the following are accepted:

- .ART
- .BMP
- .GIF
- .JPG
- .PCX
- .PNG
- .TIF

... and generally everything else. We'll find a way to convert it so we can use it. ^_^

I have more art to send, what should I do now?

Just send it over, making sure you let us know what gallery it is for and we'll take care of the rest. ^_^

Can I change the name/e-mail for my gallery? 

Sure, at anytime! As many times as you like/need to.

I want to remove/delete a picture or my entire gallery.

No problem, let us know what picture you want removed or the go ahead to delete your gallery. We will respond asking you if you are positive to make sure and then delete.

... and one last special note:

Rainbow Resort will not use your art in anyway except for the purpose of displaying it in your gallery.

Kirby's Rainbow Resort
Last updated 5.3.03 by KindarSpirit