Ho boy...
 I should probably make this first known before I start getting rants from people. Ever since the Brawl Website started uploading music clips, I've been getting requent requests to add up Brawl Soundtrack as quickly as I could (those little lo-fi previews included). Well, the Brawl Soundtrack has surfaced recently, and there has been a lot of talk about it. So, I suppose it is then my responsibility to paste up every single little track to our humble little sounds archive as I have been requested of. Since it is in such demand right now, I'll put all the Manga updates on hold to take care of it.

 ... "it" as in all 1126 Megabytes of 314 BGM tracks.

 Please understand that this job of mine is going to take some time. I know it is what you've all been requesting, but my upload reliablity is only so stable, so this is going to be quite a task.

 Please keep an eye on the Sounds Archive. I will update the main page of this no further. From this point on, I will update the Higher Consoles page every moment I get X number of tracks up, ar? Please just check back accordingly every now and then.

 At first I will upload what I can into individual files, but afterwards (with much thanks to Asotoku/Godot of the forums), I will upload one of twenty five files as well for those who want a bulk download.

 Also, it has been brought to my attention that the Sounds Archive is not at 100% functionality for some Internet Explorer users. It begs the question of why the heck you're even using such a horrible browser in the first place (Firefox, ar?), but as a process of this update, I will be fixing that too. Please just be patient.
Mega WarpPosted by Mega Warp - February 4th, 2008Other
Look Out! It's a Mailbag!
So, February 10th has come and gone, with many people still unable to play Super Smash Bros. Brawl. However, in lieu of the second "release date" of the game here in the Americas, we give you the newest edition of the Mailbag!  Be sure to give it a good read!

Theme for the Next Mailbag:
What would you have in your own Kirby game?

Remember, aside from keeping to the theme, asking us questions (that haven't been asked five hundred times) will give your mail a better chance of being answered!
Disaster KirbyPosted by Disaster Kirby - February 11th, 2008Interactive
Happy Valentine's Day!
Oh, now we're spoiling you! Two mailbags within the space of four days!?

This was something that we came up with out of the blue, as we hyped glod so much and he missed out on the previous one. This mailbag has a bit of a love theme to it! N-not much, though. Next mailbag will be the April Fools special, and it has the same theme as this one.

Mailbag 44.5

Also, I have an updated, slightly-piratey Mailbag icon. Isn't it beautiful? :)
AsotokuPosted by Asotoku - February 13th, 2008Interactive
Kirby 64 Now Available on the Virtual Console!
You read that right! Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards is now available for download on the Virtual Console starting today! (Only in North America, though.)

To those of you that somehow managed to miss out on this one the first time around, get your 1000 Wii Points and start on some downloading already!

...Now if only they'd put up Kirby's Dream Land 3...
Disaster KirbyPosted by Disaster Kirby - February 25th, 2008Games
Last Updated - July 30th, 2009