Review of Kirby's Adventure / Kirby: Nightmare in
By RevorTay
of my favorite games in the series, just because of the huge
amount of secret areas and multiple abilities. Three
mini-games, each different depending on the game. In KA,
there's the Egg-Toss with King Dedede, the Crane Game (My
favorite) and the Quick Draw with Guns (whee!) In K:NiD,
there's the Bomb Rally, Kirby's Air Grind (Early concept of
Air Ride?) and QUick Draw, Samurai Style! Actually, the
Quick Draw in K:NiD, as most Kirby fans know, is the same
thing as Kirby Super Star's Samurai Kirby. It even has the
same opponents, one of them not even appearing in K:NiD! IF
you can figure it out and tell me, you get a free frogurt*!
main game is also very fun, but I don't like how short it
is. Combined play time, along with finding every secret in
the game, is about 1 hour and 15 minutes. This is the second
shortest Kirby game, the shortest being Kirby's Dreamland.
It doesn't have much of a plot, just King Dedede broke the
Star Rod and the Dreamlanders can't sleep. Still, all the
crazy levels and tons of enemies coming at you, its still
an enjoyable experience.
music is something different completely. I especially love
the Butter Buildings and Rainbow Resort music. The Boss
music lets you know that these guys mean business, and Meta
Knight's army mini-boss music tells you that they shouldn't
be that tough. Meta's Army music, however, is the mini-boss
music in Kirby 64, and isn't very original. Still, the music
is wonderful, and sometimes you just sit around in Butter
Buildings just to hear the music.
levels are almost the exact same thing in both games. If you
have played Kirby's Adventure a bunch you'll see the
differences. Something I really miss in K:NiD that was
removed from KA is the side-scrolling part of
three different Butter Buildings levels. I was shocked to
see them replaced with one screen that, after about 10
seconds of waiting, opened up a door. A sad, sad thing, that
bonus material in K:NiD is much better than the one in KA.
In KA, you unlock Extra mode after beating Normal mode
perfectly, of course, but in this mode you can't save!!! In
K:NiD, upon beating Extra perfecly you receive Meta
Knightmare, but in KA you only get the Sound Test. *Yawn*
Both games, however, have the Boss Fight mode, which is in
most Kirby games. It is one of my favorite unlockables
because I get to go back and fight all the bosses over
again. The only downside: If you die, you must start over!
in all, the game itself gets a 8/10 from me. If HAL kept the
side-scrolling Butter Buildings part, it may get a 9, but
whatever. It ranks number three, behind number 2 (Kirby Air
Ride) and Number 1 (Kirby Super Star). It's a fun game if
you can get past the short-ness.
*NOTE: You will not get a frogurt for answering the
question. In fact, forget I asked it.