By: Marx
Name: Ken
Nick Names: Marx, Vanguard, VB Vanguard, Vang,
Ken, Kenny, Kennyboy, Kenneth, Vanguard the everchanging
Age: 14
Birthday: 8/19/02
Job at RR: Webmaster! Well not really... Oh fine
I'm not! =P
Favorite Video Games: Kirby, Sonic, Megaman, anything
that's fun.
Favorite Music: Everything that sounds good! Genres
don't really matter to me. I like anything from Ambient
to Rap to Metal to.. to anything!!
Favorite Movies: Blue Streak, Happy Gilmore (comedies),
We Were Soldiers. Basically movies that are funny or movies
that have a storyline.
Favorite Websites: KRR,
MegaMan Outpost
Personal Website: KRR,
Raven Freeware
Hobbies: Video games, programming, messing with
your mind (mwaha)
Fav. Colors: These
Favorite TV Show: The Simpsons, TV Guide, Animal
Channel, News
Address: vbvanguard@yahoo.com
Personal Quote: "Now I'm happy. Now I'm sad.
Aren't hormones fun?"