Enquiry: Why would they use a Mexican voice for Meta Knight, it dosen't sound
that good.
It might be because in the original, he
has a short theme they play occasionally that sounds
Spanish-y. They might also have been trying for a 'Zorro'
effect. What they ended up with was bad acting. :D
Plus, on a side note (do not have to answer), for the Kirby show, you
put up a section that shows you the dubed, and origanal parts of the show. When
you watch the origanal, is it suppose to be a clip or just a sound file(to the
baisc sence). If the clip, read this. Mine doesn't work. Do you have any idea?
Oh, whoops. Thanks for reminding me. The
Kirbykirbykirby.com site moved their videos to a new folder. I
changed the links accordingly.
Enquiry: I have a question: Does kirby Have an Age in the Anime?
No one knows exactly how old he is, so
no. However, in the original, MK said when Kirby crash
landed was when he was 'born', so Kirby's sort of two years
This is kind of a weird question so it might be a lil' hard to explain. What do
you think Kirby's 'skin(?)' or 'pink outer layer' of his body made of? I know
there are plushies of Kirby, but playing the games and watching the anime, I don't think he has fur, fuzz or cotton on his skin. Or do you think it could be
like human skin, but only stretchier? Same question goes for his feet.
Um... skin cells. :D *TANK*
Well, I doubt he's made of anything
artificial. XD It's possible but... nah, it's just skin,
but... he's an alien. o_o So it's WEIRD skin.
I think it would have a sort of soft,
velvety texture...
And the red things on his feet are shoes,
supposedly. Jury's still out on that one. :D
Last Guru page you said that 4Kids owns all the dubbing rights to nintendo. If this is true why is Pokemon on Kid's WB and not on the 4Kids channel. Im not sure which channel it is on where you live but its not on 4Kid's here!
4Kids still dubs Pokémon, but KidsWB has
the rights to air it. It's complicated.
Enquiry: hey ivyna will the kirby anime be aired in the uk? I can watch 3 or 4
episodes on the computer but dats not enough thanks for your time
I have NO way of knowing this information,
for the last time. CONTACT YOUR LOCAL STATIONS. Ask them if
they're going to air the show. Stop asking me.
Enquiry: I have a lot of trouble finding Kirby merchandise. You have tons!
Where did you buy it? Can you help me by giving me some stores (on-line is
better)> Thanks.
Enquiry: In the cartoon, the cappy kid's name with the hat is Iroo and the cappy
kid's name with the spikey hair is spikehead. How come in the Kirby Rainbow
Resort the cappy kid's name with the hat is Hohe and the cappy kid's name with
the spikey hair is Iroo?
Because the dub messed up and got their
names wrong.
The real names are Hohhe for the one in
the hat, and Iroo for the one with spiky hair. (Really, wtf
kind of name is Spikehead?)
Enquiry: In the Lolo Games, Lolo and Lala fought against a
bowser-like villain named King Eggerland(AKA: the great Devil)
How come King Eggerland doesnt cameo in Kirby right back at ya?
Because 99% of people wouldn't know who he
was. =P Lololo and Lalala were from a completely different
series than Kirby, so having them cameo is prolly enough.
Enquiry: A response to the 4kids deal with nintendo to dub all their anime.
why the hell would they team with 4kids!? look at what they did to poor
not-so-old luffy in one piece. and pokemon is probably kinda cool until they
dubbed it. Not that i'm a 4kids hater...or am i? should i be? i'm confused now
Eh, probably because the Pokémon dub was
such a success, Nintendo decided to stick with them. Who
Really, early Pokémon was some of 4Kid's
best work... Then began the steady decline...
Enquiry: Hello Ivyna I want to know how did king dedede became the king if the
only penguin in dreamland is him
It's a mystery. No one knows how Dedede
became king, because he's been king for 300 years and no one
in Dreamland (except maybe Whispy or Kabu) are that old. XD
It's 'Star Warrior' and it seems to be a
kind of destiny thing. You're born as one- or at least
that's suggested by Kirby being one. He's too young to have
made a conscious decision.
Enquiry: This might be a bit confusing, but I'll be as specific as I can. Do
you think Tiff/Fumu has a sixth sense, empathy (reading people's emotions), or
any other kind'ave psychic abilities? An example would be in the latest episode in the
Appreciation Day, 'How did she know Dedede just wanted to be loved (just
to have a friend)' and another example would be from the movie where knew that summoning the
Warpstar would give kirby the star rod ability (Not even Nightmare
knew that)? Sorry it's a long question, but please do your best to answer it.
Hmm, nope. She's just smart for her age,
and more than a little idealistic. :D
And she didn't know that Kirby would
become Star Rod Kirby, she was surprised by that.
Enquiry: Have you got any kirby episodes on your computer? I've heard a lot
about this show. And most people I know sya it's fab. I would love to have a few
episodes to watch at my leisure. So, can you send them, if you have them, to my
No, I can't send them through email.
Contact me on AIM. Ivyna J Spyder
Enquiry: I looked at the Chara Guide and... why is it when Knuckle Joe is the "good" version of him, he shows NO resemblance to his father? Cause in his evil
version, he look just like his father!
... ... thats all.
Sure they do! They both have crazy spiky
hair and pointy ears and all! ...And early on at least, they
both had purple skin.