Kirby's Rainbow Resort > Ask the Gurus > Gobbo's Session #76 | |
Ask Guru Gobbo #76Badda-bing, ya'll crazy Kirby fans. - October 20th, 2008
what do all the foe's look like I don't own all the games. - Nick ![]() There's this helpful thing in all of the Game directories. The pages titled "Enemies", "Mini-bosses", and "Bosses" shoes sprites of all the foes. Well, for the most part. Some of the newer games may be incomplete in these departments. For the most part, however, all the graphics are there. 1.A few minutes after i asked you the Scarfy question,i found out what it REALLY did.It is very hungry,and it gets meaner the more it eats.and if you give it a special bone given with it,it DOES turn into the cyclops-monster form. 2.I don't know WHY(i'm using way to much caps.)i thought about cheatahs when naming it unoffially.It seems like the careless mistake the anime would make.I'm thinkin' "Sabre" now (i'm pretty sure you said that,tho'(;P)). 3.Which enemy replacement in NiDL(Gip,Needlous,Phan Phan)do you like best?I like Phan Phan the most. 4.Since i'm taking to long with these mostly-comments,i'll give you one more cookie. 5.Am i the only one who brings up Bogg's fav snack?Do you you think everyone's gonna start givin' him cookies?(I had to ask these) - Luca ![]() 1) Hey, I'm not a little monkey to fetch basic episode descriptions. I mean, for Pete's sake, watch the thing on-line if you want to know. Not that hard. Well, for other people. I don't have the stomach for it. Or the time. Anyhoo, the only artwork from the show on Scarfy that I've ever seen is of the two-eyed variety, both happy and angry. That's why I need to use more than one random source for what happens in stuff. Of course, as I said, people should just watch them. 2) You weren't the first person to think of cheetah. I just don't see it. I mean, the thing is striped, not spotted. That's pretty much the thing needed to be a cheetah. Stripes. Well, that and speed. I don't see ol' lard butt getting past one mile per day, quite frankly. 3) I like none of them. The replacements are all garbage in my opinion. I don't like any of them. 5) No. No, they probably won't. I mean, that info was spilled out long, long ago. It's not like it just popped up. No one cared about it before. is marx male or female - Luke Skywalker ![]() I never knew that was even in question. His name is "Mark", rightfully in the original Japanese. Even still, the name Marx is still pretty masculine. Even his appearance and garb is rather masculine... for as far as Kirby characters go. Big, clog shoes, bowtie... a lack of pink. I'm guessing that the high pitched voice is throwing you off. To answer your last question, I've been a Kirby fan since the ripe ol' age of 6 back around 1994. First game was Dreamland followed shortly by Adventure. Grew up on those two games and loved them. In case you can't tell from my questions, Adventure is my favorite hands down. Oh, and yay for Beakman's World refs! Now for questions! Silly one. Where did Kirby take swimming lessons and who taught him? He had to learn sometime between Dreamland and Adventure... Serious one. Aside from Waddle Dee and Doo, has there been any enemy from the series who has appeared in every Kirby game to date? Are there some enemies from the older games that you wished would appear in the newer ones? Last one. A bit silly as well, but serious questions are running dry. Are most of the Dreamlanders like animals and live outside? I mean the only ones we know who have a house are Kirby and King DeDeDe and his select minions. What do the others do for shelter? - Leint ![]() 1) Kirby didn't learn how to swim between these games. The programmers just felt like actually coding that ability. He did, by right, swim before, but the swimming was just walking in a slow suspension. So, really, he probably just put forward more effort since there was, oh, more than two puddles encountered on the mission. 2) Incorrect. Waddle Doo has not appeared in every game. Dream Land 2 & 3, in fact, as well as a ton of the non-platformers. Waddle Dee is the only "every game" enemy. The number two spot is secured by King Dedede. 3) Blopper! He must be in all games! 4) No one ever said that they don't have houses, but they just never have any housing shown. Truthfully, Kirby's house has only come up in the games in, what? One occasion? That stuff just isn't seen. Places like Castle Lololo and Butter Building could have barracks and quarters for the "workers", but that path is just never shown. In KSSU, I can't beat Hero to Helper with Simirror! What's the best way to win with him? - Kirby Kirby Kirby ![]() Don't know, don't have it, never played it. I never had any troubles with Mirror, tho'. I mean, it's one of the best powers, I always thought. Always being able to reflect (most) stuff can't hurt, I'd take it. How is Dream Land spelled? Are they two separate words, or one whole word, like Dreamland? - Torkirby ![]() It's properly separated. It is, sometimes, combined, but the words are to be parted in the properly written title. sorry for asking the same questions twice but do you know how megawarp made his sheet music - 888Chilly ![]() The sprite sheets are made with a simple graphical program, most likely MS Paint. The staff bars are drawn and the notes are placed where they would occur in the sheet music. In other words, sheet music is made. Did... did that really need explained? Do you think people are using you as a Google substitute? - Guest ![]() I don't think so, otherwise I'd be getting a lot less simple questions. Note: that's simple questions, not stupid ones. Those never cease. I was able to recognize where every song in Kirby Canvas Curse came from (except ones that were new to that game). The one that I have no idea if it is new