Kirby's Rainbow Resort > Ask the Gurus > Gobbo's Session #07 | |
Ask Guru Gobbo #07You've got questions, and I got answers. Well, not really, but they are rather conviencing nonetheless. Here, I'm tackling the cache scored some time a week ago. Yes, I'm behind. Maybe another tomorrow? - July 26th, 2008 Here's a question that's been bugging me recently: Do you think that Meta Knight would have the same abilities as Kirby if he were to lose his gear? - animaster ![]() I would presume several of the abilities would translate. As has been demonstrated with King Dedede, other residents of Dream Land can puff up and float. Now, whether ol' Meta Knight would be able to copy others' abilities is a matter of debate. He already shows possession of various types of powers, such as Sword, Tornado and, possibly, even Wing. I bet he could pull of an inflation and other such as but doubt he ever would with hiding his identity and all. I was playing on my laptop, and then realized a new wii Kirby game in 2.5-D. Did you know about this? When will you think it will come out? What do you think the new features are? blahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahbhlahblajhalblabha Also, why is it that I turn blue when i hold my breath? - Kenny Chang ![]() I can't really tell if this was asked seriously or as a joke? Also, I don't get to use the grumpy icon enough. Yes, it has been known for some time that a new Kirby title is coming out for the Wii. This was announced years ago when the project was suppose to come out on the GameCube. The present release date is slotted for some time in 2008, but it has been delayed before. You turn blue when you hold your breath due to the oxygen levels of your blood depleting. Oxygen reflects light at the red portion of the light spectrum. As this happens, the red blood cells take on a more purple hue. Since it is blood that makes up a large part of what is seen though your skin, your appearance becomes "blue" by comparison to the norm. Science aside, you turn blue 'cuz the world, life, and the universe is telling you, "Hold it just a little longer, pleeease!" Will Sakurai ever return to HAL (or think about returning?) - DeathlyH ![]() I'm sure he has thought about it, but the seriousness of these passing thoughts can't be determined. As for will he, I cannot say. It would be great if he would, but I am unable to magic eight ball up these types of answers, sadly. At least, not until I get that magic eight ball installed in my head. I would say he is rather happy with where he is currently. But, who knows? In all these years, I don't think anyone thought Nintendo characters and Sonic would appear in the same game, and now we have Smash Bros. Brawl and Mario and Sonic at the Olypmic Games. It is really tough to predict the furture, but we can all still remain hopeful. does kirby like cheese - Mama Mia 64 ![]() Yes! Kirby loves food, all food that I've been able to tell. He eats everything from fruits and vegetables to strange, floating meats. Various dairy products have been seen and consumed in Super Star and other titles with the levatating munchies. I can't assume he has any reason to not eat cheese, so he'd probably scarf on that like anything else that can (and sometimes can't) fit in his mouth. Hello. I've tried to explain myself many things of the kirby universe too, making up my own theories and such... But there's one thing I never understood. At the final battle of K64, with everyone's favorite angel-eyeball thing... Just before actually fighting him, he seems to have a smiling face instead of the eye... Why? What does that mean? Another detail from the same game... What's with the people seen in the background of the factory level? Behind the glass tubes... The sightly melancholic music of the stage makes me think they are trapped... (And some concept art I saw from the game a while ago sort of confirms it...) =/ - Viper Kirby ![]() The smiling 0-2, I would say, is just another case of the Rabbit or the Duck optical illusion. It's just a picture that, depending on how the viewer chooses to see it, becomes that animal. There's several cases of this, and other such factors of it can be found within the Kirby series. The Dream Land 3 enemy, Bukiset, is sometimes thought to be a beady eyed, bucked tooth knight, even by Rainbow Resorts resident guru Ivyna J. Spyder. The single toothed grin is actually an eye slot. I could list more examples, but they would only discredit my ability to recognize sprites, which who wants to hear that? ... Now, while I've never played Kirby 64 before, I can guess that this is the case. This answer was wrong and corrected in Session #14. Moving on, the trapped folks in the