As it turns out, Dedede is into
bird-watching. He leads Escargon to the top of a cliff
overlooking the jungle, and is just thrilled at the variety of
his feathery cousins- until something spooks them and they all
fly off. Something massive flies overhead at great speed,
causing destruction in it's wake. Dedede says it was the
legendary bird, Dynablade!
Crops, forest and even Kirby's
house are nearly destroyed as it zooms past. Bun thinks Dedede
must have orders a demon beast, but Fumu isn't sure. They find
a gigantic metal feather, and Curio is thrilled- he knows all
about the legendry Dynablade, which comes to Pupupuland to lay
her egg every hundred years. She has metal wings and a razor
sharp beak and claws, and is said to fly at the speed of
The watermelon fields have also
been destroyed, leading the farmers to accuse Kirby, but Fumu
says he couldn't have... and Kirby picks that moment to come
along and eat the watermelons. A mob of farmers chase him and
he escapes, but suddenly platters of food start floating by!
He tries to resist but simply can't, and is captured by Dedede
who was using the food as bait. He takes Kirby away, but are
spotted by Rick and Tokkori.
Dedede takes Kirby to the top
of a tall cliff where Dynablade has made her nest. Escargon
gives him some matches and they encourage him to chow down
before leaving. Kirby is thrilled at the idea of what you
could do with such a large egg, and it seems its fate is
Rick tells Fumu and Bun what he
saw in the meantime, and the two of them go to Dynablade's
nest and find bits of eggshell everywhere. Dynablade herself
returns, and goes into a rage upon finding her egg gone.
Dedede goes into the second part of his plan, drawing a huge
picture of Kirby eating Dynablade's egg.
Kirby fishes obliviously at the
coast when Fumu and Bun come to warn him, but it's too late.
Dynablade chases him, but loses him when he dives under water.
He runs to the village but she follows, destroying buildings
in the process. Fumu asks Coo to try and reason with
Dynablade, but he says it's impossible- she thinks Kirby ate
her child! Even Meta Knight won't do anything, saying Kirby
must take responsibility for his actions.
Fumu calls the Warp Star, but
there's little Kirby can do against Dynablade. His inhale
won't work on her. He escapes to the coast and they follow,
but when Kirby falls and gets stuck it appears he's doomed...
until Dynablade's chick appears, safe and sound. It appears
that Kirby was actually taking care of it, and Dynablade
forgives him.
Then Tokkori shows up and
reveals Kirby had been trying to cook the egg, but it hatched
in the process. Fumu gets angry with Kirby at first, but since
everything's okay he's forgiven.