At breakfast, Adeleine and Kirby sits beside each
META: Am i right, or have a little something
changed here, Kirby? Yesterday you were sitting besides Gooey at
KIRBY: Uuh...
ADELEINE: Shut up mask boy. Your not immune
META: Oh... Right.
HOST: Now, today we’ve got a race as minigame!
Just run around a 100 yard track, the one who gets the best time
SWORD: I guess i’ll remove some armor then...
Meta started waving insanely with his fork.
META: No you wont! Thats just good training,
SWORD: Youre stupid! You eat vegetables for
BREAKFAST! Youre supposed to eat cornflakes! With sugar!
META: Shut up weakling!
SWORD: You shut up! Youre not immune any more ya’know!
META: No, but im still your captain!
SWORD: Whoops!! Heh, i guess i forgot... Heh...
Later at the track, people is warming up.
HOST: Are you ready to lose some weight?
HOST: Ok. Waddle Dee goes first, then Gooey, then
Sword, and then Blade, after that Meta, then Kirby, Adeleine and
last Ribbon. And Ribbon, you have to run.
RIBBON: Aw, i had it in a bag!
Waddle Dee isnt very succesful, Gooey neither,
Sword is totally useless, Blade is quite good, Meta is one of
the best, Kirby has better than him, then Adeleine, who has her
time between Meta and Kirby. Ribbon isnt very good at running,
so... Heres the standings:
First – Kirby
Second – Adeleine
Third – Meta
Fourth – Blade
Fifth – Gooey
Sixth – Waddle Dee
Seventh – Ribbon
Eighth – Sword
HOST: And so, Kirby is immune to all votes!
ADELEINE: You rock! Youre the best!
KIRBY: You too, you almost beat me... BOOYAH!
META: Shut up Kirby.
Later, everyone is using their spare time.
Ribbon and Gooey are as usual playing Kirby 64,
Meta, Sword and Blade are arguing about some stupid matter,
Waddle Dee is playing chess with himself, and Kirby and Adeleine
were painting.
KIRBY: Look at this, ‘Leine!
ADELEINE: Cool! Lemme guess, its King DeDeDe!
KIRBY: No, its King Kong!
ADELEINE: ...Oh. (Shrug) Ah well. They look the
same. Ha ha ha!
KIRBY: Ha Ha Ha Ha!
HOST: Come down, you paintomanics! Its time to
eat, dangit!
KIRBY: Heh, i ...
ADELEINE: Me too! Geez, i haven’t realized till
So, they walk down to the large dining room and
SWORD: Heh, soon we’ll vote. I bet im a goner!
HOST: Yeah, maybe... But i would rather vote out
Blade. He’s much stupider!
SWORD: Thanks!
BLADE: Thats not true!!
HOST: Time to vote, drybrains!
KIRBY: Alright!
They write down names on annoying little pieces
of paper. The host picks them up.
HOST: Now, theres a tie. Four for Gooey, Four for
Sword. I’ll just flip a coin. Tails for Gooey! (Flips a coin)
Meh. Swords bum is out next.
BLADE: Whose stupid now, huh?
SWORD: Shut up, you saltwater primate!
BLADE: Heh. Atleast im not voted out!
SWORD: You, you...
We stop here because of extremely much