Blocky, from Kirby’s Dreamland 2 and 3, kind of resembles a Nurikabe, however it is too close to call if Blocky was actually based on a Nurikabe or not. A Nurikabe is a “Wall of Confusion” that resembles a cliff, giant rock, or brick wall. At night, a Nurikabe places itself on the road to try and trick travellers thinking they might have reached a dead end. While it likes to play tricks on travellers, they hate it if the travellers see through this trick of theirs.
Cappies kind of resemble Dosojin when you pull off their hats, however, it is a little loose to think if Cappies actually are based on Dosojin. Dosojin are “gods of the road”. They inhabit roadside shelters and shrines, and they help out any weary travellers who wish to come inside.
There are also several odd structures in Kirby's Dreamland 3's Sand Canyon. First there is stage 3-6, called the Black Pyramid. The Black Pyramid is a rather odd structure made of a completely different type of rock than the rest of the surrounding desert. On the inside, the pyramid is completely paranormal, with living rocks and water tunnels. This is also played upon in Kirby 64, where a similar Black Pyramid actually raised out of the sand and began flying. On the inside, the Pyramid contained all sorts of Runic Technology. This seems to be a play upon a Conspriacy Theory that the Pyramids in Egypt were not built by a highly developed race that came from outer space. The other strange structures were the Stonehenge-like rocks that can be found in the background of two levels. Stonehenge is an odd landmark found in England that is of unknown origin or use. The only odd part about it is that on Summer Solstice (June 21st, the longest day of the year), during sunrise, the very first rays of the sun will reflect off the two stones in the center of stonehenge, creating a huge brust of light that will last for only a few seconds.