Enquiry: Hey there Ivyna! It is my intention
to make your life funnier by asking one very silly question
and telling you one very silly fact.
Question: What's up with Meta Knight's eye
color changing according to his mood? Has anyone in Dreamland
ever considered using him as a traffic light? There's, um,
Dedede's car.
Hm, I need to cover this in the FAQ. =P But you said it yerself- his eyes change according to his
mood. Quick and easy guide:
Yellow - normal (I use the term loosely)
Blue - happy, pleased
Green - serious, thoughtful
Pink - amused?
Red - Nightmare senses are tingling
No idea what other colors might mean, but
that's what we've seen so far!
Fact: Waddle Dees/Doos' way of ingesting
food (which Y-Brick asked you about in a past Ask Ivyna!) is
called... Phagocytosis! And they absorb fluids through
A black hole draws things in by using
immense gravity. If Kirby had a black hole in him, it would
destroy him and everything around him. =P No one knows for
sure, but Kirby seems to have some kind of sub space
dimension for a stomach XD I figure it's more like a vacuum
and he draws in stuff like that.
Enquiry: Hey! I've practiacally fallen for
you! Your site on kirby! Is the best! And that orange ocean
place was shut down, i can't find any good pics of them like
you have of all of kirby and his abilities...do you know ANY
site that has those kind of pics?
Glad ya like it. Hm, well we have a lot of
pics of him here... Almost all in fact. Did you look in the
Ability section? I need to add some more...
Enquiry: (Yes, that new guy on the forum is
in fact me) I was looking at the newest design art and I can't
help but notice Chucky turns really nasty in one pic. What was
Dedede trying to do in that ep. & WTH's up with that evil
grin on Chucky's face.
I don't know all the details, except Kirby
dies in that episode. =P