Simply Ungifted Guidelines
 Make a Regular Enemy
 Don't Give An Ability
 Don't Be Like an Ability
 Don't Be Pointless
- Submissions are Closed -
Written Guidelines
It shouldn't be difficult to make a normal, non-power giving enemy. However, just so there's no confusion on what's good and what's not-so-good, here's the clear as day picture explanation of what to do and not do. For a more general guide to IF Contests, see the iFAQ. For a plethora of in-game examples, see Kirbypedia's list of regular enemies.
- These should be normal foes, not bosses, mini-bosses, pseudo-bosses, or even "giant" enemies or "knights". Aim for the basic building block of Kirby's fodder.
- The entry cannot give Kirby an ability when eaten, copied, or any other means possibly fabricated. It shouldn't even do something that could be turned into a plausible ability. 'Cuz, you know, that's another contest.
- Its attacks or behavior must not be like an ability. Don't shoot fire, wield a sword, throw explosives, etc.
- The entry should be purposeful and original, not a stand-in for another enemy. If it just walks back and forth or jumps occasionally, don't bother submitting.
- For example, Haley travels in a straight line through the air. There's a number of flying foes that could have filled that role.
- There are many enemies out there with several functions and behaviors, so your idea has to be significantly different enough to warrent existing side by side the original.
- Existing examples exhibit easy to elaborate behaviors with tactics such as traveling in a circle to covering a door and burying it if frightened. An idea doesn't need to be overwhelmingly complicated, just unique, innovative, and with a purpose.