Hai! That guy who was named King Waddle Dee in
the other mailbag post wasn't me =P just to get that clear.
On to the question:
If you were a fish what fish would u be? :O
Do any of you like crabcakes?
If you were stranded at an anime convention next to a bunch of geeks
wearing D&D underwear eating carrots and trying to eat noodles through
their noses while juggleing promo DVDs of Naruto, on a sweaty 4th of
July what would you do? :D!
I would be a fried fish
I like crabs on cake
I would stab them
Probably a shark.
Not me.
I would leave the convention. Fast.
A swordfish. It's always handy to have a sword with you.
Yes. If you want to send me some free ones (high quality only), you should contact me.
Leave and go to Gencon or Defcon
Puffer fish. THEY'RE AMAZING
Never touched crab since a certain food poisoning incident last year. D:
Bluefish (the real blue fish no Dr. Suess thank you very much)
Manipulate them to do my bidding and play with there heads. They make the best slaves :D
Some Nintendo Fan
Besides being Kirby fans, why did you make
How long have you guys been on this site?
Do you guys live nere each other?
I didn't make it so I wouldn't know
Approx. 3 years
None of the mailbag staff made KRR, Kindar did. This page may be of some help to you. :P
MZ: Well, one day I stumbled upon KRR and I said, "Hey, that'd be cool to make! Too bad Kindar already did it years ago!" and thusly it was born...
I've been here almost a year
I live near Apple Kid and that's all I know. Though I have suspicions that GK may be stalking me... *darts around corner quickly*
a while. :o
I LIVE SORTA NEAR WOLF. But still cities away. D:
Yeah that was Kindar alone I believe
About a year or so
I live in the same place as Bagel actually
Just out of COMPLETE curiosity (and boredom),
who originally started RR?
p.s. What's your favorite Kirby ability?
W4K: Kindar started this site. Parasol would be my favorite ability Bagel: Yeah, the site was started by Kindar. My favorite ability would probably be either the fire/bomb combo in Kirby 64, or parasol.
MZ: Kindar, that lovely (well, I've never seen her, but it's never bad to suck up to your superiors) person, started KRR. my favorite ability is the ice/lightning combo from K64, I believe, where he turns into a refrigerator and dispenses food, because I think it'd be awesome to have a steady supply of food like that. Flosty: Kindar...And favorite ability is whatever I said last time. I fear I may contradict myself. PD:Kindar (woah repitition) as for my favorite ability it all depends on the game.
ocirina of time
Um...sense you hae a classicgaming. site I was
MMMMMMMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you can't see whats wrong
can you make another site and give it to me?
W4K: Probably because you're site isn't good enough. No we won't make you a site Bagel: Well, what Wolf said was pretty much correct, and we won't make you a site. But don't give up hope. :P If you really want to get a ClassicGaming site, then just keep honing your programming skills, and keep updating your website.
MZ: How about... no! Mwehehehehehehehehe! Flosty: You also might be sending the email to the wrong email address at classicgaming. PD:er....yeah please read above
Helleew! PK here!
This question is, I guess, for Kindar and Narf.
What program did you use to make the animated avatars?
This is for all of you!
When you make jelly toast, do you put butter on under the jelly? I
do! It ish good!
W4K: Narf no longer staff at this site. I don't eat jelly toast :o Bagel: Yeah, Narf doesn't work here. I used to eat jelly toast when I was younder, and yes, I put a very small amount of butter under the jelly. :P Usually raspberry or strawberry jelly.
MZ: What they said about Narf. As for the jelly toast, I don't put butter on. I used to, but then I discovered the beauty and deliciousness of the simplicity of a simple slice of bread, properly toasted, with nothing but grape jelly spread on the top. Yum! Flosty: Well for MY animated gifs, I use microsoft gift animated. And I hate jelly. :o No not because of food poisoning. PD: Narf doesnt work here anymore, let's all have a moment of silence................ok whatever.
Um...hi. I... have some questions to...ask.
How do you put those lines through your words/sentences? I want to!
How do you know what each other said on the answers to the questions?
How come ot takes so long for some mailbags to be posted? I'm not
trying to rush anyone or anything, I just wanted to know.
This one's for Kindar: Great Kirby site!
In HTML just put between the words.
We have special powers.
Because I love to be lazy.
What Wolf said.
Mailbags are first posted elsewhere, in a secret room of sorts, and then when they are put up, they ar sometimes resequenced.
Because Wolf and MZ are lazy. ;p
Google is your friend, and apparently so is W4K!