glass tubes probably are just that: trapped in glass tubes. Creepy, yes. Frightening, probably. Giant mass of darkness consuming several worlds in its path of domination? Fits right in with the game, now doesn't it? Uh... This just recently occured to me but... if DeDeDe is always geting in Kirby's way, why doesn't Kirby just inhale him and eat him and have him gone forever? I know it's murder but realy? - Poyo ![]() There are some things that Kirby just can't eat. Large foes take more effort to inhale, mini-bossese take a good beating before they can be chowed upon, and bosses just can't fit. It may seem like it should just be done, but the King is just too fat, much like rock 'n' roll's king in his later years. Oh yeah, I went there. About my last question: It wasn't the creators of the Kirby anime that vandalised the paintings. In the oringinal japanese version, the paintings were left untouched, at least until Paint Roller showed up and ruined them. It was 4kids, the people who dubbed the anime for an American audience, vandalised the paintings./nThat is what I meant. Now for the question. Have you contacted Ivyna J Spyder lately? I think she's still an admin at KRR, but she hasn't done anything lately, so I just want to know if she is still doing things for the site? I hope I haven't offended anyone. - Sonny B ![]() In that case, I'll refer to my general one-answer-fits-all: 4Kids is a bunch of morons. Let's see someone argue with that! Ivyna J. Spyder has been rather absent from the Resort as of late. After her reign of updates that made people to believe that it was her that actually owned the site (and, truthfully, it should have been), she got admittedly moved on to other interests. She was graduating college to boot and probably had "real life" stuff to occupy her time, anyways. Whether or not she will be getting back into things with the Resort, I cannot say. She does still have adminship at the forums, but who doesn't? Folks who have been gone for years still have all their power. I have noticed in squeak squad that there is an extra mode is that just for fun? or just it do something if you win?or do you even know? - Chimera ![]() Extra Mode is in the tradition of the all the other previous bonus modes of play. In Dream Land, there was the more challenging version of the game in Extra Mode, which you couldn't save during since there was no saving. Adventure saw the return of the extra mode, but this time no saving meant a lot since the game was so much longer. It is meant to test the player's skill and to give them bragging rights. Nightmare in Dream Land replicated this with Meta Knightmare in addition to an Extra Mode. In Squeak Squad, it is no different. You just play for fun with no saving to try and test how truly good you are at the game. This is how I always have to play Amazing Mirror now since my battery backed memory died. That's what I get for buying a questionably legal Taiwanese copy. What CAN'T Kirby do? He's seemingly invincible! I can never beat him! Please help me find a strategy so I can clobber dat dere Kirby! - King Dedede ![]() That's not true at all. Kirby has very simple weaknesses: his amazing sloth and gluttony. If someone were to stage a coup while the Dream Lander was taking one of his many naps in a day or laced his food with something (his food being, really, any food), then he'd be easy to trump. On an unrelated note, I think he could easily be defeated by allowing him to see 4Kids' version of the show. He'd probably explode with rage and sadness. From what I remember, the Maxim Tomato was originally called the Bag of Magic Food in Kirby's Dreamland. Why did they change the name of it? Was it because fans started to think it was a tomato? - Torkirby ![]() You are correct, sir. Also in this game, Curry was called Spice Food and the Sweet Potato was a Minty Leaf. The food bag was no different. Dream Land didn't really rely on an exact translation, given its straightforward and simple play. The items were just called whatever they could be believably called. The yam looked like a leaf, curry would be more universally understood as a generic hot dish, and microphone was a cowboy hat of vocal amplitude. Wait, no, that change wasn't actually in the game. Regardless, a tomato probably just didn't seem too fulfilling, so the sack of whimsy was went with in its place. Phew. That's a wrap, I'd say. If you learned something today, then all my effort was worth it. If not, then nothing was lost. If you grew dumber, then I guess it was still worth it. Ask King away!
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Last Updated - August 7th, 2008 | |
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