Here we have the questions that people ask
OVER AND OVER AND OVER again. So now, if you actually do
ask them again... I GET TO PUNCH YOU IN THE FACE.
Generic Kirby Fan #45403! :D

Hey, how come the anime is so different from the games? How come Gooey and Dark Matter aren't in it, or Chuchu or Ado or Ribbon? How come there are so many new characters? They weren't in the games! They messed everything up!

Well to answer the first- simply because HAL didn't want an anime that just copied the games, like so many other game to anime conversions do. That's a sure sign of something that's just trying to cash in on a fad- but HAL wanted something unique that kept the basics of the games but could stand on it's own!
The anime is based on the games, but they're completely different worlds! Some say that the only way to connect them would to say the anime comes before the games- but in reality it really has no connection to the timeline. Alternate, parallel universes and all! Close but no cigar.
For the second... Well, why wasn't Gooey in 'Kirby SuperStar'? Why weren't Chuchu and Nago in 'Kirby's Dreamland 2'? Simple - it just wasn't their time!
You know, HAL could have just crammed all of these characters into the anime! But they didn't, for good reason. I mean think about it... If they just went and used ALL the game characters right away... Then they'd run out!
There have been rumors that there's a sequel planned for the anime- and if that's true, it solves everything! The reason HAL didn't use Dark Matter and Beam Kirby and all the rest- they were saving it for later! Wouldn't that be cool, to have a whole new season of Kirby with new stuff instead of just one with a ton of characters crammed in? XD
The third question goes with the first- well they need other characters since they need to fill in the gaps, so to speak. Kirby 64 brought in Ribbon, KDL3 brought in 3 new animal friends- and the anime brought in lots of new characters too, but also a lot of familiar faces!
So no, nothing was 'messed up'! HAL knows their series,
and any changes were deliberate and had good reasoning
behind them.

What about 'Fololo and Falala'?! It's
Lololo and Lalala!

Ha, well blame the dub for that. In the original they got
their names right!


Ivy, why is Meta Knight a GOOD GUY in
teh anime?!!? He's supposed to be EVIL like in the games AND

Again, because HAL wanted him to be! Remember he's not always
a bad guy in the games either- he tries to save Dream Land in
Kirby & the Amazing Mirror and Squeak Squad. Even as early as
Kirby's Adventure he was giving Kirby power ups

But he tries taking over Dreamland in
Kirby Superstar!

you are! There was something about him being possessed by
Nightmare, but we now know that that probably wasn't true. All
we know are a bit of his motives- that he wanted to end Dream
Land's 'lazy lifestyle'. But it isn't too important- the anime
is different from the games, simple as that.

about Whispy?? He's evil too!

Just because Kirby fights him, doesn't mean he's evil. In the games Whispy wasn't evil. He just got possessed by
Dark Matter a lot and probably was protecting his forest. And remember, everyone you fight in
Kirby's Adventure is just helping Dedede protect the Star Rod

Wait, how come Kirby can't talk? He just
says poyo and his name! Kirby's not supposed to be a dumb

First off, he can, and he says more
than that!
And lemme ask ya- could YOU talk when you
were a baby? Eh? Didn't think so! Kirby's way smarter
than you at that age! (Or maybe even your current age! Ha!)
As I said before, the anime doesn't follow
the games exactly. So HAL wanted to show part of Kirby's
life that we didn't really see in the games- before he was a
big hero! In a sense, the anime is a story of
Kirby growing up.
And yeah he can talk- his 'Poyo' is
actually a kind of language that a few people can
understand... And he says a lot of things!
Buuuut they get cut in the dub more often
than not. Originally he'll say his own ability and
attack names, and certain words he really likes. (Like 'suika'
for watermelon!)
So someday he'll be able to speak a
language you or I could understand, but give him time man!
He can only grow so fast.

And how come he never flies?

Oh he flies! Not a LOT, but he has
when the situation warranted it. It's just usually
walking/running is faster.

