the residents slept peacefully in Cappy Town, no one
suspected or even knew until it was too late, what fate
had in store for the poor sheep that night. All the sheep
huddled together in fright, as a giant monster towering
over them stretched to the skies.
fast as the monster appeared, the monster ever quicker
gathered up as many sheep as it could, and then began to
slurp them up whole! No sheep was safe as the monster
had his gigantic meal.
in his haste of finishing his late
night snack, the monster carelessly sent bones
flying to all directions. The bones happened to hit a
house and woke up the sleeping Cappy inside. The Cappy
immediately ran outside to see what was making all the
strange noises
the Cappy came outside, he was shocked to see the
monster and stood there staring. However, the monster
seemed to be just as shocked and it went flying to King
Dedede's castle!
the towns people gathered into a small group and
traveled to the castle to confront King Dedede about a
monster possibly being in the castle. However, they were
met by Escargoon, King Dedede's assistant, who got angry
and denied their accusations.
didn't listen very long to their short pleas, and
fiercely denied their accusations of the castle
harboring a monster. Furthermore, he would not allow
them to disturb King Dedede who was nearby eating a
meal, with their wild stories.
fortunately Sir Ebrum, Lady Like, Tiff and Tuff were in
the group, and spoke up to say they were in disabelief,
and suspected that there was something fishy going on
and said so out loud.
was enraged that they would accuse the King, but King
Dedede stepped in calmly, still clutching his food. King
Dedede then began to explain to the townspeople they
were definitely mistaken, because the monster they were
describing was not his new pet, a cute little Octopus
who he described as harmless.
The only possible
monster was his Octopus, but it floated serenely and
innocently in it's tank, like it wouldn't hurt a fly.
worried, but definitely far from defeated, the
townspeople traveled to the wise Kabu to seek advice,
because they did not believe King Dedede.
began to tell the townspeople, that it was in fact their
own King Dedede who had unleashed the monster and his
fury upon the town. Shocked and in despair, the
townspeople begged for a solution, but Kabu offered
none. According to Kabu, the townspeople were powerless
and no one could do anything. No one, except the
legendary star warrior.
began to tell everyone about the legendary star warrior
named Kirby, who would come from the stars and save the
people from the monster who was eating the sheep.
In fact, the star
warrior was not coming to just save the sheep, but to
save the town from the creeping evil that had managed to
sneakily grip the town. Slowly, the evil was taking over
and bad things were going to happen that no one had any
idea about. Feeling hopeful, the townspeople had faith
in the star warrior, who had yet to appear.
that moment, King Dedede crept into crowd on his tank
and he had been listening this whole time. King Dedede
laughed and announced there was no star warrior and that
there definitely was no such thing named Kirby.
it was like the fates had been listening because at that
moment, a star from the sky came rocketing chaotically
toward the town! As the star crashed, the townspeople
ran to the wreckage...
and when the townspeople arrived, out popped a pink
creature. Looking confused, Kirby looked around. Tiff
asked if he was in fact Kirby, and the pink creature
excitedly nodded, smiled and laughed, repeating his
name, "Kirby"!
townspeople stared in shock, and a bittering disbelief
that this cute, pink fluffy puff ball was their
legendary star warrior. Their visions and expectations
died, a long with their faith in this peaceful little
creature. Was it possible, that the fate of their town
and all it's residents protection from evil rested on
this spry little guy? With the trials and tribulations
the townspeople and now Kirby faced from King Dedede and
his mysterious ties to the dark side, how would Cappy
Town ever be safe again?