Marx is the least looked upon
villan, most likely because he only made an apperance in KSS.
But what exactly is his origin? Where did he come from? and
will he be in another game besides KSS?
While fighting "Marx", one
thing you may notice is the fact that he is wearing a hat
just like Mirror Kirby does. He also looks like a jester in
some ways too, so the hat might have no significance to
Mirror Kirby. However, since we got word on that new Kirby
game being released in japan sometime in March, that leads
even to more suspicion about this fiend. For the title of
the new kirby game is brefely called "Kirby: The Mirror
Courrundum." So, it IS possible that Marx is the main villan
in this game simply because of that Mirror Kirby like hat he
wears in KSS. That means he might have something to do with
the main title, but it is too early to draw any conclusions
In KSS you know that huge
clock in space where Marx makes his wish to make him rule
popstar? It is called "Nova" and I think that in KSS, IT was
the thing that caused the moon and the sun to fight. But
still, very little is known about it. I mean, as soon as you
beat "Nova" Marx just appears out of nowhere and makes a
wish. Very strange =/. Also, on the Message Boards somebody
said that Marx, is Kirby Super Star's "Nightmare". This is
so, because he follows somewhat similar attack patterns as
him. Such as teleporting randomly when he gets low on life.
It also seems like the same planet that Kirby fought
Nightmare on in Kirby's Adventure. So is it possible that
"Marx" is actually a reincarnated form of Nightmare? Other
than all of those things, we still may never know what Marx
truely is until HAL explains him more. I really wish they
would have focused on his character more. Because it seems
like they just decided to make a quick villan for the end of
the game. Well, there is my fan thought. KingWaddleDee over
and out :D