Time to
discuss one of, if not THE most dangerous powers in all
Kirby's games... Crash Kirby
Oh, what a day it was when I discovered this power. Crash
seemed a little silly in its debut in
Kirby's Adventure, but
it was certainly interesting. Kirby would flash while he
carried it, and would use it in SUCH a strange way. When he
used the Crash ability, he exploded, sending a bunch of
Kirbies flying about the screen, exploding here and there.
Seemed like a waste when I saw it, until I saw that it was an
intant kill to EVERYTHING on the screen, and took a HUGE chunk
out of a boss' HP. Less for bigger boss characters than
mini-bosses, but back then, Mini-bosses would be killed in one
dose. Crash was the signature ability of the Poppy Bros Sr
mini-boss, even though his only attacks were jumping and
tossing bombs, and sometimes double teaming Kirby. Bomb didn't
really exist as an ability yet, so the fiery explosion it was.
Crash was a rare find, and rightfully so. In most cases where
it could be found, you had to ct quickly to inhale the Skull
Bombs that had it, before they walked off a ledge... they'd
blow up on impact, clearing the screen for you... but also
hurting Kirby if he were too close... Kinda reminded me of
Bob-Ombs, but not as cute. The explosion had properties of
fire, so it could light fuses you otherwise couldn't light and
still make it to the cannon in time (which were really
nonexistant; 7-5 was the absolute toughest (6-5 just had too
many enemies in the way), but it's possible with Fire). Crash
was best saved as a laste resort, used only in crowded areas,
or against mini-bosses if you had it. Otherwise, while useful
in racking up points, it served to kill off any potential
ability-endowed enemies in the vicinity... and it couldn't
kill Shotzo or Gordo.
Crash hasn't changed MUCH since then.
Kirby Super Star saw
Crash Kirby go from exploding to releasing a big blue starry
blast of energy that tired him out after use (explaining why
he couldn't repeatedly use it). There was a slight delay
between the explosion's end, and the demise of all nearby
enemies or the death of mini-bosses. However, Kirby couldn't
move unil they started dying off (which wouldn't be as a
single unit, but they'd seem to die as if they were dominoes
falling... play it, and you'll see what I mean). Also, as the
Poppy Bros. had Bomb now, he couldn't get it from them
anymore, so your hopes of using their power to clear the
air... gone. However, Skull Bombs were still their old selves,
though a bit less dangerous... you'd need to be RIGHT next to
their blast radius to get hurt, instead of just remotely
close... but that went for enemies as well, so no more
cheaping out on the kills. Skull Bomb, Mix, and SCARFY were
the only means of getting this one... and quite often, Skull
Bombs were in a bad position for you to be able to inhale
them.. The blast still had its flaming properties, and could
not only light fuses, but could also press small switches,
such as those found in the Great Cave Offensive... this was
actually NECESSARY at one point there.
Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland
really seemed to recycle the KSS Crash ability... only now,
the blast actually almost looked like a nuclear explosion. No
randomly exploding Kirbies... but the blast still killed
everything at once, and still lit fuses. It could also still
kill off mini-bosses, but some of them were strong enough to
take the hit and hang on... either Crash was weakened (like a
few OTHER abilities), or the bosses new size in respect to
kirby meant they had even more HP than in the original. Skull
Bomb and the Poppy Bros still had it (No, Bomb was NOT
included in the game), and Skull Bomb was once again a danger
to its comrades from any distance. Unlike the other abilities,
Crash could NEVER activate big switches... yet it decimates
the enemies easily... hmm....
Animé Crash Kirby.. not too different. That hat is WEIRD, but
I like it. What IS it? What kind of stone is that in it? The
atomic symbol that becomes the hat is a nice thing to see,
referring to how truly dangerous Crash Kirby is... and he
looks nice in Fire Kirby's colors with yellow blush. Kirby
takes the Crash Fireball out of his MOUTH to detonate it...
and the blast looks like a BLUE nuclear explosion (mixing of
KSS and NiDL effects)... really did a number on Destrayaa/Destroyer,
and will probably look nice in the episode it ACTUALLY debuts
in (The dub debut was a bit TOO early in the series run, but
that was so NOA could plug Kirby Air Ride).
I rate Crash Kirby a 8.5/10. Nice ability, and handy when
you're in a tight spot, but doesn't really take any skill to
use, and is a one-shot deal. As such, it's not really
challenging or fun to use all in all, but being able to blow
your enemies away IS fun.