Kirby Super Star remake for DS? |
Sites, including IGN, have reported that a Kirby Super Star remake was revealed at Nintendo's Autumn Conference, and is on the way for DS, called Hoshi no Kābī: Ultra Super Deluxe in Japan.
French video game website Gamekult has some interesting screenshots. More on this as news is revealed.
By the looks if it, there are some 3D cutscenes, which look greatly awesome. Imagine a 3D Marx!
Also, what looks like collectable cards, which include Dark Meta Knight and Drawcia.
Here's hoping for Wi-Fi Helper mode, too.
 | Posted by Asotoku - 12:12pm October 10th, 2007 |
Alright! Kirby superstar finally makes it to portable! Let's hope it's not flagship again. I'm sick of their sprites. |
Posted by VBKirby on 12:25pm October 10th, 2007 |
I just realized that Kirby hasn't had this many games on a system since the super Nintendo! And from the looks of those screenshots, Kirby FINALLY gets some proper 3D. Although they may just be pictures rather than animated 3D. that would kind of suck. :( Wi-fi helper would rock! |
Posted by VBKirby on 12:34pm October 10th, 2007 |
I like their sprites :P But, it looks like superstar ones, but the Dedede looks like a flagship... well, superstar dedede wasn't that great anyway. |
Posted by jimjambo on 12:39pm October 10th, 2007 |
WOOT!! I KNEW IT!! I knew they should remake KSS for DS!! And now they have!! This'll be great! I thought that they should remake it ever since Canvas Curse came out! They must have secretly read my subconcious thoughts some time in the past few years. Squee! |
Posted by Gyakuten Phoenix on 12:45pm October 10th, 2007 |
This is awesome and all (and I'm glad they FINALLY ditched the sprites from Nightmare and Dreamland) but WHERE'S KIRBY GAMECUBE/Wii/WHATEVER FROM 2005 GRR |
Posted by kirby on 12:49pm October 10th, 2007 |
Looks cool! But I hope this won't become such a rush-through NiDL was... |
Posted by eebrozgi on 1:02pm October 10th, 2007 |
Weird... Why would they remake the game for the DS when they can just release it for the Wii's Virtual Console... Seems silly, if you ask me. |
Posted by SmashKirby202 on 1:22pm October 10th, 2007 |
I hope that Return of Meta Knight is there! That level's song before Meta Knight is faught is catchy! Da, dadadadadadadada... |
Posted by Bert on 3:12pm October 10th, 2007 |
This is good, as SNES emulators for the DS cannot handle Kirby's Superstar (Yet) |
Posted by Gunnex on 3:17pm October 10th, 2007 |
Wow, a new feature: cutscenes. WOW. |
Posted by SUPERFOX5 on 3:28pm October 10th, 2007 |
Heck yeah! I always wanted to play this game on my emu-junk (Yes, I played games on my emulator, and it's been a while though...naughty, I know. :X) And it's about time that Nintendo's plaining on getting KSS on the DS. Heck yeah! =D |
Posted by purplegallysgph on 4:01pm October 10th, 2007 |
The sprites look like Nightmare in Dreamland style(NOT Flagship, they just reused it) but with KSS sizes. |
Posted by DinnerSonic on 4:43pm October 10th, 2007 |
Please, for the love of god, make this a proper and fun remake, not another disappointing soulless venture like Nightmare in Dream Land... |
Posted by MetaTrouble on 6:07pm October 10th, 2007 |
Some of those screenshots are ugly. >.< And the sprite of Dedede is obviously taken from NiD. The only shots that are convincing are the 3-D ones. How do we know this is real? |
Posted by Alice2 on 6:18pm October 10th, 2007 |
Flagship got the axe ages ago. They're just with Capcom now |
Posted by Player on 6:30pm October 10th, 2007 |
SHWEET!!! They`re FINALLY getting the right idea! The sprites look cool! Dynablade seems to be done well. She looks angry. |
Posted by Blu on 4:32am October 11th, 2007 |
Well they finally seem to get the point that KSS was one of their best Kirbys... Although, I am annoyed how they seem to keep doing this to buy more time for KWii. |
