NCFC is Nigh!

After a long wait, the Nintendo Community Fangaming Convention will be launched tomorrow and online for two days. I've been preparing for this day for quite some time, and I even hear there are some other Kirby fangames to showcase as well!

Everyone come down, ar?
Mega WarpPosted by Mega Warp - 2:57pm October 20th, 2008
Seriously? More games? Well anyways, I can't download the new video ( or any other vid ) cause I have this Family Safety thing and it thinks it's "bad".
Posted by Kirby623 on 3:19pm October 20th, 2008
Posted by alonda on 3:51pm October 20th, 2008
I submitted 2 games ^_^

(in the Kirby Games Booth)

I bet you'll like em both!
Posted by RisenTerran on 5:50am October 21st, 2008
Darn, I can't download the games. Sad.
Posted by Prince Flarema on 4:16pm October 21st, 2008
Heck yeah! I can\'t wait~
Yay for the EB Zero Remake Project too! Wish I could go!
Posted by Leirin on 12:14pm October 23rd, 2008
teh burning orange has taken the the whole FCS. That must be record with 7 drawings.
Posted by Captainflip on 4:15am October 24th, 2008
Will there be Kirby RPGs in there?
I really want to see what will be people's take on them...
Posted by SilverLunar on 6:59am October 25th, 2008
Yes, MW is showcasing KWRPGIII I believe.
Posted by Leirin on 11:31am October 25th, 2008
Halloween is only a week and 2 days! (YES!) What is everyone gonna be?
Posted by Kirby623 on 4:26pm October 25th, 2008
Although I probably won't be able to dress up on Halloween, I would put on my Ike costume. It's really authentic.
Posted by Prince Flarema on 5:27pm October 25th, 2008
Maybe they'll like it... Does anyone on staff (or forum) have a video camera, or someone bringing coverage, like G4? Or do just random people have cameras and come there? If either of these are true, viewing of these would be appericated.
Posted by Dime on 8:18pm October 25th, 2008
Guys, I have an important announcement. This has been copied and pasted straight from my Kirby fan site:

Most of you have probably heard about the melamine poisoning in many brand chocolate foods, am I correct? You should Google lists of affected brands. But the worst part about this is: it\'s not only chocolate. And I might have even eaten an affected brand. Even Ritz Crackers and certain brands of tea have been affected. So please, spread the word, do it as much as possible, warn people before Halloween hits because I have been getting terrible visions of what will occur this Halloween. Personally I\'m staying away from snacks, chocolates and other things. I think I\'ll just eat some homemade cake and rent a video game for Halloween.

Spread the word... please ;-;
Posted by Leirin on 6:41pm October 27th, 2008
WHOLY?? That doesn't sound good AT ALL! I will tell as many people I know.
Halloween + poisoned candy = X_X
Posted by Prince Flarema on 8:21pm October 27th, 2008
Maybe the Halloween's candy will have flavored poison?
Posted by zero-slash on 11:57am October 28th, 2008
Last Updated - July 30th, 2009