According to IGN, that Kirby game announced for Gamecube like... two years ago? Well it's been officially moved to the Wii! So REJOICE! No release date yet. Maybe we'll finally get more info and media on it!
As usual, we at KRR will try our best to keep you informed on all things Kirby. :D
 | Posted by Ivyna J Spyder - 4:45pm February 23rd, 2007 |
Finally! i was starting to think it would be cancelled! |
Posted by mal on 4:54pm February 23rd, 2007 |
Great! More reasons for me to get a Wii!! |
Posted by Patrick Rork on 5:04pm February 23rd, 2007 |
Yay! Now i've gotta go get a wii... |
Posted by Lugidog on 5:48pm February 23rd, 2007 |
KOREA!! WII is win!! |
Posted by KOREA_KITTEN on 6:06am February 24th, 2007 |
Yes, let's all go out and buy a Kirby game that got moved to a system which, despite Nintendo's claims, DID turn out to replace the GameCube, and now we have to buy a whole new system just so we can get attacked by a nunchuck. |
Posted by MonoKrome on 7:00am February 24th, 2007 |
Well, we all knew this was gonna happen. But it's confirmed now. I hate how game makers announce a game but don't say anything about it like it's been cancelled or something. This is the second game I can think of that's had that happen to it. The other one would be Pokemon DP. |
Posted by Pikabolt on 8:09am February 24th, 2007 |
Just my luck! Im gonna get a WII!!! |
Posted by kj on 11:59am February 24th, 2007 |
I thought this game would be cancelled. |
Posted by Erick on 5:59pm February 24th, 2007 |
VERY AWESOMELY! Nintendo and Wii Rules! |
Posted by Shawne on 7:36pm February 24th, 2007 |
graet! i've gotta get a wii, dangit |
Posted by Treco Spossi on 3:48am February 25th, 2007 |
Where? I went to IGN, I didn't see it! |
Posted by Kirby Phelps (PK) on 10:19am February 25th, 2007 |
Still can't wait! |
Posted by MetaKnight2716 on 5:28pm February 25th, 2007 |
Finally!!!! |
Posted by Me on 6:27pm February 25th, 2007 |
I checked Nintendo. They didn't talk about a Wii Kirby game. They would have mentioned if it was moved to the Wii. It says it's still for the GameCube. |
Posted by Moo-Moo Cow on 3:08pm February 26th, 2007 |
Well, we all knew this was gonna happen. But it's confirmed now. I hate how game makers announce a game but don't say anything about it like it's been cancelled or something. This is the second game I can think of that's had that happen to it. The other one would be Pokemon DP dp wont go down! it's pokemon! |
Posted by 0-0 on 4:12pm February 26th, 2007 |
pie is yummy! and so is kirby the creampuff spam! is special ham :-) <(-^_^-)> |
Posted by pie on 5:28pm February 26th, 2007 |
Hoooray for kaabii! (darn! now i gotta get a wii!) |
Posted by kracko12345 on 5:31pm February 26th, 2007 |
I'm not surprised it's been moved to Wii. Still, it's another reason why to get one! (like Patrick said) |
Posted by Boxachese on 2:02pm February 27th, 2007 |
Update SSBB, KW gurus, and Kirby (untitled)! PLEASE! Yay |
Posted by yay on 3:23pm February 27th, 2007 |
Figured this would happen, since Super Paper Mario and that Donkey Kong racing game got moved... And Yay, you probably should have figured out by now that Ivyna can't update KW's gurus... |
Posted by Da Bomb-Omb on 5:17pm February 28th, 2007 |
This is great! |
Posted by Hooray on 3:55pm March 1st, 2007 |
oh-man,now I need a Wii |
Posted by kahlid on 5:33am March 5th, 2007 |
ditto |
Posted by Treco Spossi on 7:24am March 10th, 2007 |
Alright. I came across the first trailer not to long ago. I have to say, i'm excited. I was worrying that the game was canned and insted of being moved to the Wii, it would be replaced by the canned game, Kirby's Tilt and Tumble 2 (Hey, it could happen!)this is great news. I still get the feeling Tilt and tumble 2 will someday be released on the Wii |
Posted by Mini cappy on 8:38pm March 11th, 2007 |
(I'm Moo-Moo Cow, I just changed to Some Person.) DP is coming out April 22nd. I can't wait for it, or the GameCube Kirby game.(Which is most likely coming out in...a few months.) (If you don't understand, read my last comment.) |
Posted by Some Person on 11:02am March 12th, 2007 |
Yay! Good thing I have a DS and Wii. When I get Diamond, I'm choosing Piplup.(Go water starters!I always start as them. This is why I like blue. First Pokemon game: Ruby (excluding Ruby& Sapphire Pinball))And I heard Battle Revolution wouldn't be too good.DP will be the best NORMAL Pokemon game in a while. Anyway, Kirby Wii or whatever it is will hopefully be good. And did you see how many comments there are on this update?! I mean... whoah. |
Posted by Tailskirby6 on 6:47pm March 19th, 2007 |