NOTE: Whoa people, only one episode and a
epilogue before this story’s ended! Hasn’t it been a happy time?
Kirby and Adeleine walks down to the breakfast.
Besides the table hovers the host (Remember, he’s the Dark
HOST: Listen. Today the vote will be like this:
the eight contestants that is now voted out, will get back here,
and we will have a large feast. Then, the eight will vote for
either Kirby or Adeleine, and the one with most votes wins.
KIRBY: Cool!
They sit down to eat.
HOST: Oh, and of course, there will be no
immunity mini game today.
BOTH: Duh!
Kirby and Adeleine has some spare time in which
they paint, eat, play in the back yard, watch the Simpsons on
the large three metre TV, and they, of course, smooch.
HOST: Hey, get down here!
Kirby and Adeleine walks down the stairs.
KIRBY: (Astonished) Hiya!
ADELEINE: (Shocked) Whoa. Hi.
BLADE: Hi there!
SWORD: Ello!
META: Greetin’s!
GOOEY: Schlorp!
Waddle Dee frantically waves his arms.
ESCARGOON: Hello there, I....
EVERYONE: (Fast) Shut up Escargoon.
They eat, joke, laugh, and then, they vote.
HOST: One to Kirby... Two to Kirby... One to
Adeleine... Three to Kirby... Two to Adeleine... Three to
Adeleine, four to Adeleine... four to Kirby. We have reached a
tie. We will decide who wins with a simple coin. Heads for
The host flips a coin, and i lands on...
ADELEINE: Pleasepleasepleaseplease...
HOST: The suspense is extreme! Even the authors
heart lobs and thobs!
KIRBY: Its landing now! Its landing!
She picks up Kirby and kisses him several times
on the face.
KIRBY: Yay! Im so glad for your sake!
ADELEINE: What do i get?!
HOST: First, this medallion. In solid gold! Then,
a check for 50,000 dollars. Your next
prize is outside.
Adeleine takes the check.
ADELEINE: Gosh, I’ve never seen this much money!
(She runs outside, and finds a large new shining roofless cab.)
Ho Mah Gawd!