Some of these have SPOILERS for future anime and game
things, so they have been blacked out. How to view em? Simply highlight the text!
For 8/09/05
Name: Sushi Kirby Enquiry: I am sorry if this question was already answered... About how old is
Tuff and Tiff?
I'd say about around 8-10 for Tuff, and
10-12 for Tiff. They seem about 2-3 years apart.
Name: pierce Enquiry: in the show, why doesn't paint roller do his "rock symbol"?
His what?
Name: Broom Kirby Enquiry: I've got some questions about the Kirby Movie.
1. How does Kirby get the Crash, Cook and Ice abilities? (When I ask how Kirby
becomes Crash Kirby, I'm asking how he gets it in "Takeoff! Battleship
Name: Anonymous Enquiry: Hey Ivyna! Since I did the sucking up to you last time, I jsut get
straight to the questions.
1. In "Sacred Sword Galaxia," Silica says she seeks Galaxia to avenge her
mother's death. I would assume she is refering to Garlude, yet in a previous
Guru response, you likened how she learned of if to how Knuckle Joe learned of
his father's death and well.. you get the picture. So just clarify this for me,
is Garlude Silica's mother or father?
Name: meta_narf Enquiry: hi ivy! i live in mexico, you said that there was 2 episodes right?
were cut but one of them "Episode 17- The Ring Story of Parm and Memu" could be
seen in mexico, o you know why?
Name: Ganymede Enquiry: Is Tiff a really weird looking cappy or some other species?
Oh, I do need to make a second FAQ and add
It's pretty obvious she's not a Cappy, as
she looks nothing like a Cappy aside from yellowish skin
color. O_o
Weeell it's a bit tricky unless ya know
some Japanese. =P
But Japanese doesn't actually have an 'F'
sound like we do. Or an 'H' sound. It's sort of...
in-between. So the 'F' in Fumu is a bit breathier than a
normal F in english.
The 'u' are pronounced as long 'oo'
sounds. Her name is more accurately written Huumu, but I
tend to shorten it to Fumu.
Enquiry: From my last question, why would you not want 4kids to make a sequel to
the show?
Because I don't like how they dubbed the
first series, so I definitely don't want them to make another!
Only HAL and Warpstar should make a Kirby
series... And I want Funimation to dub it. XD
Enquiry: Hey. I'm a very big Kirby Fan, and i've also watched the Anime.
Anywho, I was wondering. Have they confirmed a Sequel to Kirby Right Back at Ya? I
really don't want this show to end.
Enquiry: hey, this doesnt really really have to do with the anime, but on the
guru page, I noticed that your gurus start at 21, and kiby warriors start at 11.
what happened to the first ones? without them, people won't know what was
already asked (apart from your faq). well, um, yeah. that's it.
They're still there, I just don't link to
them since the page was getting rather long. XD You can
access them by changing the number in the URL. :D
Enquiry: Are you working on a complete ability list for the anime? I ask
because I'm creating an archive for all of Kirby's abilities (mostly for
personal reference) and I got to thinking that there had to be more abilities
than there were listed on the page. I didn't know if that was all there was or
if there was more (I hope there's more) that haven't been listed yet.
Yes, I plan on it. Probably after I finish
the character guide since that's more important.
Enquiry: I hope you don't mind me asking this (since this is a bit of a personal
question), but by what you've said in the past, you sound like you don't like that much. Why is that?
I would think it was obvious. XD They dub
their shows poorly and don't provide uncut originals, so I
don't like em.
Enquiry: sup'. I thought at first this question might belong in the FAQ, but
nobody seemed to ask it, so here it is..
I was wondering, Is King Dedede always going to be evil? I mean, he was sort of
a good guy in Nightmare in Dreamland. Or will he at least show a nicer side in
the later episodes?
He's not 'evil'. He's a bully who's
jealous of Kirby and wants all the attention...
He was shown to have a nicer side in the
episode with the big asteroid.
Enquiry: Alright, I'm more or less certain this has never been asked before, if
it has, I'm really, really sorry.
Anyway, on to the question. In the anime, we see that Meta Knight's eyes glow
with emotion, but in episode 26 when Meta Knight is knocked unconcious by
Chilidog, his eyes are still visible. Does that make it safe to assume the eyes
we see under the mask are not really his?
Oooh I wish I knew... I assume in that
case, since he was paralyzed he was just unable to close his
eyes. ^_^;
Enquiry: Hi! I only have one question. I think it was adressed once before, but
it didn't go into much detail. In the anime, why does Kirby always say
"poy-oh"? Does it mean anything in japanese or something.? Thanks for your time. ^_^
Enquiry: Do you have a theory of what the kirby sequel will be? If so, do you
think the main boss will be Dark Matter (I know he doesn't appear in the anime
presently) or the return of Nightmare/N.M.E.?
Well, considering that the original ending
with Nightmare not actually being dead, I would imagine he
would have at least some role in any sequel.