Enquiry: Ok, in the FAQ I read that nightmare was being possessed by dark matter. And if dark matter is a worse throught then Nightmare, then why doesn't it ever mention it in Kirby: Right back at ya!?
Because the anime is different from the games. They change
things. Duh.
Enquiry: When would Kirby's birthday be? I remember seeing the date somewhere, but I can't remember where I saw it. Hmm... I have nice memory. *rolls eyes*
2.does 4kids have dubbing rights on sega
game based animes like Sonic X or capcom game based
shows like maga-man and viewtiful-joe? (I hope they didn't dub
anything too bad with viewtiful-joe!)
The 4Kids voice actors do the voices for the Sonic games
now, but 4Kids themselves don't have anything else to do
with it.
Enquiry: Another question, do you have a pic
of the abilty you get on the 64 game. The abillite with all
the bosses fused together. (What dose this do?) Oh and how
come when o2 apperes he has a face then it turns into an eye?
I have to
see there are a lot of weired bosses in the kirby universe, I
would say keep ot up! (^-^)
The hell man, you don't ask me those kind of things.
That's what KW is for.
And the hell you spelled 'ability' wrong twice, in two
different ways. WTF.
Enquiry: Greetings! Ok, my only question is,
If the creators of Hoshi no Kirby (I prefer this name better)
wanted to animate some of the characters with CGI, why are
only Kirby, DDD, and Escargoon animated this way, and why does
their animation swap from CGI to hand drawn throughout the
I dun see why people ask this. How can I know why they
*wanted* to? I can't read minds. o_o
I think I also covered it in the FAQ...
Enquiry: Um do you think Funimation or
however will be realesing un-cut DVD's. I have already
e-mailed them to let them know that there was a demand like
you said. So um is there? *Hopes*
Funimation apparently WANTS to release uncuts of 4Kid's
stuff, but 4Kids won't let em.