1. To sub an episode of the Kirby Anime
(Ripping, translating, editing, encoding, etc.) sounds like a
lot of work, even when more than one person is working on it.
So I was wondering: How long does it take to sub an episode?
And if it�s possible, can you give us a summary about how the
process of subbing works?
Oh right, I did intend on making a guide...
Well I'll give ya the short of it.
Subbing an ep takes about a week, depending
on stuff. Suimin transcribes, I translate, I get it checked by
several other people, I
time and encode the video. The part that takes the longest is
transcription/translating/checking/quality control.
Pretty much all the foreign language dubs,
in the Americas and Europe, etc, are just re-dubs of the 4Kids
I�m not sure about which one was it
translated from, because in the English dub, the episode
"Devil Kirby" was banned, but I watched that same episode on a
Latin American channel called Jetix not so long ago (in
Spanish, of course).
Yeah, none of the eps were cut in the
Spanish version apparently. They may have translated that one
from the Japanese script, but who knows?
If Dedede and Escargoon died in Episode 29
because they ate Kawasaki's special curry, how did they return
in later episodes
It's a cartoon.
I have lineups for the 79th episode,
comparing with the Donkey Kong arcade game. They are:
Kirby-Mario, Fumu/Tiff-Pauline, and Bonkers-Donkey Kong.
What do you think about it?
More like Bonkers = King Kong and Fumu=
whatever her name was from King Kong...
Recently you have been asked about Fumu's
name (you know, "Tiff meaning argument or wishful thinker,)
and you said the name Fumu didn't mean anything. Well I have
looked this up several months before you said this, and
"Fumu" does have a meaning. It means "to walk on" or "to walk
through". (And "Bun" means composition, or sentence.) I wasn't
trying to prove you wrong or anything, I just read something
you have said, and noticed a mistake.
Except her name is actually written 'Fuumu'
or 'Huumu',
and that certainly doesn't mean anything. (And it wouldn't
make sense for them to make her name mean 'to walk on', that's
pretty much meaningless.)
The names follow a pattern, but that's
pretty much all the meaning they have, unless it's something super subtle.
Not even my Japanese friend knows what the meaning behind em
is. XD
Hey there, Ivy. I was just wondering why in
some promotional pics DeDeDe has a cane, but we never see it
in the anime? And if we do, can you tell me what episodes it
appears in? Thanks!
Ah, good question! :D Well to be honest, I
really don't think he ever appears with a cane in the series!
How odd.
its me again. (kirbykid and kirby krazy guy
in the past) its not really a question, and im a little
skeptical about asking you, but..... forget it. what is your
absolutly worst, most hated(lots of other words that have to
do with dislike, but worse)least favorite thing in the
show/part in the kirby show?(i hope this isnt on the faqs)
Hi Ivyna J. Spyder I have a Question that
has been bugin me for the past 8 months. I'm a Big Fan of the
Kirby Anime and I have look at the Eps. Guide and have read an
Ep. Title DEVIL KIRBY! (u.s Frog wild) what is that about?
Kirby gets a new mode? Kirby turns Evil? or does he have a
You're in lucky- I just released the sub
today! :P
This isn't really a question, but I found
that you don't have the original japanese kirby comic in your
site. If you want, our school library has 7 japanese comic
books with kirby in them, I could send them to you <( ' _ ' )>
and he investigates what the King is up to
and to keep things right and in tip-top shape. But the King is
a rampaging bull of obesity who summons monsters and wreaks havoc on the citizens of DreamLand. Thats a crime and
that is a problem.
It's only a crime if Dedede makes it one!
Why doesn't Parm/ Sir Ebrum stick his nose
in where it does belong? Parm seems to ignore that side of
King DeDeDe and just investigates certain cases that doesn't
involve the King.
1 - He doesn't want to lose his job.
2 - He values his life. Dedede would
probably smack him with his hammer if he ever question him.
3 - He doesn't have enough guts to go
against him anyway...
