Project R.A.I.N.B.O.W. - The Launch |
 I'm certain that many of you have been wondering what Project R.A.I.N.B.O.W. is for some time now. Well, today is its debut, so let's get things started!
Project R.A.I.N.B.O.W. is a special series of site updates designed to breathe new life into currently and formerly popular site features, along with the addition of a number of brand-new features. The series will include a total of seven highlighted features, each of which will debut some time in the month of July. Many of these features are viewer-interactive, so taking a good look at each one is highly encouraged. With the project description out of the way, it's time to reveal the first project feature! FEATURE I - MAILBAGYou know it, you love it, it's the ever-popular Mailbag! Out of the many interactive site features, it has remained as one of the few site features still updated on a regular basis. However, that regular basis is often random at best, coming at any possible time of the month (sometimes not at all, even) with a seemingly random number of mailbag staff, not to mention the number of mail answered in each one. Well, those standards have been changed, starting with Mailbag 47! From now on, every mailbag will have a set number of mail answered, and will also feature some other mail in a unique way as well! This mail will be handled by the now-defined "core mailbag staff", along with the occasional guest mailbag answerer. The biggest change, though, is that new mailbags will be released every first and third Monday of the month, making the Mailbag a biweekly feature! We hope that you enjoy this reworked feature and the many that are coming after it! This one has received merely the simplest modification, so expect even more impressively revived features in the future!
 | Posted by Disaster Kirby - July 1st, 2008 |  |
...Wait, we have a Links section? |
Well apparently we do, since I just went and cleaned it up! This is only a minor news bit, unrelated to Project R.A.I.N.B.O.W.
Unfortunately, time makes things on the internet decay much faster than in real life, and several of the fansites that were formerly on the page had turned to dust and 404 pages by the time I got there. What's left among the links are the remaining relics of what was the Kirby fanbase outside of KRR, save for a couple that are actually still updated (actually the whole reason I edited the page is because one site has had a new domain name for well over a year now!).
If you're interested in looking at what other Kirby fansites there are besides KRR, check out the Links section for a bit... what's left of the section, anyway.
 | Posted by Disaster Kirby - July 3rd, 2008 |  |
The Nintendo Community Fangame Convention |
This is a callout to all of you who love tinkering in Game Maker, BYOND, RPG Maker, and the rest of them alike. The NCFC registration and preparations have just started!
 For those of you out there who don't know, this will be the second annual Nintendo Community Fangame Convention. I had the pleasure of attending a little of the event last year, and I must say it was both an entertaining and enlightening show. They didn't have any Kirby fangame booths last year, but we're here to change that. KRR will be providing you with updates and news from the NCFC until the date of the expo itself. All those who have been working on Kirby fangames within the past while are encouraged to go and test their mettle along with the other fangames out there!
 | Posted by Mega Warp - July 5th, 2008 |  |
Interview with the creator of Kirby! |
In the most recent issue of Nintendo Power (August 2008) there is an ongoing series of power profiles of some the big cheeses of Nintendo. In this particular issue, Masahiro Sakurai is featured with an interview. While not too much is mentioned about Kirby, this is still the guy responsible for the creation of our favorite cream puff and I typed out the full interview for you to read in the full update. While a few of you might have already seen this, this is mostly for those without Nintendo Power.
In the same issue, there is also a best of the best list of games for each system. Kirby only made out for #10 on Gameboy for Kirby's Dreamland 2, but who knows with the new DS game -- maybe it will make the best of the DS list in the future.
Here is the picture of Sakurai from the Nintendo Power, sorry it's not the best but I was too lazy to scan and just took a picture with a camera instead ;)
"You'll notice a lot of pink in Sakurai's titles. With the exception of Meteos, Kirby has been in every game he's worked on."
Read more by clicking below!
 | Posted by kindarspirit - July 8th, 2008 |  |
Project R.A.I.N.B.O.W. - The Progression |
What do you mean this is late? No, you were late. The update was wondering where you've been. And, if you're wondering "What is he doing in our P.R.A.I.N.B.O.W.?" I'm just taking over this bit since, well, it's what I do.
