HOST: There is now nine contestants left. We’re
about to have yet another intense mini game...!
KIRBY: Time to get some EXERCIZE!
EVERYONE: Shut up Gooey.
HOST: The minigame is about to start! Its... HIDE
KIRBY: Ehh?!
BLADE: What!
HOST: I seek! The one who gets found first gets
no lunch! The last one cant be outvoted! And... Begin! I’ll
count to 50! 1, 2, 3...
50 seconds later
HOST: Im coming!
Almost immedietly after start, he finds Sword.
Seconds after he finds Blade. Then Ribbon, Gooey, DeDeDe, Kirby,
Waddle Dee, Adeleine, and then Meta Knight.
HOST: Meta Knight is IMMUNE!
META: Whooo! Alright!
RIBBON: Congrats!
ADELEINE: Well done!
KIRBY: High... whatever i have!
Later, they all ate a big burger king lunch with
Sword hungrily staring at them.
SWORD: Aww... cheese, man!
BLADE: Its geez, El Stupido!
SWORD: Mmm.... Cheese...
META: Youre both so stupid! No match to me!
EVERYONE: Shut up Gooey.
META: Humphf!
After lunch, they all do what they want. (Well,
most of them do.) DeDeDe bosses Waddle Dee around, Meta Knight
brags about him being immune, tormenting Blade and Sword alot.
Adeleine paints, Ribbon and Gooey plays Kirby 64, but Kirby
feels alone and sits in the garden being bored. Adeleine sees
this through one of her windows.
ADELEINE: Oh, maybe i should keep him company...
Who am i talking to?
She then walks out and sits besides Kirby.
KIRBY: (Glad) Hiya!
ADELEINE: Hi, Kirby.
Adeleine notices a slight extension on Kirbys
face, then giggles.
KIRBY: What what?
ADELEINE: (Giggle) That weird face.
Kirby suddenly blushes and stares at
his feet.
KIRBY: Adeleine, I...
Adeleine watches him wondering.
KIRBY: ...I...I have to tell you...
ADELEINE: Kirby, look at the
Kirby is dazzled by the perfect
sunset, and suddenly, he feels very romantic. He leans towards
KIRBY: (Whispering) I love you,
Adeleines face extends into a
pleased smile. She looks at Kirby.
ADELEINE: I love you too...
Kirby smiles too. Adeleine leans
towards Kirby and closes her eyes, knowing that in a second she
will have kissed Kirby and they will be united for ever after...
HOST: Hey Lovebirds! Come in here,
its time to vote!
Kirby looks at Adeleine, and smiles.
He thaught he never would have been called ‘Lovebird’.
ADELEINE: ... Kirby...
Im gonna vote that
stupid DeDeDe outta here!
KIRBY: So am I! C’mon!
A little later.
HOST: Ribbon got two votes, Gooey four, but
getting his bum outta here is DEDEDE!