I think Bagel ruined it, because W4K had a better answer. We seemed cooler that way.
Because I'm lazy? Well, yeah, but it's usually not my fault if it doesn't get up in time. My responses are as timely as my mother will allow me to get online, and as for my actual updating of the mailbag, it's usually hindered by circumstances beyond my control. But I still think Wolf is lazy.
We need to wait for everybody to reply to the mailbag, and it may take a few days before they notice, then transfering them into html form takes a while. And sometimes, uploaded the mailbag can be difficult due to evil ftp problems. This is probably the most useful answer I have ever given.
yeah what they said
We communicate with each other through a series of computers that allows high speed telepathy and no verbal communication for verbal communication is inferrior and not allowed KAPEESH.
Because wolf is lazy and I get more e-mails *gets dragged off kicking and screaming*
Textarea Box Comments: Does anyone know where I can find a good Kirby
HTML page? I've tried search engines, but there's nothing that's actual
Kirby HTML (just people named Kirby). Please assist!
W4K: Uhh KRR? Bagel: By "HTML page", do you mean like a website? I mean, pretty much every Kirby website is made with HTML, and I'd say KRR's pretty much your best bet.
MZ: Hmmm... let's go to a Kirby website to see if we can find if there's a single Kirby website on the Internet... Am I the only one who sees something just a little bit wrong/ironic about that? Flosty: :O? PD: Dont worry Masterzora I see it to....and it saddens me.
Metaphor Kirbster again. i'm just curious, how old are
you guyz and what gender???
W4K: 16 Male (so close to 17) Bagel: I'm 14 (15 in two weeks), and I'm male.
MZ: I'm 15, male. I'll be 16 in 5 months and 9 days and I'll be female in.... wait, I'm not going to ever be female (or at least I sincerely hope not). Flosty: 18/Female/Miami Beach, Florida. ...What? I AM NOT LYING ABOUT ANY OF THOSE. PD: Yeah Frosty isnt lying, you should see him he's hot. Anyway I'm 15 and male.
Formally animeguru, now known by all as Shugo
If you got sucked into a MMORPG like final
fantasy XI through your monitor and you coudn't log out, while all your
friends and family started racing around Japan trying to figure out what
happened. What would you do? I only ask because a friend of a friend of
P.S I did not rip off .hack
W4K: I would play the game I suppose Bagel: Mmhm. Well, I'd probably just play the game or whatever, but more importantly, why would my family race around Japan? I mean, they're not THAT stupid. I don't think there is any Japanese staffer here, either (altohugh a couple are learning Japanese).
MZ: I'd beat the game in 10 minutes (don't try and tell me you can't beat MMORPGs. I'd find a way) and get unsucked from the game. And my family wouldn't race about Japan period, that be plain idiocy. Flosty: See what happens if I gameover. PD: Well I would be oddly depressed and confused and travel around with my heavy blade friend who wears the worlds skimpiest outfit and then hook up with a lot of people later and try to find my way home while being dragged about here and there....yeah I watch .hack to.
where's applekid gone?
metal gear advance:kibry is out! y you dont have it covered??
AppleKid is staffing at anoter part of the site.
Because theres no such thing
He is... yeah, what Wolf said.
No thanks.
You really don't expect us to be that stupid, do you? ;o
He hasn't left his house much all summer except for brief outings. I do believe that he's going to be on or is on vacation, but it's all good. If you meant on the site, well he moved to fangames because he was tired with dealing with idiots in mailbag (his words, not mine).
Sure, I'll give you CAN$1,000,000, but you have to give me US$1,000,000,000 first.
I don't know what you're talking about! Look harder, because it's on this site! Perchance you should search closer, looking at everything, checking every last pixel for clues. Better start now, though, cuz it might take centuries.
Just working on another part of the site.
Better idea: how 'bout you give ME money?
Applekid, I saw him around real lively and such apparently at a new part of the site.
I'm cheap why would I give YOU money.
....can I get that in English with a sie of fries to go please?
AK: I feel so loved... *sniff*
some filth
I'll try organizing my questions a little to not
confuse myself...
If you could add any new power to a future kirby game,
a.What would it be called?
b.What would the hat be (if any)?
c.what would it do?
If you could use the K64 mixing system to mix any 2 existing powers,
what do you think the wirdest combination would be? I'm ganna go with
cook + ninja.
a. Devil Kirby b. Those devil ears thing. c. Poke enemies with pitchfork woo :P
a. Lawyer ability; b. Suit and briefcase; c. Shoot legal mumbo-jumbo out of your mouth in any direction.
a. MZ Kirby b. A Zora scale c. The ability to totally rock and have all enemies bow down and worship your awesomeness, and bring you gifts of treasures and moneys and they'd beat the entire game for you. Plus you get ninja monkeys.
