King Waddle Dee
I don't have a lot to say, but I found the name of the rolling turtle mini-boss in Kirby's Adventure. It is called Shellatoss.
W4K: Well give us prove? :P
Bagel: I've heard a lot of names for that mini-boss, and I doubt the validity of all of them.
Frosty: I hear lots of names. That's all I have to say.
MZ: Is that all this is about? I feel cheated out of a decent entry.
MW: Wow MasterZora... You must get that feeling alot. ;X
EEEEEE!!! Question one: Can I join the mailbag???? Question 2: Do you like CHEEEESE??? And I'm only HALF insane, by the way.
Stop mailing about cheese.
-Refer to above reply-
I do believe that question has already been answered
No. (period)
What did I say last time?
In the wise words of Flosty: No.
Yes, cheese is a very good product. However, I don't feel a need to answer this question in every mailbag, so please stop asking.
You wish to be mailbag? Well... "Half Insane" just won't cut it. ;D
Impact Kirby
On the Gameography page of RR, it says that Kirby had a main role in Super Smash Bros Melee. Isn't that more of a cameo?
W4K: Seeing that Kirby is an actual playable character it wouldn't be considered a cameo. If that was true all fighting games would be just all cameos character.
Bagel: Yeah, Kirby is playable, so it's not a cameo. He has just as big a role as Mario. If he isn't one of the main characters, my question is: who is? If you want to see a cameo, play Super Mario RPG, and go to the Rose Town inn.
Frosty: No.
MZ: A cameo means that it's a small role that serves no purpose in the game besides small background appeal or such. Kirby plays a large role, being a playable comabatant, so no, it is not a cameo.
MW: In fighting games, all characters have the main roles. And believe it or not, the Super Smash Brothers games are really core Kirby games. They were made by the same creators as HAL, and also the Music that plays in All-Star mode is really also off a Kirby game. Besides, if Kirby were meant to be a Cameo, Kirby would not have been available as a playable character from the start of the game, nor be compadable to play in each stage.
hi i love kirby,i think he is so you now any good ps2 game, please e-mail me back. from tannith.
W4K: Depends on what genre games you like
Bagel: "Good" is in the eye of the beholder.
Frosty: .
MZ: I can name one good ps2 game: Devil May Cry. Go have fun with that for a couple of days.
MW: ... DDR...?
I wasn't sure who to contact for this so I'm asking you... Do you know where I could find Kirby music that isn't an MP3 file, like for Midi or something? Just a question. Many thanks!
W4K: Nope sorry I don't know any :o
Bagel: That's a bit unclear. If you want MIDIs, then KRR does have them.
Frosty: Try looking at the site!! !
MZ: What's wrong with an MP3 anyway?
MW: We got MIDIs... Not a whole lot though. Keep in mind, me being the multimedia staffer, I must have things subbmitted to me, and not steal from elsewhere. Even then, I must do a thorough check on many submitted material to make sure it has not been stolen. Getting a midi in the mail is quite the rarity. Mostly it is just Sprites and MP3s. >>
Where do you get the SNES, Kirby Superstar, and Kirby's Dreamcourse?
Also, Nice site. These days there is no good Kirby sites anywhere except the official Kirby site.
W4K: If you're lucky you can get those at Gamestop. If not there's always eBay.
Bagel: Yes, what Wolf said. If you're willing to pay, that is.
Frosty: What they said.
MZ: What they said, unless you're willing to take a walk across the line of legality. But I'm not allowed to discuss that here...
MW: Offical Sites are crunk. All your Kirby are belong to us. But you didn't hear it from me. Got it? :X
Katie Wilkes
Kirby is the coolest , I have played and completed kirbys dreamland, though I realy want to play kirbys nightmare in dreamland, or at least read the story to it, because I've read the story somewhere else on the web site, but if you ask me it doesn't realy explain detail the proper actual story. Ant way HI:) and I'm 10 so my spelling is probally rubbish!!!
W4K: Umm yea...
Bagel: There's probably more complete coverage of the K:NiD story on the Kirby's Adventure page. K:NiD, if you didn't already know, is a remake of Kirby's Adventure.
Frosty: Is there something that makes you unable to check the KRR website itself?
MZ:It's probably the same problem that everyone else has: they can't search for themselves.
MW: King Dedede stole the star rod and broke it into seven parts for no real reason, expect to protect it from the dark shady figures swimming around in that sleepy water fountain. D:
Ok, i have questions for all of you.
What will you do if you heard of a Emulator that has the new kirby game on it.
Do you know what an imulator is
tell your best guess of what
happens in the kirby game ( the storyline, events and stuff).
If you mean the Mirror game I wouldn't care
imulator never heard of it.
I dunno
Emulators are illegal, and this question will not be answered due to KRR's policy against emulation.
Emulators allow one to illegally play video games, such as those for Super Nintendo and Sega Genesis. Again, I highlight the illegality of seeking them.
Never played it, dunno.
I've already heard of it, and I'll dismiss any conversation of it because, as Bagel said, they're illegal
Do I know what one is? HMM NO. (yes I feel insulted)
No one has to guess... HELLO?! ?ANYBODY?! DID THE KRR WEBSITE EXPLODE OR SOMETHING?! woww a story. And remember to check the forums for the latest news on the Mirror game!
See Bagel and Flosty's answers.
Just what Bagel said, with a small correction. Emulator themselves are not illegal. In fact, there are legal Public Domain ROMS that can be used with them. The only problem is, mostly any ROM you want, namely anything you've already heard of, isn't probably PD.
Kirby beats up/eats bad guys in an attempt to do something.
MW: Quite the touchy people we have here. :D *mobbed*
Some kid they call J2
Two Questions.
What would you guys do
if you could run the site for a day? Maybe you could block E-mailers
that send dopey e-mail. Or you could make a new section or something.
Just wonderin'.
Who do you think would win in a fight,
MetaKnight, or DeDeDe?
I wouldn't really do anything
I think I would win
A day isn't really any time to do anything, but try to improve upon it, obviously.
I'd say MK, because while mallets hurt, Swords kinda kill you.
Improve on some stuff, like what Bagel said.
Use the site to build up my massive personal army and take over the world. Oh, and world peace.
MK, because he has a shiny sword and shiny is cool.
King Dedede... Reminder you, he is MK's boss, and can fire him if he does not fake losing.
Amy Clare
i wuv you all thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis much~
W4K: Why thank you. We all love you too
Frosty: hlo
MZ: That's nice to know. I have somebody who wuvs me thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat much.
MW: You love us all apporximately one inch. That's... ... ... THE GREATEST THING EVER!!!1
GK is UNDERRATED!!!!!!!!!
W4K: I'm sure he is.
Bagel: Wow, it's amazing how uninformed the people who send us comments can sometimes be.
Frosty: .. D:
MZ: I think he's overrated, personally.
MW: No... GK is juuuuuuusssst right.
RevorTay AlphRay
This may be a dumb question, but... If you were stranded on a desert island and could only bring one video game and one system, what would it be?
W4K: Gameboy Advance and WarioWarez! because gameboy is the only thing you can play without power plug :o
Bagel: A Marble Madness arcade machine, if possible.
Frosty: Gameboy DDR 2nd mix. Since, as wolf said, it doesn't need a power plug.
MZ: LoZ for the NES and a GameCube, because it'd be funny to find a way to make it work like that.
MW: As Bagel like obscure Atari Arcade games, I prefer many kinds of Obscure Sega Arcade games like Crazy Taxi... Maybe DDR Extreme to top that off. But that thing wears me out. D: