A big thanks to Jared, who has generously
taken time to write the most indepth Burst-a-Balloon guide there
is! Thanks Jared! ^_^
Hello, and welcome to the Kirby's Burst-A-Balloon Minigame
Guide! I'm your guest host, Jared B. McComb. It is a pleasure to
be able to work on this guide for Kirby's Rainbow Resort,
especially since this is one of my most favoritest minigames
ever! I might even go so far as to justify the purchase of Tilt
'n Tumble just for this game, especially if you find it in a
bargain bin! Anyways, I'd like to thank Kindarspirit for letting
me work on this guide for her site, even though she doesn't know
me from a Waddle Dee! Thanks a bunch, Kindar!
(KS: You're welcome, Jared!)
Now, as you probably already knew, Kirby's Burst-A-Balloon is a
minigame in Kirby's Tilt 'n Tumble. In it, you burst balloons.
Simple. You just move your cursor around by tilting your Game
Boy and shoot, and you get extra points in the form of combo
bonuses for not missing. That's it!
Well, okay, I lied. There's more. First of all, you have limited
ammunition (six shots, to be precise), and when you run out, you
must jostle your Game Boy to get more. (I know it says flip on
the official help screen, but a little jiggle usually does it.)
Second of all, every tenth normal balloon you shoot becomes all
blinky 'n stuff and bounces around, and if you shoot it a lot,
you get loads of points, but it's hard to hit. Third, you have a
timer to compete with. If you run out of time, it's Game Over
for you! Fortunately you can hit balloons with King DeDeDe
motifs to get an extra half a minute added to the timer.
Unfortunately, they zigzag back and forth, and are pretty fast.
Fourth, when you have a combo going, your cursor pulsates to
distract you. Finally, there are two colors of normal balloons:
blue and red. Red ones are faster but are worth 20 points, and
blue ones, which are 10 points, are slower.
Here's a picture of a blinky
and here's a picture of a DeDeDe
There, that's all the basic stuff, and it's all you really need
to know if you want to play it. Well, okay, you have to find a
blue star in the actual game to play it, until you unlock the
bonus star to play in by beating the regular game. But that's
all the basic info the game requires. However, if you're looking
for advanced expert super high-scoring tips, read on! Before you
do, though, this guide assumes you're playing this game on real
hardware. If you're emulating it somehow, you'll probably find
no need for this guide at all, since much of the skill of this
game lies in having a tremendously huge stamina and a good light
source. On an emulator, you don't have to keep your precision
tilting up at all, nor do you have to contend with possible
screen glare, reducing the difficulty by way too much.
Anyways, enough ranting, on to the tips!
First of all, there is an enormous difference between playing
this game in the first run-through of the main game and playing
it again after you get all 32 red stars. And that difference is
this: In the first version, you start with much less time. so
much less, in fact, that it doesn't make any sense to play it if
you want to get a competitive high score. An absolute
demigod-type high score in that game would be around 50,000
points, and that's assuming you know some terribly advanced
tricks that even I can't pull off! My high score on the first
run is somewhere around 10,000 points, and I know there are
probably people out there who are better at it than I am. (Of
course, I got bored with it, too, so I didn't play it much
compared to the red-star-run version.)
Anyway, in the first game, you start with 50 seconds and have a
single opportunity to get more time. Also, there are enough less
balloons that it makes the game seem awfully sparse. Believe me,
this is not the real game! Once you get the first set of red
stars, then you can access the fun one. The red-star-run version
(henceforth known as the RSRV) lets you start with 100 seconds,
gives you a virtually unlimited supply of DeDeDe balloons, and
flings loads more balloons up the screen at faster paces. The
combination of these three things makes me wonder why they
didn't just go the extra mile and make it a complete game by
itself. They could have added a plot, too! Oh, well... Anyways,
in summary, my first major high-scoring tip is to play the RSRV,
and none of my other major high-scoring tips apply unless you
follow this one.
Tip number two: Bounce. Yes, bounce. Bounce those blinky bonus
balloons! You get so many points from doing continuous bounces
that it is definitely worth your while. In fact, until you get
really really good, when you get a bouncy balloon, DROP
EVERYTHING and bounce it! Once you get really good (read: better
than me), you can even continue popping normal balloons while
you do this. I'm not sure, 'cos I'm not that good, but it may be
possible to get two blinkers onscreen at one time! Just don't
forget to reload in the middle of a bouncing session. Finally,
for this technique, it helps to count normal balloons so you
know which one is the tenth one, so you can be prepared to
bounce and so you can time the bouncing session so it happens
right after you hit a DeDeDe balloon (so you don't get
distracted by them, which is very easy)! This last timing thing
is vital to making the most out of your bouncing sessions.
My third tip is to practice hitting DeDeDe balloons. I said
earlier that on the RSRV, you get virtually unlimited DeDeDe
balloons. What I meant was, if you never miss one, you will be
able to go on forever, but if you ever miss one, your timer is
doomed to run out. The time balloons appear slightly farther
apart as the game progresses, and it is difficult to judge when
one will appear based on the timer, unless you get to the point
where they start appearing when there are around 15 seconds
left, after which they will always appear when the timer hits
15. also, they speed up dramatically after the first two, making
them harder to intercept. But don't miss any. If you have to,
treat them like blinky balloons and DROP EVERYTHING when you see
one! It is vital to getting high scores that you get loads and
loads of time, so don't ever miss one on purpose!
Final tip: Don't Panic! Ever! The reason: It will get easier if
you survive. Really. Just look at these three screenshots:
During the daytime, blue balloons, especially faster ones, are
more difficult to see once they get past the hills, and blinky
balloons can be a little difficult to see, especially when
they're moving a lot, which they do. In the evening time, it is
easy to see blue balloons, but a little difficult to track red
ones, and it can be harder to hit DeDeDe balloons. The balloons
also get a little faster in the first evening of each game.
Fortunately, compared to the rest of the day, the evening is
rather short. Finally, at night, it is easiest to see all the
balloons because of the large amount of contrast. Also, the
night time is the longest part of a single day/night cycle. The
balloons reach their fastest rising speed during the first
night, but there are also loads more of them, so there are more
to hit in shorter spaces of time from then on. The only time it
gets really difficult is when the night suddenly goes away to
reveal the next morning; the sudden shift from dark to light and
high to low contrast has screwed me up many times.
Now that the major tips are over, here's a handy point value
Blue Balloon: 10 pts.
Red Balloon: 20 pts.
Combo Bonus: 10 pts. for 1
20 pts. for 2
40 pts. for 3
80 pts. for 4
100 pts. for 5
200 pts. for 6+
DeDeDe Balloon*: 800 pts.
Blinky Balloon*: 100 pts. for first hit
200 pts. for second hit
400 pts. for third hit
800 pts. for fourth hit
1,000 pts. for fifth hit
2,000 pts. for sixth hit and beyond
*DeDeDe and blinky balloons do not count towards your combo
As you can see, it is rather profitable to bounce blinkers at
2,000 a hit, and even more profitable to keep a combo going at
the same time! It may also seem profitable at first to just go
after DeDeDe balloons, and in fact it does drain your stamina
much less, but it's boring as heck and isn't any fun, not to
mention you have to go for ages just to get over ten thousand.
Sure, you could go for 200,000 points using this method, but
that would take 250 DeDeDe balloons, which would take over two
hours! No thanks.
Now, you may be wondering, why the heck did Kindarspirit let
some random dude write this guide for her site?
(KS: Yeah, come to think of it, why did I?)
Oh, come on, don't you remember? I volunteered!
(KS: Oh, that's right. You were pretty qualified for the job,
too, as I remember.)
And I usually get around 120,000 pts. on an average game. I
bought this game around the time it came out, mind you. It takes
loads of practice to even nail 80,000 points in a single run. My
brother has trouble breaking 35,000. But just to help you guys
out, here are some miscellaneous tips:
Don't play directly under a bright light. You will get awful
Don't play more than about 15 minutes maximum at a time. Your
hands will get really shaky.
Play this game on a Game Boy Color if possible. If using a GBA,
utilize the panoramic view option (hit L).
Practice, practice, practice!
Don't try to follow DeDeDe balloons; try to predict where they
will be, and lie in wait. Same with blinkies.
Speaking of blinkies, the direction they bounce (left or right)
is influenced by which side you hit them on. Don't hit them off
the sides of the screen! Also, if one goes off the top of the
screen, it will fall back down, so be ready!
Don't get mad at the game. Feel free to get mad at anything else
in the vicinity, but don't get mad at the game. Doing so may run
the risk of damaging the game, your Game Boy, or worse,
yourself. Remember, it's only a game!
Don't ever run out of arrows! Reload whenever you get a chance,
even if you still have 4 or 5 available. You don't want to get
caught off guard.
Don't play with dying batteries in your Game Boy. If you can,
get an AC adapter of some sort.