For those of you who remember, there was an area called The Gurus in which the toughest questions the Rainbow Resort regulars could think of were tackled by an elite squad of trivia tacticians. Well, most all the questions have been answered by now, but there's been a good amount of time since then and some new mysteries have been sure to emerge.
With that preliminary nonsense out of the way, what would you like to know?
 | Posted by Bimblesnaff - July 12th, 2008 |  |
Mailbag |
It's that time again! We bring you Mailbag 48, which gives insight on why I became a pirate, among other things.
Keep sending that mail in, people!
 | Posted by Asotoku - July 13th, 2008 |  |
The Gallery |
The gallery is being stupid and I'm going to bed now at 7am so I hope it will be okay now.
If you have signed up, I apologize but apparently I am the only other admin working on the gallery and from now I will be taking it over 100%.
I have validated a lot of accounts, and if yours wasn't, it was either because you didn't fill out a field (you can even just answer one question with a dash, or mumbo jumbo such as sldknfslkdnf) which we need to make sure you are not a bot, or you signed up multiple times with variations of a certain name (not your fault, I understand wondering why it took so long to get your account validated).
If you did the latter, please try the name you signed up with first to log in, or re-register and I will validate it. I will be checking the gallery daily from this moment on, and it's growing considerably so sorry for the backup 
If you are not aware of the gallery, please check it out! It's got hundreds upon hundreds of fans who upload their own art and it's simple to use and display your art.Check out the button above to go there!
I am dead tired now, so sorry if this update is rambliiing. Goodnight =)
You can also comment below and yell needlessly at me if you choose too. I kinda expect that by now 
(It's been fixed. ~ WATO)
 | Posted by kindarspirit - July 14th, 2008 |  |
A MegaTON of Super Star Ultra news! |
 For those of you that don't follow gaming news all that much, today concludes the second day of E3 2008, a special convention where all of the big names in video games reveal new information on a number of upcoming releases for the second half of the year and early next. Despite Nintendo's... rather lackluster press conference, a plethora of new information on Kirby Super Star Ultra was released today. Perhaps the most important of these is that the release date of the game has been bumped up one week to September 22nd! View the Full Story to see the rest of the details. Also, be sure to take a look at the newly created Kirby Super Star Ultra section of the site!
 | Posted by Disaster Kirby - July 15th, 2008 |  |
Trailer |
Disaster forgot to mention it, but there is a trailer floating about. You may watch a streaming version of it on Nintendo's E3 Website.
 | Posted by Mega Warp - July 15th, 2008 |  |
Mailbag 49! |
Outside of the regular schedule, here is the glod and Diddgery's final mailbag that I promised you a while ago!
Mailbag 49
 | Posted by Asotoku - July 18th, 2008 |  |
Project R.A.I.N.B.O.W. - Part III |
For those of you wondering when the next part of the renovation movement would come along, it's here. It may be a familiar item to some of you more elder visitors here. It's a little thing SiR6 liked to get his hands in, something called:
That's right. In continuation of the pseudo-staffer's wonderful work, a new breed of reviews will be written in his honor. However, much like his work started, it will not just be something staffers here take part in. Oh, my no. He was a fan, not an employee of the Resort, so that's who will be able to right the reviews: you, the fans.
Right now, of course, there isn't much there as it just came out. I did go ahead and tackle one of the two powers missing from the nearly complete original set, my personal favorite: Backdrop. Hopefully, you'll all enjoy it and maybe even partake in a write-up.
 | Posted by Bimblesnaff - July 20th, 2008 |  |
Mailbag #50! |
It is here, folks! The 50th mailbag. Such an amazing milestone that we all will have forgotten by next week.
Mailbag 50!
This event is celebrated by mail from Diddgery and RMD themselves.
 | Posted by Asotoku - July 29th, 2008 |  |
Project R.A.I.N.B.O.W. - Part IV |
What's happening now? Actually, it should have happened a while ago. With what should have been the first release of the project, and more than just because it's the first letter, Rainbow Resort presents:
This site has come out of the old technological age and into the new(er) technological age. Now, all the site updates and remaining Projects can be monitored via a feed stream or whatever you call it. I dunno. I don't even use feeds, personally, but, if you do, there you go.
 | Posted by Bimblesnaff - July 31st, 2008 |  |