Frontpage Challenge |
As should be mentioned, there's been a new Frontpage Picture by the phantasmagorical SilverLunar. She gets +20 experience points, +3 cool points, and +4 cute points.
While I have this near worthless point being made, I'll state that the Frontpage Picture Challenge as you know it (or barely know it) will be changing sometime soon, probably at least by '09. The current format involves pictures being mailed and all sorts of nonsense. We have a fan art gallery on the site, and since it has been fixed up a lot recently, the FPC will just operate through it.
 | Posted by Bimblesnaff - 6:09pm September 3rd, 2008 |
Well, at least SOMETHING new came up. |
Posted by Prince Flarema on 7:26pm September 3rd, 2008 |
I love the new Frontpage Picture! The characters look incredibly good in that style. |
Posted by Dusk Knight on 12:03am September 4th, 2008 |
Yeah, SilverLunar seems to be a great artist. I should look if she's made more of these images. P.S. Is ANYONE going to send in more things? It's almost a month since the last Ability Review, for one.. X_x; |
Posted by Speedy on 11:00am September 4th, 2008 |
Speedy, if you are so obsessed with other people, why don't you write YOUR OWN review! |
Posted by Stewie on 12:36pm September 4th, 2008 |
Well, if you'd take a peek at the Ability Reviews, you'd see my name popping up a couple of times. In fact, I think my Copy review is still spotlighting. |
Posted by Speedy on 3:39pm September 4th, 2008 |
Yeah! you tell 'im Speedy! but anyway if you look at one of Bimblesnaff's ask the guru sessions you'll see that either me or PotatoSoupMan I can't remember asked why the page wasn't updated and he said he doesn't have enough time. Now for something whimsical, well uh... I can't think of anything so I guess I'll just click on "Add My Comment" don't me for making this long and dumb. |
Posted by CornOnTheCobStewMagoo on 5:45pm September 4th, 2008 |
Let me quote you Speedy Psst! VBKirby! If you know it so well- WRITE YOUR OWN REVIEW. ...And uhm, Zombom.. didn't you YOURSELF say your review 'targeted every wrong thing'? Stop being a jerk to everyone, and maybe they will. |
Posted by Stewie on 6:26pm September 4th, 2008 |
Well dang Stewie you demented baby you don't need to be so mean to others I mean you just sound like you know Speedy in the real world and can't stand him. This is supposed to be a place of sunshine and cupcakes not targeting a person and being mean to someone. Wait unless you ARE Speedy in which case I just don't know what to say, like you yourself or something, that's my rant and I'm sticking to it. |
Posted by CornOnTheCobStewMagoo on 7:01pm September 4th, 2008 |
What? What? When did I ever say I didn\'t have time to update the Reviews or any page for that matter? No, Magoo, I said there were simply no submissions coming in to update it with. Now, I did say that I didn\'t have time to write my own reviews, but that\'s completely unrelated as it\'s suppose to be a fan dominated area. |
Posted by Bimblesnaff on 5:02am September 5th, 2008 |
Fine. I apologize to Speedy for being mean to him. Seriously, I'm sorry. I don't mean to be that nasty. For that, I suck. However, to you, Corn, I do not apologize. It sounds like YOU know Speedy in the real world, and you just defend him for some reason. You bug me. I'll stop flaming if YOU stop flaming. |
Posted by Stewie on 11:41am September 5th, 2008 |
Um, how did everybody get to the point of arguing? |
Posted by Captainflip on 1:08pm September 5th, 2008 |
Captainflip, I believe the argument started over lack of copy ability reviews. |
Posted by Prince Flarema on 1:39pm September 5th, 2008 |
I don't think the idea was any good (ability reviews), but I'll just back off 'cause I don't want to be randomly attacked. O_O; |
Posted by zero-slash on 1:53pm September 5th, 2008 |
Good Idea zero-slash. |
Posted by Prince Flarema on 3:27pm September 5th, 2008 |
You know what Stewie I was getting out of line and for that I apoligize so I'm sorry. However I do not know Speedy in the real world as far as I know. Oh and Bimblesnaff that was my mistake I probably should have looked before I typed. But can we please just all be nice to each other, being mean will do us no good. Whoa, I sounded like my grandmafor a second. |
Posted by CornOnTheCobStewMagoo on 4:13pm September 5th, 2008 |
I forgive you and apologize myself. Now we can get back to the "place of sunshine and cupcakes"! ;) |
Posted by Stewie on 5:24pm September 5th, 2008 |
Well, now that the whole argument's over, does anyone agree with me when I say it's weird that the Kirbypedia hasn't been updated in a year excluding the Heavy Lobster article. |
Posted by CornOnTheCobStewMagoo on 5:37pm September 5th, 2008 |
yes. it's very. but how 'bout they at least UPDATE THE SITE!!! AAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGHHHHH!!!! the evil is consuming us all! high tensions! meager rations!! CHOLERA!! ok maybe not cholera but KSSU will be our savior!! But what will happen after KSSU has died down... |
Posted by kirbycrazy on 2:17am September 6th, 2008 |
