...Wait, we have a Links section? |
Well apparently we do, since I just went and cleaned it up! This is only a minor news bit, unrelated to Project R.A.I.N.B.O.W.
Unfortunately, time makes things on the internet decay much faster than in real life, and several of the fansites that were formerly on the page had turned to dust and 404 pages by the time I got there. What's left among the links are the remaining relics of what was the Kirby fanbase outside of KRR, save for a couple that are actually still updated (actually the whole reason I edited the page is because one site has had a new domain name for well over a year now!).
If you're interested in looking at what other Kirby fansites there are besides KRR, check out the Links section for a bit... what's left of the section, anyway.
 | Posted by Disaster Kirby - 9:55am July 3rd, 2008 |
***First post*** |
Posted by zero-slash on 10:16am July 3rd, 2008 |
Well that\'s depressing... Anyway, I\'m still loyal to this site. |
Posted by Zombom on 12:22pm July 3rd, 2008 |
I have a Kirby fan site!... http://www.thechaogarden.com/popopopalace/Home.html |
Posted by Lei on 12:34pm July 3rd, 2008 |
I guess the Links section is hardly ever updated... O_o By the way, thanks for fixing my URL. :D |
Posted by Alice2 on 1:03pm July 3rd, 2008 |
Sweet site, Alice2! Went there a lot, signed your guestbook too =D |
Posted by Lei on 3:14pm July 3rd, 2008 |
N is for anywhere and anytime at all DEEP DOWN IN THE DEEP BLUE SEA!!! Sorry, I had to do that. |
Posted by Sonny B on 11:00pm July 3rd, 2008 |
WHERE IS EVERYONE? COME ON, ANSWER ME! and good going SpongeBob |
Posted by IAMDAMAN on 6:04am July 4th, 2008 |
I don\'t think anyone is gonna respond, John... |
Posted by MKKATIE on 12:01pm July 4th, 2008 |
:] Cool. Actually, I've forgotten all about the links section, but it's good that you cleaned it up. |
Posted by Randomer on 4:42pm July 4th, 2008 |
Hope everything gets fixed okay. Oh, and Sonny B, it's Down here in the deep blue sea. |
Posted by Prince Flarema on 8:11pm July 4th, 2008 |
B is for Banana An Apple's friend...or foe. |
Posted by Sonny B on 12:19am July 5th, 2008 |
I started watching Kirby __ minutes ago! It was the episode with Whispy Woods. Gosh, it reminds me of my childhood! Since there was always some promotional thing with whatever game was just released, I wonder if there will be one for Super Star Ultra?? Ooh! |
Posted by Lei on 11:43am July 5th, 2008 |
Oops, I meant to fill in that blank. More than half an hour ago it aired. XD |
Posted by Lei on 11:47am July 5th, 2008 |
It'd be nice if some people actually bothered to have a decent comment and not just make one for the sake of being the first to respond. |
Posted by Chooch on 12:05pm July 5th, 2008 |
yes, it was on, but they skipped episodes 3 & 4!!!. 2 of my favorite episodes! >:(... |
Posted by MKKATIE on 5:11pm July 5th, 2008 |
Chooch, I second that. But I also do it too... so.... |
Posted by Lei on 8:01am July 7th, 2008 |
Great. Maybe now you can update SSBB's Game Page! Although it's out, it still says it's "not coming out until 2007". |
Posted by Anonymous on 12:30pm July 7th, 2008 |