This marks KRR's first "complete set" of manga, with both fanlated and non-fanlated scans. Special thanks to Ivyna, Final, and other KRR's German Speaking/Knowing resisdents who have helped out. ... It is actually rather odd, since this stuff doesn't really classify as "Manga" really. It isn't from Japan, so normal, non-manga, reading patterns apply here.

  This stuff is... Different. It seems this entire thing is just a parody of Dick Tracy with shameless plugs that reference the Kirby games that were being sold at the time. This is nice, since parody is nice. It is still... Different. While Kirby might be here, drinking, smoking, looking at dirty maganzines, sneaking into women's washrooms, and many other things, he still manages to retain is navie persona. Who'd of figured that? Don't get me wrong though, this is indeed a tale of drama, suspense, and mystery!

  The scans of these comics are from (not to mistake with the Nintendo Power magazine). Released in Germany both appeared in the official German Nintendo magazine "Club Nintendo" (aborted in 2002). The stories of these two comics are from Claude M. Moyse, who was the chief editor of Club Nintendo for many years. The stories for the comics came from editors of the magazine, while artists in Work House Co., Ltd., Tokyo, had the drawing part (so the comics can also be called Mangas). As you can see, the German editors had a lot of freedom for their ideas, they also wrote the texts.

  In an online interview, Claude M. Moyse said that he didn't like Masahiro Sakurai all too much (for unexplained reasons). Running this (and reportedly a few others) was, more or less, his way of getting back at him by "turning Kirby into a freak", Mr. Moyse said in a light and humoured tone.

  • Year Published: 1996
  • Price: Free
  • Pages: *32
  • Mangaka: Work House Co., Ltd., Tokyo
  • Writer: Claude M. Moyse
  • Scanned by:
  • *Only counting the actual comics.



  © Rainbow Resort 1999-2007. Kirby and all related characters © Nintendo