Money Kirby. Hat: Rich people hats. Give yourself free moneys.
Fire+Ice. ...oh wait they already did that one... Fire+ice.
It would be called Britney Spears kirby and it would look ugly with strange outfits and kill it's enemies by singing bad music....or maybe GeorgeBush Kirby that would dress up all nice like and would babble things no one would believe and thus killing the enimies (guess my political stance and get a cookie)
Hmm, angel + sword imagine it's the arcangel coming for you :D (happy thoughts ^_^)
Jack the nutter
OMGOMGOMG! I love this site, which my mate told
me about, but he told me the same day I started reading
Wolf4Knowledge's FAQs on! Wierd or what? Anyway, love the site!
W4K: I'm sure that weird Bagel: Yep, that's an interesting coincidence.
MZ: There's no such thing as coincidences! It's a conspiracy, I tell you! A conspiracy! I'd suggest running away before "they" get you. Flosty: yay? PD: Umm yeah guess...hmmm...ummm...stay in school, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD STAY IN SCHOOL.
Kirby: The Pink One
Hello! Hello! Hello! Why is Kirby pink? I think
Kirby should have a power like Matrix Kirby or Super Duper Kick Badguy
Butt Kirby. Don't you agree?
W4K: He's not pink he's has many colors. Nah biting off something isn't cool :P Bagel: The "normal" Kirby is pink because it seemed to fit in the "cute blob" category, most of which are pink. However, the guy who made Kirby originally wanted him to be yellow. :P Matrix Kirby would be copyright infringement.
Why Kirby is pink: The picture displayed on your screen isn't really continuous, but rather, it is made of many small pieces called "pixels". Now, these pixels are colored by electron guns shooting different colored lights in various proportions and intensities, making every color you see. Now, it just so happens that the program calls the electron guns to shoot out the right combination to make Kirby appear pink to your eye.
Technically, you could have Matrix Kirby without copyright infringement, but it wouldn't be what you expect. Instead of wearing leather jackets and sunglasses and shooting everything in sight, which, by the way, looks like green numbers, Matrix Kirby would be a mathematical equation, perhaps looking somewhat similar to: |1 6 39 8|. Wouldn't be as cool as you thought.
Flosty: Isn't there an explanation of this somewhere on the site? :o PD: Kirby is pink because he can be duh, and matrix bah to cliche now, how about dirty hairy kirby, and Terminator Kirby, now there's a death machine. Oh yeah the Matrix isnt the only thing to every use bullet time people, stop drooling over it =D
Textarea Box Comments: Hi! I was wondering if there was ANY
Kindarspirit in Kirby or if Kindar found the name elsewhere. And if so, where can
I find a picture of it? Does it look anything like Kindar's little
icon? (the one thats falling asleep and wakes up looking embarrased)
W4K: Kindar seems to be an original name. I actually have no idea if the icon is how it's suppose to look like her. Bagel: Kindar's name is original, I'm pretty sure, and I think her staff icon is supposed to be a sort of cartoony rendering of herself.
MZ: Kindar is an original name, and I believe that her staff icon is an actual photograph of herself. Flosty: Actually, I thought I heard her getting it from a book? PD: Oh I actually know this one, Kindar is a German word for child, thus child spirit. As for the picture I have not a clue.
For the cameos, although i didn't get a picture,
there's also a time where you can get a Samus statue posed like on the
Metroid 2 cartridge by using the stone ability.
W4K: Probably something Kindar forgot to add Bagel: What Wolf said.
MZ: Wow! You must be uber-31337! /sarcasm Flosty: What BAGEL said. PD: What Frosty our leggy supermodel said
Textarea Box Comments: I was just looking around the site and I noticed
a couple holes in the Kirby Super Star ability guide.
One, Mike Kirby has 3 different panels and 3 different animations, and
I just thought it would be a good idea to include all of them.
Two, the Mix status panel is missing. What's up with that?
Just a thought from...
W4K: Lets see if Kindar would want to do something of it :P Bagel: We are not the right people to ask.
MZ: I want to see a mailbag in which there is not a single question or comment about an unrelated section, but alas! Flosty: *busts into a dance* PD: Mailbag can't do a thing and neither can I, we are so limited arent we.*flees*