By: IcyFrostyDude
I forgot.
Online Name: IcyFrostyDude
Nickname: Idiot, Dinh-Boy, Frosty
Age: That's rude!
Job at RR: Message Board Admin/Nazi, Erm. Do I
look like the mailbag person?
Favorite Video Games: Kirby, SSBM, DDR, beatmania
(Whee, I have no other life)
Favorite Music: Well, being a liker of music games
give me a lot of tastes, so...: Eurobeat, Hyper-Eurobeat,
Techno, J-Pop, etc.., and Kirby music.
Favorite Website: KRR, bunch of DDR places...
Personal Website: I don't own any websites of my
Personal Quote: "Yup, yup - Eat 'em up; yum,
yum, yum."
Favorite Colors: Blue, Sky Blue, Midnight Blue,
Early Morning Color Blue.
Strengths: DDRing, Running and other Track &
Field Events, School.
Weaknesses:Yay! I'm a procrastinater! I'm also
easily distracted, afraid of the dark, and there has been
only two people that I've been able to beat in arm wrestling:
Two kids that were weaker than me.

Rainbow Resort
Last updated 4.24.03