The Gallery |
The gallery is being stupid and I'm going to bed now at 7am so I hope it will be okay now.
If you have signed up, I apologize but apparently I am the only other admin working on the gallery and from now I will be taking it over 100%.
I have validated a lot of accounts, and if yours wasn't, it was either because you didn't fill out a field (you can even just answer one question with a dash, or mumbo jumbo such as sldknfslkdnf) which we need to make sure you are not a bot, or you signed up multiple times with variations of a certain name (not your fault, I understand wondering why it took so long to get your account validated).
If you did the latter, please try the name you signed up with first to log in, or re-register and I will validate it. I will be checking the gallery daily from this moment on, and it's growing considerably so sorry for the backup 
If you are not aware of the gallery, please check it out! It's got hundreds upon hundreds of fans who upload their own art and it's simple to use and display your art.Check out the button above to go there!
I am dead tired now, so sorry if this update is rambliiing. Goodnight =)
You can also comment below and yell needlessly at me if you choose too. I kinda expect that by now 
(It's been fixed. ~ WATO)
 | Posted by kindarspirit - 7:28am July 14th, 2008 |
I always wondered what the gallery was. Now I know. Thanks. Oh yeah, and first comment! |
Posted by Zombom on 12:46pm July 14th, 2008 |
Ha, "sldknfslkdnf" funny, random mumbo jumbo. What needless rambling? I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU MEAN!!! |
Posted by Prince Flarema on 2:08pm July 14th, 2008 |
Is there a way to browse the gallery without having an account? |
Posted by jncdksjnckjs on 2:15pm July 14th, 2008 |
I can't log in to the gallery, I created some account time ago, but I was unable to log in. Now I can't create a new account, it says that an user is already registered with the current mail address. How can I create a new working account? |
Posted by Iko-kun on 2:29pm July 14th, 2008 |
I yell meaninglessly at you! |
Posted by metyfan on 5:41pm July 14th, 2008 |
(Off-topic, I apologize) E3 is today, I wonder if there'll be any new Kirby stuff? (By new I mean more information, we can pray on Kirby Wii but it won't happen probably). |
Posted by Lei on 9:31am July 15th, 2008 |
Sorry, Lei. No Kirby info, but they did release some great Animal Crossing info. You can go to to know more stuff on that. Maybe in these 3 days, they'll be some Kirby info. Maybe even Kirby Wii will be announced and displayed with improved graphics and such. |
Posted by zero-slash on 11:01am July 15th, 2008 |
That'd be awesome. And yeah, coincidence you'd bring that up, I go to regularly and saw that earlier. A full title and everything! No pictures, though.... |
Posted by Lei on 2:47pm July 15th, 2008 |
The video they showed at the Spotlight was nice, though. The graphics have <i>really</i> improved! |
Posted by zero-slash on 2:49pm July 15th, 2008 |
I got a Super Star Ultra trailer! |
Posted by zero-slash on 5:59pm July 15th, 2008 |
It was felt that the gallery had been restored though display was still a little unstable. Thank you really!! Keep up the good job! |
Posted by aru on 7:12am July 17th, 2008 |
kindarspirit if you are reading this.. IM STIL A COMMENTATOR!!! username: starkirby |
Posted by cosmos on 7:20pm July 19th, 2008 |