Truth be
told, I'd rather not be doing this power NOW, but the weather
outside is frightful, and so is
Ice Kirby
Ice... endearing power for the little pink one, seeing as it
turns him blue. That would definitely dispel any rumors that
Kirby's a GIRL (God forbid we have the same thing that
happened to poor Samus Aran when she was revealed at the end
of Metroid, but I digress). Ice Kirby has probably the second
most elaborate hat/crown out of all the Kirby headgear, second
only to a three-way tie between Tornado, Spark, and Fire
Kirby. Ice is a deceptive power... on its own, it's rather
weak, showing its true strength in freezing opponents to kick
back the ice blocks as projectiles to attack. In Super Star,
there's the Ice Kick AND the Freezer Suction/Ejection combo.
Granted, you're not invincible like you are holding something
with Beam, Backdrop, Suplex or Fighter. But if the enemy gives
out attacks that get killed instead of frozen, this serves as
a nice alternative to Ice Kick. The sole flaw with it is that
you need to get close to suck them up that way, unlike
normally inhaling or freezing enemies... although, the Ice
Kick and Freezer Ejection are STRONGER than the exhaled
Flaw aside, Ice is not really that bad of a power... you'll be
battling a while in Nightmare in Dreamland if you don't freeze
projectiles against bosses. In Super Star, Ice does 9 HP
damage normally, but Freezer Sprinkle (twirling air ice breath
attack) does 18, and Freezer Blizzard (Freeze Kirby) does 20
HP, despite being the same power as Ice in Adventure. Kicked,
Freezer Ejected enemies do 60 HP damage. Unlike Fire, Ice
can't be angled, except in Kirby's Dreamland 3. But Fire
wasn't in the Dark Matter games, Burning was, but let's not go
there yet. Ice Kirby is probably the best form to use taking
it to the bosses. You can still do the ol' inhale/exhale
attack, AND you have minty fresh breath... without a
mistranslated item from Kirby's Dream Land (first one to know
what I mean gets a cookie). That ice breath makes for a decent
way to keep Dedede at bay in Super Star, and it's not as weak
as Fire (hm?), though not NEARLY as strong as Spark in
Adventure. A shield, enemy repellent, and projectile maker in
one, with a catchy crown of ice crystals (better than the
rehash Ice Climber Kirby parka from SSBM used for Freeze Kirby
these days), Ice Kirby rates a perfect 10, despite my aversion
to cold.