Ivy! You said that Sakurai said the
anime couldn't have humans in it! But that Salesguy person is
a human!

Nope! Salesguy
resembles a human
(somewhat!) but he definitely isn't a human! Trust me, he
couldn't be farther from one! XD

Hey could you draw me a picture please?

Um, the Gurus section isn't really the place to ask this!
Why don't you email me or something instead?

How about some screenshots? Do you have
any pictures of this character? Oh! I want episodes to
download! Can you put them on the site?

Whoa whoa now!
You're asking a lot now. If you want
screenshots I have a new section for that- over at the
forums because that would be easier to keep track of. If you want any screenshots, clips or episodes, please post
there! You can also view my subs there.

Wait a sec, you said the anime was based
on the games but other stuff is different too! Like how come
Bugzzy has Sword power and not Suplex?

'Cause they didn't want him to? I
dunno, I've never asked em! They must not have chosen
Suplex to appear in the anime, but they still wanted to use
Same goes with other changes like that-
it's just what they did! I have no way of asking them
unfortunately, so I can only make a guess.

Hey do we see Meta Knight without his
mask in the anime?

Ah, don't you people want to be
surprised? Well highlight this if you wanna know!
Highlight. Sorry,
nope! Not really. End highlight.

Where can I buy Kirby's Japanese DVDs?

Does <insert ability> appear in
the show? What episode? Can you list all the abilities?

What's your favorite
ability/character/episode/pizza topping/tv show/etc...

Well I'm flattered that you wanna know
what I think! But technically this isn't the place to ask...
Still, I'll put the answers here to sate your curiosity! XD
Ability: Crash, Parasol
Character: Knuckle Joe, Sword and Blade,
Yamikage, Meta Knight..
Episode: Lots! Mostly 'Loyalty! Sword and
TV show: What a silly question.

Kirby doesn't come on where I live! Why

Kirby doesn't show on TV anymore, it ended in the US!
Nothing I can do about that. If you live in another country
it may still be showing, but you'll need to contact your
local TV provider and ask them!
Or you could just head over to the fansubs
section of this site...

You always say the
English dub is really
different from the original! What stuff did they change?

Dude do they cut out a lot of blood and

Ha! There's no blood and gore to begin
with. (Well ~very~ little.) Kirby isn't really an
'action' anime in Japan. It's considered a 'life
drama', kind of a parody of real life in some ways. It
has action and comedy and satire and drama... It's a mix of
lots of things!

They changed the music in the dub? Hey
this original music is sweet! Wait, I hear music from Kirby's
Air Ride! Did the anime take music from that?

Yer a bit mixed up there- actually, Air
Ride takes a lot of it's music from the anime!

How many episodes are there? Is it still

series ended at episode 100 in Japan last year and recently
ended in the US as well.

When is Kirby going to defeat eNeME?
There is no eNeME.
The person the dub calls 'eNeME' is
actually ~Nightmare.~ Same guy you fight at the end of
Kirby's Adventure!
Furthermore, his company is really called
'Holy Nightmare Corporation', or HNM! ^_^ No silly puns,
just a kind of oxymoron. =P
And he defeats him in the last episode,

How come the show is 3D sometimes?

Because the show uses state of the art 3DCG technology!
Yeah, they're trying something new, mixing the 3D and
cell drawn animation. Most other shows just use CG for
backgrounds and robots and stuff, Kirby's trying to make CG
that looks more like the normal animation...
Though it looks odd in earlier episodes, it does improve
GREATLY at the series goes on with improved models and more
fluid movement. It's interesting to compare.

is there gonna be a sequel?

there's no way of saying for sure. I'm not psychic, nor am I
able to contact people at HAL to ask... But I've read that
the first series ended early because of Sakurai leaving the
company. Take that with a grain of salt, it's just what I
heard! But with Sakurai not around, there's probably less
chance of a sequel.

I trust I've answered all your questions then? Well
now you know-

Why isn't Meta Knghit EVIL?!
Don't let this happen to you!