Some of these have SPOILERS for future anime and game
things, so they have been blacked out. How to view em? Simply highlight the text!
For 7/18/05
Name: Tiff Enquiry: What happens to Meta Knight after Nightmare is Defeated in the Anime??
He goes back to Dreamland with everyone
Name: Anne Packrat Enquiry: Why does Escargoon sound like Paul Lynd? Was it the director, 4Kids or
the voice actor's prerogative to go this route?
Supposedly, along with Dedede's voice
and maybe Meta Knight's, it was Nintendo's decision.
As to WHY- eh, they think they're
clever. Personally I think it's stupid to make a character
purposefully sound like an existing one- because then the
viewer mainly thinks of the character they SOUND like- not
the character they are!
Enquiry: Hi! When you said Nightmare wasn't eNeME or as other people say
'enemie', didnt MK say that there was a monster named eNeMeE in the 4th ep. I
dont get you
In the dub, MK was referring to
Nightmare as eNeMeE.
That is not Nightmare's name. You can
call him Nightmare, or the Emperor of Darkness, or both.
Name: Supersonic Warrior Enquiry: Hey Ivy, I have a bet going with a friend. He says kirby's race is
known as "Kirbys" which I know isn't true, but I don't know the real name. Can
you help me out? Thanks.
Your friend is an idiot and has lost the
Saying his race is called 'Kirbys' is
like saying my race is called 'Ivys' instead of humans.
There is no official name for his race,
however. Some called them Dreamlanders, which isn't
accurate for the anime as they aren't from Dreamland.
Safer is just creampuffs or puffballs, as
it describes their appearance...
Personally I've always wondered if
they're called Batamon, after that Kirby-like guy who
appears in KDL3.
But, just a guess. They have no official
name- but whatever it is, it's not 'Kirbys'.
Name: Kelsey Enquiry: Now that you understand what I mean (by what you said to my response
last time) I will ask this again: What did it mean in episode 1 when Meta
Knight's eyes glowed a brighter yellow, then orange, then green? Yes, I am very
persistent, but I really want to know!
Yes, I understand what you mean now.
They just sort of 'flashed' in that
episode, I guess as a sign of surprise. It's the only time
it's happened.
Name: ScatCat! Enquiry: Hi! it's me (the 11year old kid) Why is it when MK talks I hear this
mexican music? I don't get it!
Because 4Kids thinks it's clever.
Name: wingkirby Enquiry: Well, this question is a mix of games and anime (I'll ask KW this too
if ya want) Anyways, my question is... in ep 90 (born to be mild pt. 1) Kirby
held up a piece of his motercycle. I didnt get a good look at it cause it was
cut off on my screen. Was that an eye piece(its something on Wheelie scooter)
or just a plain circle piece. <(-.-<) ?? I just dont get it. (oh and tell me
if i should ask this to KW)
It's an anime question, it goes to me.
It was a plain circle. Kirby's vehicle
was modeled similarly to a Wheelie Scooter, but it wasn't
the actual thing.
Name: wingkirby Enquiry: Hi me again. These q's are from the Kirby Fright to the Finish movie.
1. When kirby went off to destroy the monsters that were attacking Halbert
(whatever its spelled) the door blasted and then there were those flying
fighters. I thought that was a dream, not real.
It was a dream, but those fellows were
still real.
Name: Salesguy Enquiry: Terribly sorry for all the messages.I'm new to being a Kirby fan and I
noticed your (insert wonderful compliment here) art. I love
it. But what questions me is who is Gardell? Please spare me from your yelling! o_0
Gardell is a character I created for my
Kirby fanfiction.
Name: Amy (a big MK fan!) Enquiry: Hi it's me again! =) just have one question for you.
On the episode 'Kirby comes to Cappy Town' after MK's eyes glow he terns around
and his cape dose up i paused it and wile the cape is in the air his cape is
also on the ground! O_o Is it a stuff up?
Probably an animation mistake. They
Name: gabriel Enquiry: i live in mexico and i discovered that they pass more recent kirby
episodes than in u.s.a.For example:today i saw episode 99 ¿why do they pass it here first?
You're just lucky, I guess. We have to
wait until September to see the rest here.
Name: Casiana1 Enquiry: I've been reading your fanfiction, "Warrior's Secret", so I have a question now. Is Gardell and Knuckle Joe's aunt really ever mention on the show,
or are they just characters you made up?
Ya know, you're not the first person to
think some of my characters are official. ^_^; I guess
it's flattering...
But they're just ones I made up for my
stories. :D
Name: Burnin' Leo Enquiry: I am sorry that this is not an anime Q but...
1: what copy ability looks the best to you?(I'd say crash)
Er, whadaya mean by 'best'? I dunno, I
can't choose anyway...
Well gee.
We have Wolfwrath, who's a dog that eats
And Fire lion, who's a cat MADE of fire.
You do the math.
Name: Ian renstrom Enquiry: what's the diffrernce between master and galaxia??
does master have a different sword or something else??
Galaxia is the name of the sword MK wields
in the anime.
Master is the name of a similar sword MK
has in the game 'The Great Mirror Labyrinth/Amazing
Name: waddledoodaa Enquiry: is waddle doo rare cuase there only in in dee dee's chasle
I think someone might be upset to see
you using his name.
But anyway, I think your terribly worded
question answers itself. If there's only ONE Waddle Doo,
then chances are they aren't very common- in Dreamland
Name: Casiana1 Enquiry: I recently heard you have a website called "The Best of Three Worlds".
I want to see it, but I don't know the adress. Could you please tell me? Thank
Name: wingkirby Enquiry: me again, and a few q's is all. 1. Did Nightmare create the
salesguy? I mean, a salesguy cant just come to a secret fortress and work for a evil
Well, Joe did, didn't he? =P
And Salesguy was most likely created by
Name: Moose Enquiry: Why is Kabu a Good Guy in the Anime but in the games he's a bad guy?
Ya know, I go over all of this stuff in
the FAQ. The games and anime are different, because they
wanted them to be different. What more do you want?
Name: Burnin' Leo Enquiry: WHAT IROO/spikehead/ IS A BOY? They had me fooled. (my freind thinks
Dren from Mew Mew Power is a girl and loves Zoey, man is he a dud) any ways,
what eveidence is there that he likes Honey? If i knew for myself, I'd be
freeked out!
Yep, he's a boy. And he and Honey were
probably first shown to like each other in the Ghost of
Midsummer two part episodes.
Name: Jagan_HieiFan Enquiry: hi, i'm new here....well from what i know, the dubbed version just
changed some of the names or their spellings but kept some of the names the
same. what do you think?
Uh... what do I think about what? Why
they did? I don't know. I can't read minds. =(
Name: Da Kirby Dude Enquiry: 1. Why is King Dedede obsessed with getting rid of Kirby? Is it
because he is jealous of Kirby bieng the hero?
Name: Burnin' Leo Enquiry: Hi Ivyna. I have a few questions
1: In the Escargoon Nudity, I found a few strange things. On the dub version,
once Dedede is out of juice try to clober Escargoon, Escargoon says 'Me thinks
the king is out of shape' Is this somehow related to what Popeye would say?
Damnit I don't know why 4Kids does what
it does, okay? ;_;
His eyes were pink when Fumu was telling
him there was an action figure of him and he found it
funny. They were red when they found that 'haunted house'
Nightmare had created.
Name: Cloakkirby Enquiry: Was a dvd or video ever released with the origanal japanese animation and story and all that but had english subtitles, or the japanese origanal dvds have that function?
No. The only DVDs that have been released
are either the originals- which are Japanese only, no subs,
or 4Kids, which are edited dub only.