Erm... Ivyna? I feel stupid asking this but what do the stems -dono,
-san, -sama, -chan, mean? I've always heard them for a long time but I don't
know exactly what sort of sense of meaning they have.
Ah, of course. Well, quick Japanese
-san : Like Mr. or Mrs.
-sama: More polite form of sama. You'd use
it when talking to your boss or something.
-chan : diminutive, 'cutesy', affixed to
nicknames and pet names and such.
-dono: similar to sama or san, but not
used as much.
3. Yeah... in that one episode where Tuff/Bun fantasies getting a car, exactly
why does he imagine driving past Tiff/Fumu and leave her spinning like a TopMan Sibling rivalry, or is it something else? I MUST KNOW.
5. You condraticted yourself in a more recent guru of yours, saying that
Tuff/Bun was around 9 and Tiff/Fumu was like 12. If I remember correctly, in an
earlier guru you said that Tiffumu (admit it, that's a much cooler name than
either Tiff or Fumu... ADMIT IT, YOU FOOL!!!! Ahem...) was a teen of 15 or 14
Hello. After watching the PhanPhan dub, believe it
or not, but I'm
impressed by it. The only 2 parts cut out was the scene were
Bibli took a dump
and when Hitti was juggling the knives, but, one question:
Did they cut out the
scene with the knives so that kids wouldn't play with them?
That dub was terrible, I don't know
what everyone keeps talking about. >_< Phanphan's dub
voice was annoying and repetitive and 'Whippy' sounded
like Jigglypuff gone bad. Not to mention a ton of
inaccuracies in the script.
And why do people ask me why they cut
things? I'm not 4Kids. Go ask them. :|
So tell me, if Sword Kirby and Meta
Knight went up against each other, who do you think would
win? Do you think Kirby would be able to kill Meta Knight
if he wanted to? It's hard to say who's more powerful.
Hm... Tough one. It's hard to imagine
why exactly they'd ever try to fight to the death, to be
honest! But if they DID... Kirby might have an
advantage. He has the potential to be much more powerful
than MK.
If MK's the same race as Kirby, does
that mean he eats a lot too? Something tells me he
I wish I knew. XD The only things
we've ever seen regarding MK's eating habits are the jar
of candy in his room, and a pic from a picture book
where he's at a freaking barbeque and all he has is a
plate of rice. Seriously, who goes to a barbeque and has
RICE? He's crazy. :|
Also, were Jecra and Meta Knight really
close friends? I know that Jecra was like- friends with
everyone, and I'm not really asking if they were a hot
item, X3 but was he a special friend of MK specifically?
MK says they were friends. How close
they were is up to interpretation, since there's nothing
really contradicting it! :D (I say they were close
friends. *HOUSE*)
Ivyna, would you clear up Nightmare's
relation to Dark Matter for me? Isn't Nightmare being
controlled by Dark Matter or something? Would Nightmare be
any different if he wasn't controlled by said matter? ...
Yes I do know Dark Matter doesn't appear in the show.
Thank you. :3
Well ya sorta answered your own
question. XD If DM never appears, it's hard to say
there's any connection between them!
Their may be a connection in the
games, but it's not proven.
How tall is Dedede? If Fumu is twice as
tall as Kirby, and the adults are twice as tall as Fumu,
and Dedede is twice as tall as the adults, does that make
him 5ft. tall...? O_O;
I apologize about all the questions. X'B But I digress!
It's nice to know there are some people in the world who
have enough brain capacity to be considered "sentient".
How unfortunate that the majority of people are just
deplorable and plain stupid. XP
Uh, well we don't actually know how tall
Kirby or anyone is to begin with... Hm.
Well ONE clue we have about their
heights is from the episode where they get a bunch of
paintings from earth. At one point they're standing in
front of the Mona Lisa.
The Mona Lisa is about 30x21 inches.
Meaning... They're all under 30 inches- unless the
animators didn't take the true size of the painting into
account, which is quite likely. XD
This WOULD make Kirby about 8 inches
though, so if ya go by that whole thing, this would be