Project R.A.I.N.B.O.W. - The Launch |
 I'm certain that many of you have been wondering what Project R.A.I.N.B.O.W. is for some time now. Well, today is its debut, so let's get things started!
Project R.A.I.N.B.O.W. is a special series of site updates designed to breathe new life into currently and formerly popular site features, along with the addition of a number of brand-new features. The series will include a total of seven highlighted features, each of which will debut some time in the month of July. Many of these features are viewer-interactive, so taking a good look at each one is highly encouraged. With the project description out of the way, it's time to reveal the first project feature! FEATURE I - MAILBAGYou know it, you love it, it's the ever-popular Mailbag! Out of the many interactive site features, it has remained as one of the few site features still updated on a regular basis. However, that regular basis is often random at best, coming at any possible time of the month (sometimes not at all, even) with a seemingly random number of mailbag staff, not to mention the number of mail answered in each one. Well, those standards have been changed, starting with Mailbag 47! From now on, every mailbag will have a set number of mail answered, and will also feature some other mail in a unique way as well! This mail will be handled by the now-defined "core mailbag staff", along with the occasional guest mailbag answerer. The biggest change, though, is that new mailbags will be released every first and third Monday of the month, making the Mailbag a biweekly feature! We hope that you enjoy this reworked feature and the many that are coming after it! This one has received merely the simplest modification, so expect even more impressively revived features in the future!
 | Posted by Disaster Kirby - 3:37pm July 1st, 2008 |
First comment! I'M SO EXHILERATED!! |
Posted by Lei on 3:47pm July 1st, 2008 |
Teh gasp! Finally I'll actually understand who's answering the questions! |
Posted by Pikmin-Rules on 4:09pm July 1st, 2008 |
Come on, Fan Games..... Or at least comics... Maybe fan movies... |
Posted by Zero on 4:12pm July 1st, 2008 |
Hmmm, well, I'll hope for another update soon. ^^ |
Posted by RWMVG1DC on 5:00pm July 1st, 2008 |
Cool, so that\\\'s what its about, but I have to admit I feel kinda disappointed... I never really read the mailbag, but maybe some of the other updates will be very exciting (like the fourms, captain contest, gurus\\\' page, or Kirbypedia)........ |
Posted by MKKATIE on 5:11pm July 1st, 2008 |
Awwww. I thought something supernatural will happen, but this is the plan insted. I'm disappointed. |
Posted by Smash Kirby on 7:08pm July 1st, 2008 |
Well, Project R.A.I.N.B.O.W. sounds fun! But as for the mailbag . . . I honestly am not excited. I don't really know much about the Mailbag, so I'm patiently waiting for the next part. |
Posted by Prince Flarema on 8:37pm July 1st, 2008 |
For those of you saying you're "disappointed" by the update since you don't read the mailbag, may I recommend that you start now? Come on now. |
Posted by Chooch on 10:29pm July 1st, 2008 |
You guys are seriously being ungrateful. Here someone is trying to do something to the main site, to make it better, and you all moan that it isn't what you thought it would be. It's honestly irritating. |
Posted by drnk on 10:30pm July 1st, 2008 |
A is for Apple Tree. Wispy Woods is one, right? OR?!?! A is for 'Appy Birthday to me! Yeah, it was supposed to start with an H, but I don't care. |
Posted by Sonny B on 10:32pm July 1st, 2008 |
Well, now we know each of the letters stand for part of the site, so the 170- so comments on that update were basically useless.... |
Posted by MKKATIE on 4:17am July 2nd, 2008 |
The R= retired staff? Recent news? \"Repairs\"? Registger? XD |
Posted by Drew595 on 6:44am July 2nd, 2008 |
It doesn\'t have to be the first letter. R- guRus A- Anime I- maIlbag N- maNga B- kirBypedia O- fOrums W- a new section to the Website? |
Posted by MKKATIE on 7:52am July 2nd, 2008 |
And each time a section of the site is updated, the corresponding letter gets put in color like the \"I\"... XD |
Posted by Drew595 on 8:41am July 2nd, 2008 |
Yay! Project R.A.I.N.B.O.W. is better than what I expected! Btw, Chooch, did you read my message in the mailbag? |
Posted by Zombom on 8:45am July 2nd, 2008 |
Posted by Cory-sama on 10:06am July 2nd, 2008 |
ok this is random but I not alway ready to watch kirby on saturdays and I go on and THEY ONLY HAVE THE FIRST 3 EPISODES. THEY NEED TO HAVE MORE ON THERE I AM TALKING LIKE BECAUSE I GOT SO MAD I AM A SUPER SIAN IT\'S OVER 9 THOUSAND!!!!!!!! LoL |
Posted by DeDeDeLong on 8:48pm July 2nd, 2008 |
Just so you know, the first and third Monday of each month is not "bi-weekly", because there are occasional months with 5 Mondays. On these months, you will sometimes go 3 weeks between mailbags. What you are doing is "semi-monthly". |
Posted by erik on 10:29pm July 2nd, 2008 |
I is for Inchiladas A spicy Mexican dish. |
Posted by Sonny B on 11:06pm July 2nd, 2008 |
so this project is to update the site sections? starting with the mailbag? ...I'll participate ^-^ |
Posted by SilverLunar on 11:58pm July 2nd, 2008 |
...Wait a second, I vaguely remember replying to this theme. Does this mean there are actually *three* letters of mine waiting around for the next mailbag? :/ |
Posted by Hyarion on 7:30am July 3rd, 2008 |
HOLY COW!!! LOOK AT THE POPULATION!!! IT SEEMS LIKE IT ONLY INCREASES!!! oh, so that's what r.a.i.n.b.o.w is about. |
Posted by Cory-sama on 7:36am July 3rd, 2008 |
Just so YOU know, erik, biweekly can mean \'twice a week\' OR \'every two weeks\'. Go look it up in the dictionary(.com) next time. |
Posted by DisasterKirby on 8:56am July 3rd, 2008 |
Yeah Zombom, I read your message and I don't really care. |
Posted by Chooch on 9:04am July 3rd, 2008 |
Darn it, my earlier comment doesn\'t make any sense when reading the comment it is directed at. Yes I know there are sometimes a fifth Monday in some months, but... they don\'t count. So there. :p |
Posted by DisasterKirby on 1:15pm July 3rd, 2008 |
Cool! No wonder what Project R.A.I.N.B.O.W was. =P |
Posted by Girla PurpleHeart on 6:51pm July 5th, 2008 |
Chooch: Fine. Be that way. I take back everything I said before. Also, you can have the heavy feeling in your heart that you\'re one of the world\'s meanest people. |
Posted by Zombom on 12:33pm July 8th, 2008 |
"Heaving feeling in my heart?" Hahaha, alright then Zombom. You can go ahead and continue thinking I'm one of the world's meanest people. That doesn't make that statement any less wrong. |
Posted by Chooch on 5:07pm July 13th, 2008 |
Wrong? What do you mean by wrong? What\'s wrong about it? |
Posted by Zombom on 2:30pm July 14th, 2008 |