Well, I noticed a pattern in most of the recent Fan Thoughts:
Only one truly stood their ground, but most attacked the anime
at some parts. Which did get me to thinking: What about the
anime?? I haven't watched it since the Kirby Air Ride
episodes(mainly cause of the stupid network its on keeps
repeating eps.), but I did think about it. The anime DOES NOT
explain Kirby at ALL!!
What also makes me mad is that some of my friends think that
the anime is the TRUE way of Kirby's origin 'n' stuff like
that. So that no gets confused here's the facts about the
game and the facts about the anime:
-Kirby, he can talk(don't beleive me read the Kirby's
Dreamland instructional booklet), he's much older than 1(which
the show pittifully describes), and he knows more about
himself than any other guys in Dreamland and definitely
doesn't need help to beat up enemies.
-Dedede, read the SSBM trophy bio: SELF-PROCLAIMED King, has
more kirby-ish eyes, and is definitely more fat, course we've
never heard him talk in the games so we really don't know
about the western accent.
-Meta-Knight, spanish accent?? Well it does make him sound
more "war-hero-ish", but that's definitely dumb. Besides, I'm
waiting for his REAL sidekicks to appear, the Meta-group,
consisting of Meta-Axe, Meta-Mace, Meta-Chain and Meta-Droid,
Sword and Blade know squat! Meta-Knight is mysterious, true,
but he is a bad guy, unless somewhere down the lines in the
Kirby games he isn't.
-Rick, Coo and Kine, what's up w/ Rick's accent?? Another
friend of mine pointed out that for some reason dubbed anime
needs to incorporated the entire world, which wouldn't make
sense because this is in Dreamland! Coo is just a little
different than I expected, I saw him as the debating,
intelligent type... but the intelligent area is yet to be
seen. Kine's personality I think they actually got correct(I
can't beleive it!), but he can walk OUT OF THE WATER!!!
Episode 15 was pointless, in the games he can just waltz right
on out.
-Lololo & Lalala, they changed their names, gave them a
ridiculous origin and shouldn't they be at their castle??
guess not, the anime only has three areas: Castle Dedede,
Cappy Town and Whispy Woods
-Whispy Woods, yes he's a bad guy, but is one of Dedede's
henchmen in the games, I personally thik he'd rather help
Kirby(see the end of Dynablade from KSS). But Dedede's trying
to destroy him, plain stupid
-Dynablade, oh the horror, first they made her look really
bad, and... the ugliness is too great, can't describe anymore.
-Escargoon, so he isn't in the games, but it would be cool to
see him in the games, just because he does do a good job at
being Dedede's sidekick.
So yeah, I've finally have gotten that off my chest. After
having to live through that horrible nightmare for over a
year. Personally, I think the Sonic anime better describes
the games than the Kirby one does.
Thanks for your time, goodnight!