Project R.A.I.N.B.O.W. - Part III |
For those of you wondering when the next part of the renovation movement would come along, it's here. It may be a familiar item to some of you more elder visitors here. It's a little thing SiR6 liked to get his hands in, something called:
That's right. In continuation of the pseudo-staffer's wonderful work, a new breed of reviews will be written in his honor. However, much like his work started, it will not just be something staffers here take part in. Oh, my no. He was a fan, not an employee of the Resort, so that's who will be able to right the reviews: you, the fans.
Right now, of course, there isn't much there as it just came out. I did go ahead and tackle one of the two powers missing from the nearly complete original set, my personal favorite: Backdrop. Hopefully, you'll all enjoy it and maybe even partake in a write-up.
 | Posted by Bimblesnaff - 2:40am July 20th, 2008 |
Oh! I'm not familiar with the original, but this looks promising. ^^ Yay! |
Posted by RWMVG1DC on 4:33am July 20th, 2008 |
The e-mail address to send an ability in doesn\'t work. And I have an awesome one for Jet... |
Posted by Zombom on 6:46am July 20th, 2008 |
YAHOO!! <( ^^ )> |
Posted by cosmos on 9:49am July 20th, 2008 |
Sweet, I think I'll write a review when I get a chance. ^^ |
Posted by Torkirby on 11:54am July 20th, 2008 |
Wow! This is probebly my favorite part of project Rainbow. I hope we can write reviews! |
Posted by SmasH Kirby on 12:53pm July 20th, 2008 |
"Hopefully, you'll all enjoy it and maybe even partake in a write-up." |
Posted by zero-slash on 2:21pm July 20th, 2008 |
Cool, now the word "RAINBOW" is starting to get its color back! |
Posted by Sonny B on 7:50pm July 20th, 2008 |
Sorry, I ment "PROJECT". So yeah, an update to the abilities review feature is a good one. But will any of the next four features truly revamp the website?! STAY TOONED! Yes, I mean "tooned", not "tuned". |
Posted by Sonny on 9:51pm July 20th, 2008 |
Yes! I got in. Thanks, Bimblesnaff! |
Posted by Zombom on 3:52am July 21st, 2008 |
Yay, Ability Reviews are back! I liked the originals, so this seems like a good idea. I might write one if I can. |
Posted by Dynawing on 4:06am July 22nd, 2008 |
Are Suplex and Backdrop Kirbys two different things, or the same? I never played Kirby Super Star, so I dont know. |
Posted by Kirbyiscool on 6:45pm July 22nd, 2008 |
How to post an ability? |
Posted by Ronan on 9:41pm July 22nd, 2008 |
I don't know the differences between the two Kirbys. |
Posted by Kirbyiscool on 9:59pm July 22nd, 2008 |
Hey Uncle Gobbo, could you make it so that there's some sort of writing box like for Ask Uncle Gobbo? My e-mail sending way doesn't function very well. ._. |
Posted by Lei on 10:39am July 23rd, 2008 |
I wonder if he got my review for Smash yet... |
Posted by Smash Kirby on 2:54pm July 23rd, 2008 |
Jet? I don't recall that ability, probably because I've never played Super Star, but of all the Kirby Websites I've been to, I've never seen or heard of that ability. Just another reason I should get Kirby Super Star Ultra. |
Posted by Prince Flarema on 4:35pm July 23rd, 2008 |
I guess Jet Kirby never returned to any other games after Super Star. |
Posted by Kirbyiscool on 9:40pm July 23rd, 2008 |
Dang, I loved sir6's reviews... when they were still being updated. This was an awesome idea. Maybe I'll write something up for Mirror...? |
Posted by Hyarion on 6:49am July 24th, 2008 |
how do you write an ability review?... |
Posted by kirbycrazy on 9:54am July 24th, 2008 |
I do hope my Yo-Yo submission comes in :) I friggin loved Yo-Yo in Super Star. ^_^; Even WITH the mass-spamming throwing hammer in Milky Way Wishes.. Yo-Yo beats 'em all! |
Posted by Speedy on 5:09pm July 24th, 2008 |
