Oh no! The Search for the Soldier's House
A Blockbuster Battle
Plot Summary
Kirby plays happily with his new friends,
having been invited to live in Pupu Village. A sudden
rainstorm makes everyone realize Kirby still has no home!
Tokkori refuses to even let him come in out of the rain, while
the mayor's wife Hana worries that Kirby will gobble up all
her food like the first time.
So Fumu and Bun set out to find Kirby a job
and a roof over his head. Since Dedede hates Kirby and would
never let him live in the castle, they try various places in
the village. In the meantime, Dedede is trying to make sure
Kirby doesn't find a place to stay, and he and Escargon, along
with Tokkori to make sure his house-hunting doesn't work out.
Kirby gets a job as a busboy at Kawasaki's
restaurant, but Dedede and Escargon's pranks get him tossed
out- and Kawasaki is too afraid to face the king. Kirby tries
Curio's shop, Gus's gas station, and even Samo's bar, but in
every case Tokkori gets him in trouble.
After speaking with Coo and Tokkori (who still
refuses to help, despite his respect for Coo), Fumu decides
they should just build Kirby a house outside the village. All
the people pitch in to build a treehouse for Kirby.
Meanwhile, Dedede decides to go with plan B
and order a demon beast. Customer Service sends him what
appears to be a brick, but with the press of a button it turns
into the massive Yokozuna Demon Beast, Blocky.
While the villagers have a feast in
celebration, Dedede uses his jeep to destroy Kirby's house. He
sends Blocky after Kirby to try and squash him. Kirby is
unable to inhale such a huge foe, and is stomped paper-thin.
Fumu rescues him and tosses him away from danger- right into
Tokkori's nest. Blocky destroys the tree while trying to get
Kirby, and Kirby manages to escape.
Fumu wonders how they can beat such an enemy,
and Meta Knight appears to offer advice- they should use the
enemy's strength against it. They get Kirby to practice
inhaling smaller rocks and work out a plan.
When they see Blocky again, they lure it to
the edge of a cliff, where Kirby is able to inhale it
downward, sending it tumbling. He inhales a piece of it to
become Stone Kirby. The other parts of Block attack him, but
he turns into his huge stone form and crushes them. They
manage to reform into Blocky, and chase Kirby only a cliff
over the ocean. Their combines weight is too much, and they
fall into the sea. Kirby turns back into normal and swims back
up, but Block sinks to the bottom.
Everyone but Dedede and Escargon are thrilled,
and this time they make Kirby a simple dome-shaped house
outside of town. But he prefers Tokkori's nest!