Posted by Minon on 7:26am October 11th, 2007 |
Awesomeness! Ihope there's some tight 3-D gameplay in it too. |
Posted by Kid Kirby No.1 on 12:32pm October 11th, 2007 |
It'd be awesome if you could customize or upgrade Kirby's modes, or if you could mix spraypaints together and multicolor Kirby! |
Posted by Kid Kirby No.1 on 12:36pm October 11th, 2007 |
It'd be even awesomer if they had online duel mode where two people could fight, winner gets a card depending on how many wins they get. The color of the card would change depending on number of wins. (I'm updating too much aren't I...) :P |
Posted by Kid Kirby No.1 on 12:42pm October 11th, 2007 |
KSS 4 DS, I wonder what it will be like, and with 3-D cut scenes! I wonder if they'll show Marx in 3-D... This better not be a hoax! |
Posted by Storm Midnight on 5:32pm October 11th, 2007 |
This would Be awesome! Superstar was easily the best game out of all them. |
Posted by Andrew on 6:05pm October 11th, 2007 |
Whoa... Spiffy new sprites, there. Hooray for effort. (Though Dedede is obviously reused... Im sure it's temporary.) There better be new abilities and such, though. |
Posted by Dynawing on 6:55pm October 11th, 2007 |
Where is that Kirby GameCube\Wii one?!?! I want THAT not a remake of Super Star!! ;^; |
Posted by Silver777 on 7:37pm October 11th, 2007 |
I ALWAYS WANTED THIS COME. Uh, when the DS came out, or something, you know. o: |
Posted by SyphonVectorman on 8:31pm October 11th, 2007 |
Finally, a chance to use my French language skills. Just learning it as a second language -I'm sure I'll make a few mistakes, but here's a brief, rough translation on a note on the game from the Gamekult site: Basically, at the Autumnal (Autumn/Fall... it could be talking about the season) Nintendo conference, they revealed a couple of titles in progress for the NDS. ...Apparently the game will be a remake of the original game for the SNES, with some extra mini games. It's release date is expected to be in 2008 in Japan. I could always grab my French dictionary to do a more thorough translation... but, forgive me: I'm feeling a little lazy. ^_^"" Hope I managed to help a little, however. |
Posted by Just a Kirby Fan on 11:18pm October 11th, 2007 |
Awesome! Kirby Super Star was a very good game, and this will probably be better! |
Posted by Erick on 2:09pm October 14th, 2007 |
wow cool but i think thay shod make NEW games like not ones that are remakes becu7s like the grafics wod be cool but teh writing story wod be boring toi make over evin tho i do like thes old games and stuff and i still wont to get this one but cold thay make more NEW ones im a gamer and i HAVE to play a game with a good story this one looks like it has a good story but i wont a new one im not sayin its a bad game tho!( HUGE kirby fan):) |
Posted by KIRBY K on 4:06am October 20th, 2007 |
Posted by KIRBYK on 4:08am October 20th, 2007 |
Because Escargoon was born in the post-SNES era, he is awaiting this game with great anticipation. Escargoon hopes this is not a well devised prank on Kirby fanatics, as that would displease Escargoon. |
Posted by Escargoon on 12:42pm November 12th, 2007 |
Those aren't just any graphics, they're not Nightmare in Dreamland or Super Star graphics. These are new, more 3-D like graphics! |
Posted by Kid Kirby No.1 on 1:15pm November 26th, 2007 |
In my opinion, Kirby Super Star is the best Kirby game out there and I am so psyched to see it coming back to the DS. This game is going to be a must-have for me and my friends! |
Posted by kcclubkirby on 3:01pm December 1st, 2007 |
I knew there was a kirby super star for nintendo DS and id like to play with my friend online and i also think you can customize an ability. |
Posted by super man kirby on 6:33pm December 3rd, 2007 |