Look Out! It's a Mailbag! |
So, February 10th has come and gone, with many people still unable to play Super Smash Bros. Brawl. However, in lieu of the second "release date" of the game here in the Americas, we give you the newest edition of the Mailbag! Be sure to give it a good read!
Theme for the Next Mailbag: What would you have in your own Kirby game?
Remember, aside from keeping to the theme, asking us questions (that haven't been asked five hundred times) will give your mail a better chance of being answered!
| Posted by Disaster Kirby - 4:06pm February 11th, 2008 |
Nice job with the mailbag once again guys. It was also pretty cool to see that my question made it in. Hi Dale. |
Posted by Chooch on 4:17pm February 11th, 2008 |
>_> I was asking whether you'd like to see MegaMan/Zero in SSB4, not whether he'd make it in or not. Wildows. |
Posted by Gyakuten Phoenix on 5:30pm February 11th, 2008 |
Oh lord, not Dale. -_-; |
Posted by Girla PurpleHeart on 5:59pm February 11th, 2008 |
Posted by glod on 6:24pm February 11th, 2008 |
Hah, sorry about that, Disaster. You're not bad at all, and a good mailbagger (the only one I've ever not liked has been Dale. No more Dale, please!) But Diddgery (I think the Bucky Katt episode made him popular) and Aso (he became popular around the time he proclaimed his pirate-ness) both have fans, and I don't recall any Disaster fans. Keep at it, though... maybe you need to announce that you're a ninja? :P Also, why don't you like Ace Attorney? OBJECTION! On a side note, hey, Gyakuten Phoenix. I'm a lurker over at court-records.net, and recognize you from over there. Here's hoping you send more letters! |
Posted by Hyarion on 8:45pm February 11th, 2008 |
This mailbag was absolutely wonderful, it had everything, even Dale! I would be disappointed about not being in it if I didn't have Brawl. But I do. It's fantastic. |
Posted by DrNK on 4:07am February 12th, 2008 |
I still don\'t understand why I\'m so popular. Is it because I\'m like the animal sidekick or something? Also, my security code this time was \"LAMPY.\" I laughed. |
Posted by Diddgery on 4:59am February 12th, 2008 |
Believe you me, Hyarion. The day that I announce I\'m a ninja is the day that Aso uses copypastes a female anime ninja character\'s description for my opening description in the mailbag. (Which\'ll probably end up happening now! Curses!) And who doesn\'t like Phoenix Wright? I\'m currently in the middle of replaying Trials and Tribulations, in anticipation of Apollo Justice coming next week. |
Posted by DisasterKirby on 8:26am February 12th, 2008 |
This mailbag was ok. |
Posted by Kid Kirby No,1 on 1:10pm February 12th, 2008 |
Whoops, misremembered. It was Wildrows who didn't care for AA, not Disaster. |
Posted by Hyarion on 1:43pm February 12th, 2008 |
Interesting mailbag... Anyway, Escargoon would like to remind everybody that two Kirby DVDs are coming out soon. They shall arrive on Feb. 19 and May 20. |
Posted by Escargoon on 4:36pm February 13th, 2008 |
Awesome tumbleweed. |
Posted by Max on 4:39am February 21st, 2008 |