Rats, no fan games update. |
Posted by Zero on 2:26pm July 25th, 2008 |
It's been five days since this had been the latest update. When will the next letter in R.A.I.N.B.O.W. come? |
Posted by Kirbyis cool on 11:38pm July 25th, 2008 |
Oh my. My review really targeted every wrong thing, huh? |
Posted by Zombom on 5:58pm July 26th, 2008 |
Me too, but he didn't accept mine. Can you retry on the same ability if you didn't make it? |
Posted by Smash Kirby on 8:15pm July 26th, 2008 |
I was reading the Yo-Yo review, and I spotted an error at the very end. Kirby doesn't have the burning ability as a running A attack in Super Smash Brothers. It's a slide like headbutt. He doesn't use the burning attack until Melee. It doesn't really matter though, but I just couldn't resist saying so. The Yo-Yo review was good over all though. |
Posted by Prince Flarema on 11:44pm July 26th, 2008 |
It WASN'T in the original? Hm, well, I guess if that's true, I did make a mistake. Oh well.. I dont think it'll matter much. The last time I played SSB was back when it was new.. the only Smash Bros. I dont have originally. >_>; |
Posted by Speedy on 5:46am July 29th, 2008 |
Delete my article, why don\'t you! Why is my review gone? |
Posted by Zombom on 6:45am July 29th, 2008 |
...I just sent in Copy, but I think it wont be accepted.. it's not as good as my Yo-Yo review.. Oh well. I might do an animal helper review, and I got JUST the idea to which. ...And uhm, Zombom.. didn't you YOURSELF say your review 'targeted every wrong thing'? |
Posted by Speedy on 6:47am July 29th, 2008 |
Yeah, but I sent it in before Bimblesnaff added all these rules. And I didn\'t mean to take it down! I guess today just isn\'t my day. |
Posted by Zombom on 8:47am July 29th, 2008 |
I did that to set precedent. Having as few of reviews as there were and then having one that missed so many of the points is scarcely a good example. I didn\\\\\\\'t want people to say, \\\\\\\"Well, it worked for him.\\\\\\\" Yours will return, just in time. |
Posted by Bimblesnaff on 1:23pm July 29th, 2008 |
Lawl, when I saw the one for Rick Cutter, i thaught wat happen when u mix Rick with Ball? u get Rick Roll! |
Posted by Mr. Amazin on 1:37pm July 30th, 2008 |
Personally, I don't really like this new style of review. SiR6's reviews were more professional. They also didn't trash abilities like the Dynamite Ability review. Dynamite is a good power, so having a guy who can't use it properly shouldn't write the review for it. True it does have the flaw of waiting for it to explode and getting hit by enemies, but you CAN move it around after you've thrown it to just push it into enemies. And if you miss, and on the off chance an enemy actually IS approaching you, you have plenty of time to air puff or slide into it before it explodes. |
Posted by VBKirby on 12:56pm July 31st, 2008 |
So true VGKirby. I mean, I know Light isn't all that great, but Kirby isn't supposed to be hard core, it should be fun. And why has no one done a spark and cutter review? |
Posted by Prince Flarema on 11:45pm July 31st, 2008 |
I just noticed something that the burning review left out. (As well as my double burning review) Kirby 64 is the only Kirby game in which Burning can't go through Gordos. |
Posted by VBKirby on 11:39am August 1st, 2008 |
Sorry, I meant VBKirby, not VGKirby. I didn't mean to insult. |
Posted by Prince Flarema on 1:29pm August 1st, 2008 |
Lol. Doesn't really matter. The "VB" stands for "Virtual Boy", but it could easily just be switched to stand for "Video Game" when changed to "VG" |
Posted by VBKirby on 7:02pm August 1st, 2008 |
Psst! VBKirby! If you know it so well- WRITE YOUR OWN REVIEW. |
Posted by Speedy on 2:53pm August 2nd, 2008 |