game is pretty simple: Every Saturday at about 12PM (PST) a
treasure will be released on the site. It will be around until
the following week until a new item will be released. The item
can be hidden ANYWHERE on the site, so you will have to look
high and low! You will not, however, find the item on the Oekaki,
Forums, Artboard or Guestbook... that would just be too hard. ;)
The item will be hidden in a
treasure chest, that looks like this:
When you have found the treasure
chest, click on it and it will take you to the treasure's page
that will allow you to claim the treasure! There will be a form
there, with the treasure, where you must fill out your username,
e-mail (so we know it is you, this will not be posted on the
site), and then you must copy the URL of that same page into the
form so we know you got it legitimately. ^_^ Then, the next week
your name will appear with your score in the Hall of Fame.
Watch out though, because time
also determines your final score (read more below) and two
other treasure chests will also be released that contain...
nothing! A nasty trick on someone's part to fool you.
There are 60 treasures in total
to be found, so this contest will last over a year! Hope you
join us for the whole thing to find out who is the master
treasure hunter!
On this game, you can score following different ways. These are the ways to score on this game:
When you have found the treasure chest, you have filled and sent up the form, and your information is correct, you will get 100 points. But whatch out though.. After get the first 100 points of the treasure, the time you spent to find the treasure can determines your final score! You must to try to find the treasure and send the form as fast as you can within the first 24 hours, because after the first 24 hours have passed, you will not earn any time bonus points =( So try to do it as fast as you can if you want to increase a bit your final score ^_^ Here you have a list of the points that you can earn depending the time you spent to find the treasure:
Under 5 Hours
5 - 6 Hours
6 - 7 Hours
7 - 8 Hours
8 - 9 Hours
9 - 10 Hours
10 - 11 Hours
11 - 12 Hours
12 - 13 Hours
13 - 14 Hours
14 - 15 Hours
15 - 16 Hours
16 - 17 Hours
17 - 18 Hours
18 - 19 Hours
19 - 20 Hours
20 - 21 Hours
21 - 22 Hours
22 - 23 Hours
23 - 24 Hours
Over 24 Hours
No Points
There's also another way to score, but this one only works when the contest ends up. It's the Ranking System (see more below)
Ranking System
Depending about how much time has you spent, your work will be rated by a Rank. The Ranks, after collect them all (60 Items = 60 Ranks), you will get an Average Rank that works as a help for the final score of the contest. The Ranks that you can get are five: E, D, C, B, and A. These are the points that you will earn after collecting all the 60 Ranks and get the Average Rank:
1000 Pts
850 Pts
700 Pts
650 Pts
500 Pts
Watch out! These scores can descend if you haven't collected all the Ranks. If you couldn't complete all the
Quests, these scores will descend 10 points by every uncompleted
Quest. So try to complete all the quests sucessfully if you want to get a good score ^_^
The results of every cleared
Quest will be rated on the
Treasure Details section. There you will know when was
released the Treasures out, the difficulty level of the Quests,
how many persons found them, the fastest Treasure Hunter who found
the Treasure first, the points collected in total, and how many
persons were Ranked.
For the Difficulty Lv, we rate it
by how many persons have found the Treasure. These are the
Levels and the required persons to reach that level:
Req. Persons
Very Hard
Under 5 Persons
5 - 10 Persons
11 - 20 Persons
21 - 35 Persons
Very Easy
36 - 50 Persons
Over 50 Persons
If you send your information in WITHOUT the URL of the page, we
cannot and will not give you a score. =(
Please try to keep the treasure location to yourself when you
have found it, don't spoil it for everyone else.
We cannot accept any treasure findings after Saturday 12 AM
(PST). Any submissions after this time cannot be counted as it
is a new treasure day.