Attacks fit for a King! |

As if telling us that King Dedede is in Brawl yesterday wasn't enough, Sakurai has gone and shown us some of King Dedede's Special Moves!
His Up B move, the Super Dedede Jump, is easily identified as a throwback to his classic jump attack from the early Kirby games.
With his Side B move, King Dedede is able to chuck Waddle Dees, Waddle Doos, and even Gordos at his enemies!
As if his hammer wasn't already large enough, using Dedede's Down B move exposes a large jet engine inside of it, allowing him to charge up and attack with the speed and strength of a rocket!
Truly fitting moves for King Dedede, in my opinion.
 | Posted by Disaster Kirby - 12:42am October 26th, 2007 |
Poor Waddle Dees... :( |
Posted by silver777 on 2:03am October 26th, 2007 |
Wow I can't believe I'm saying this but King Dee Dee Dee is cool in this game. Super jump, jet hammer, and he ... throw the Gordos, Waddledoos, and the WaddleDees (poor waddledees they should be assist tropie charater and use an army). |
Posted by Dean on 3:33am October 26th, 2007 |
His special moves are awesome. I can't wait to play as him. |
Posted by Nightmare on 4:51am October 26th, 2007 |
Sure, the Waddle Dees aren't an Assist Trophy and they don't attack in an army, but the Waddle Dees do stay after you throw them. I guess it could be possible to make a Waddle Dee army... >:D |
Posted by Kosaku on 5:45am October 26th, 2007 |
The lack of neutral B frustrates me. I wish to know what Kirby's copy ability for him will be. (I'm thinking, sucking up, but instead of swallowing, firing the enemy back out like a canonball) |
Posted by Dark Hamsterlord on 7:24am October 26th, 2007 |
Cool attacks! Me thinks his standard B involves sucking. Wonder what his Final Smash is gonna be... |
Posted by Aleclom on 8:22am October 26th, 2007 |
Why is Waddle Doo's Eye look so low polygon? I can count the number polygons for his, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eye-t! LOLOLOLOLOL!! Am I brutally honest to you guys? |
Posted by Sonny the Domain Sailor on 8:39am October 26th, 2007 |
NO! NOT THE WADDLE DEES/DOOS! I also wonder why the pictures here are a little bit...low. I wonder if his FS is going to involve Dark Matter in some sort of way... |
Posted by MasterYoungLink on 8:52am October 26th, 2007 |
Wow! lots of kirby stuff! Waddle dee, waddle doo, Dedede, metaknight Knuckle Joe (or as Ivy called him on deviantart, Hamster Joe) spicy curry item, and of course, Kirby. I'm satisfied with the amount of Kirby stuff, But I think a neat assist character would be Adeline. She could paint a bunch of items, or even paint enemies to beat up opponents |
Posted by VBKirby on 9:34am October 26th, 2007 |
0.0 Bizarre... but totally awsome! XD I can't wait till I can try out those moves for myself! Dedede |
Posted by Equidna_rojo on 9:37am October 26th, 2007 |
I'll bet he'll just smack his hammer for his B special. His FS will probably be a massive shockwave from a massive hammerblow to the ground. |
Posted by Animaster on 11:44am October 26th, 2007 |
The treatment of Waddle Dees in this game is and outrage! First they were being crushed by DeDeDe's immense largeness because they had to carry him, but how did His Royal Fatness repay them? By using them as projectiles! Although his other moves are cool... HIS HAMMER IS A TRANSFORMER! |
Posted by Mr. Meep on 1:56pm October 26th, 2007 |
The Bazooka Hammer is for the win! And the reason why I like Nintendo so much. =D |
Posted by purplegallysgph on 4:46pm October 26th, 2007 |
@ Dark Hamsterlord: Check the bottom-right screenshot of You see the King, Kind Dedede KIRBY, and Meta Knight. That means: Nintendo's workin' on ability hats! SWEET. |
Posted by rainbowkirby on 6:32pm October 26th, 2007 |
cool! 'cant wait to use dedede! =) |
Posted by Alan Brown on 11:06pm October 26th, 2007 |
reg. b button is most likey to be suck-ing and spitting faster than kirby. |
Posted by kirbyo on 7:09am October 27th, 2007 |
A few days before this information was let out I told my friend "I sure hope Dedede is in Brawl" and it now it is! |
Posted by Jason on 5:33pm October 27th, 2007 |
his Final Smash could be him using Mecha Dedede to pound his opponents! |
Posted by AcchiFire on 11:42pm October 27th, 2007 |
There's about two seconds of footage of the new Kirby Ultra Star in the video at this link:<br><a href= eo.html> eo.html</a><br> It starts at exactly 2:30 in the video. |
Posted by Waddle Dee in a Thought Baloon on 6:00am October 28th, 2007 |
Woot stage builder !!!! i cant wait to play as king de de de |
Posted by skyscraperds on 6:39am October 29th, 2007 |
hey why do waddle dees work for him any way? |
Posted by kirby ace on 11:30am October 29th, 2007 |
Waddle Dees work for King Dedede because he's their king. Pretty obvious, actually. |
Posted by Kosaku on 1:59pm October 29th, 2007 |
Kirby's moves are still better! Kirby is better that King Dedede and Meta Knight put together times 4! King Dedede's cruelty to waddle dees is well, cruel. You people can't understand his cruelty. |
Posted by Kid Kirby No.1 on 4:57pm October 29th, 2007 |
w00t! We got Meta's FS tonight! TOH! |
Posted by HylianFox on 12:59am November 1st, 2007 |
Well we've seen Kirby's final smash Cook Kirby and Meta Kinght's Galaxy Slash (is that right) so I have to say King Dee Dee Dee final smash is he summons an army of Wadle Dee Dee Dee and maybe even Gordos and Wadle Doos. |
Posted by Dean on 3:52am November 1st, 2007 |
That's one heck of a hammer. xD Hurrah for Dedede being in, anyways. I can only wonder what his final smash will be. Hmm. Oh, and Zero Two should totally be an Assist Trophy. |
Posted by Marine on 11:17am November 2nd, 2007 |
WOW! |
Posted by Erick on 1:44pm November 2nd, 2007 |
I'm sorry if I'm being rude but why wasn't there a SMASHBROS DOJO UPDATE about Meta Knight's Final Smash??? |
Posted by Lord of Darkness on 8:19am November 4th, 2007 |
(responds) Because MetaKnight's Final Smash is soooo STUPID that it shouldn't be an update here!!! Everyone who is reading this! Please remember in Kirby Super Star, MetaKnight had this amazing tornado attack that can sweep across the screen and is almost IMPOSSIBLE TO AVOID!!! That would've been a PERFECT FINAL SMASH for MetaKnight but NOOOOOOOOOOO. Here come's MetaKnight and his...short range attack pulled out from the bottom of the barrel. At least it had the word "galaxia" in it. That's a reference to the anime, right?Anyway, I hope you can have more than one final smash for each character so that MetaKnight can pull that SWEEPING TORNADO OF UNNAVOIDABLE OBLIVION off. Good grief, people. Do some research. Well, here's to another week of Smash bros updates and to next week. They might even show us a Sonic Stagew if we've been really good. |
Posted by Sonny the RANTER! on 6:34pm November 4th, 2007 |
The hammer is highly exagerrated and removes realistic elements from the game. |
Posted by Escargoon on 4:23pm November 7th, 2007 |
OMG so cool even though I hate king dedede |
Posted by zlf2007 on 4:19pm December 4th, 2007 |