or not is the level called Spectacle Space (the "last level" before you fight Drawcula, excluding The World of Drawcula). Is the music from that level in any other game before Kirby Canvas Curse? The music for it can be found here at K.R.R. if you want to listen to it. - Miracle Matter ![]() I see why you went with "Drawcula". Wow, that boss music is very vampiry. I'm know that music is new to Canvas Curse, but it may have appeared in Castlevania a few times. Spectacle Space, however, is a techno-remix of a Kirby music classic. I'm not quite certain which one. It's a very basic, very widely used tune. I can't seem to place what game or exact placement it had. It is a very, very familiar score, tho', just heavily techno'd up. kirby kid here .ijust wanted to tell you why i think kirby dosen't where shoes.those stubby arms matched with that roly poly body. kirby coudn't even reach his feet. let alone put shoes on. - Kirby Kid ![]() Yeah... Kirby's arms reach down to his feet. Here's one from Avalanche Not canon enough? How about any time he ducks? Actually, they go further down than that. I mean, seriously? That's your big coup de grace? The guy is an amorphous, stretch blob who disobeys all rules of anatomy. Reaching down to his feet is the least likely reason to give for the shoe argument. 1. 2. When is Squeaky Bogg's birthday? 3.Reme mber when Colonel Flanders asked that question? Would you order one of his "pop star fried tookey", whatever that is? 4. Seriously, what did he mean by "tookey"? - Mister Super Moron ![]() 1) Obviously, that can't happen. Broom Hatter could never do that to Squishy. They went in on the small business proposal, and neither can back out now. 2) You know, I've been trying to look up when his dee-oh-bee was first jotted down, but I'm not sure I have the appropriate catelogues to recover that information on me. I'll have to look that up when I'm reunited with my stored chronicles near Thanksgiving. 3) I would not partake of fried Tookey because I'm watching my weight. As for killing and eating the thing, yeah, no problem. 4) Tookey is the enemy from Dream Land's Extra Game that replaced Twizzy. It also appeared in Kirby's Super Star as just a run-of-the-mill foe. It's name is a play on "turkey", despite the fact that it looks more like a chicken than the bald fowl. This is why it was the avian of choice to be finger lickin' good. i have got a serious question. do you think kirby is a totally good thing for the people of popstar i mean sure he beats the bad guys. but what if he was possesed like DeDeDe was? After all with kirbys unstoppable power possed by evil! you see i belive kirby does not understand the full might of his powers. evil would bring it out. and destroy everything in the process - Kirby Kid ![]() Wow, that's some surprising insight. Yes, Kirby is probably like Detective Comics' Plastic Man: a jolly, nutty guy who normally uses his super powers to turn into comical objects, but in truth this masks his potential to be an unstoppable force of sheer destruction. If Kirby ever did switch sides, for whatever the reason, it would not be a good day for Pop Star. No one has ever been able to stand up to the creampuff before, but, then again, no one ever tried. Normally, it's Kirby striving again something else. If everyone on Pop Star banded together, and I mean everyone, their numbers alone would be able to put an end to Kirby's reign of terror. You know, as long as they don't pull any one-at-a-time, bogus junk that will surely lead to their downfall. You said that your statements on the Ouch! ability preceded the review and that the review of Ouch! was done as a parody of your comments, but I wrote it in July -- that Guru's session came out in August. Methinks you are the guy who is the looking at the things the backwards! Also, why hasn't my favorite character Ometon appeared in the Gurus for a while? He should have a fixed GIF on the page that always shouts at the user "I am everywhere!" just so no one forgets how awesome of a non-existence he is. - Da Real Mints ![]() Sh-shut it up. Shut it up, you. Okay, so I didn't bother to check the dates. It was late and I was tired. There was, like, a good chance it would have flown that way. The way has wings, by the way, wings that it uses to escape! * flap flap flap * I heard your not up-to-date on some of the newer games, but don't worry! I have written down some information on Brawl... but you can decide whether to show it or not, as if being sneaky or letting everyone now what it means. 1. blar-dee-blar-blar-blar ~ Bimblesnaff - KirkbytheHedgehog ![]() I know how the games work, I know what is in them, I know the levels, the bosses, the enemies. The things I don't know are the finer details you generally get from actually playing the game. King Dedede having a questionable monster machine in the background. Ducking providing a form of quasi-protection in Squeak Squad. The specific tactics taken by enemies and bosses. And, most of all, difficulties and opinions on these games. The most basic of guides tells what Kirby's attacks are in Super Smash Bros., and I've played Smash before, just not the newest ones. The fundamentals haven't changed. Really. This isn't a question. You're suppose to ask questions. This isn't a soap box for people to talk or chit-chat at. There's suppose to be questions that I answer. Now, I'm not really singling you out for any real reason. I've just been letting a lot slide as of late, but I'm putting my foot back down. Things really need to shape up, and they shall. Also, I'm not here to answer this questions because I flew away at #13. Flap, flap, flap away!
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Last Updated - October 20th, 2008 | |
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