Reploid Rampage

Reploid Rampage

"Samus, quick! Tell us what to do to save the day! I'm all hopped up on Pep Brews and don't want to crash or be in the bathroom when this carrot dies."

"Awwww, man."

"Sigh! I should have known the weight of the world would be on my shoulders when I came to a happy, flower covered planet full of people without shoulders. Very well-"

Reploid Rampage

"You! 'Borrow' that Prank's brush and bucket!"

"I woulda shared them with you..."

"And then 'hug' it so there's no witnesses. Hug it good."

Reploid Rampage

"Doo, use your Copy power to copy that Cutter!"

"But... how did you copy Copy in the first place?"

"With another Copy, duh."

Reploid Rampage

"And I'll copy the scar healing ability by inhaling Scarfy."

"There are so many things wrong with thiiisss..."

Reploid Rampage

"Wait a sec, here. Paint? Cutting? Scar healing? You plan on painting the reploids pink, cutting their senseless hair, and removing the cliché scars from their eyes, don't you?"

"Was that even a feature covered about the reploids?"

"It's implied. Anyhoo, all that won't defeat them. You can't just show them how pointless and worthless they are and expect them to die of shame. There's already enough fan characters who are pink, bald, and still think they're original."

"I'm original."

"Uh, no... Not... not a fan character. I meant the, uh, 'reploids'."

"Shucks. Nobody ever means me..."

Reploid Rampage

"Well, if these pesky reploids won't die by being told that they are entirely lame, uninspired, and bland, then I'll just have to come up with a Plan B to hit them where they're most vulnerable..."

Reploid Rampage

Two Hours Later...

"So every last one jumped into the furnace? Wow, and the sign has only been up for five minutes. This is the fastest Dream Land has ever been saved from a peril."

"Squeak Squad."

"... Okay, second fastest."

"Well, I'm just glad that I lived through this ordeal and can say-"

Reploid Rampage

"Uncle Gobbo on re-entry!"


Reploid Rampage

- That's It! -

Last Updated - December 23rd, 2009