I'll tell you what I hope happens, that the development team of Kirby Super Star Ultra joins the development team of Kirby Wii and have that finally come out. By the way about updating the site I'm sure they will when they get something to update with but the cholera part will happen to YOU, Dun Dun Dunnnnnn. |
Posted by CornOnTheCobStewMagoo on 4:45am September 6th, 2008 |
I just want Kirby Wii to be released now. I'm getting tired of waiting. If the game isn't worth 3 years of waiting, I'm gonna stab Nintendo/Hal. :( Atleast KSSU is coming out. |
Posted by zero-slash on 10:07am September 6th, 2008 |
No Zero-slash, the knife will take too long, but you can borrow the flamethrower.:) |
Posted by CornOnTheCobStewMagoo on 10:14am September 6th, 2008 |
I want their deaths to be slow and painful...oh boy, I need a nap if I'm gonna start talking like that. Hal's the only people who make Kirby games. Hal, if you're reading this, you were lucky this time. |
Posted by zero-slash on 11:36am September 6th, 2008 |
I didn't really mean to kill them I meant to threaten them so the game will come out faster, but since you chickened out then I guess it's up to me. In other words watch the 10:00 news tonight or tomorrow if you catch my drift. |
Posted by CornOnTheCobStewMagoo on 11:48am September 6th, 2008 |
well....good luck with that. i'll be watching. if this cholera doe- *drops* |
Posted by kirbycrazy on 12:38pm September 6th, 2008 |
HA! I knew you couldn't resist the cholera infected cake, because nobody can! MWA! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! haaaaaaaaaaa! |
Posted by CornOnTheCobStewMagoo on 1:00pm September 6th, 2008 |
Ooh, look cake! (thud) |
Posted by CornOnTheCobStewMagoo on 1:37pm September 6th, 2008 |
The cake is a lie. |
Posted by zero-slash on 2:12pm September 6th, 2008 |
Ooooooooh! I have come back from a cholera related to say that the cake is NOT a lie and I will possess all who say that it is! |
Posted by CornOnTheCobStewMagoo on 2:38pm September 6th, 2008 |
Hey I found new screenshots for kssu |
Posted by Franky-du on 3:07pm September 6th, 2008 |
Dude! the second to last level of Dynablade ripped off the internet movie "Charlie the Unicorn". Not cool NOA, not cool. |
Posted by CornOnTheCobStewMagoo on 3:30pm September 6th, 2008 |
Those screenshots are all the more reason for me to use my flamethrower, like I needed one, so now Flamey gets some excercise. |
Posted by CornOnTheCobStewMagoo on 3:34pm September 6th, 2008 |
Actually, I believe that the level Candy Mountain was named that in the original Kirby Super Star. KSS came out in 1996, and Charlie the unicorn was in 2007. So, more or less, you could say that Charlie the unicorn ripped off Kirby Super Star. |
Posted by Zombom on 8:55am September 7th, 2008 |
Well, I honestly had no way of knowing that since HAL didn't feel like putting the actual name in the game. |
Posted by CornOnTheCobStewMagoo on 9:09am September 7th, 2008 |
Ugh... cake... uhhn..... *kaff* ok, im better now. charlie the unicorn huh? i love that vid. did you know there is a sequel? oh and Corncobstewmagoo guy? would you like to try some of my tuberculosis pies? they're world famous! |
Posted by kirbycrazy on 11:00am September 7th, 2008 |
Yes! Thank you Bimblesnaff for returning my review! :D |
Posted by Zombom on 11:18am September 7th, 2008 |
KirbyCrazy of course I knew there was a sequel "put a bananna in your ear" if you didn't know that, by the way have you seen The Cloak it's by the same guy. Oh that's what kind of pie that was, oh well... want some "black Plague souffle" it's universe famous! Beat that Crazy for Kirby, anyone who noticed what I did there gets some souffle. What! I'm not trying to get rid of anyone as far as you know. |
Posted by CornOnTheCobStewMagoo on 12:44pm September 7th, 2008 |
I forgot to mention this, but if you go to the sound test on Super Smash Brothers Brawl, under sound effects, there is a section for Kirby copy abilities you can find some for unused characters including proof that that Plusle and Minun were in it and an impression of Dixie Kong proving she was in it, plus some others. So my question is can anyone else find out who some others are? It's worth mentioning only a Minun voice represents Plusle and Minun. |
Posted by CornOnTheCobStewMagoo on 1:57pm September 7th, 2008 |
i read on the Smash Bros. Wiki they found models for toon zelda/tetra and some others. |
Posted by kirbycrazy on 2:22am September 9th, 2008 |
Tetra would have been sort of indifferent to me, but Toon Zelda is too much. I personnaly was one of the millions that wanted Geno to be in it. |
Posted by CornOnTheCobStewMagoo on 3:51am September 9th, 2008 |
oh and also pichu, roy, and someone else. |
Posted by kirbycrazy on 12:01pm September 10th, 2008 |
It was Dr. Mario and Mewtwo that you were thinking of, by the way Pichu was not meant to be in it, it's the only one that wasn't even considered to come back. |
Posted by CornOnTheCobStewMagoo on 6:38pm September 10th, 2008 |
I think it's unfare that King Dedede was supposed to be in the first 2 Super Smash games, but got cut from both of them. Also, why would they include Meowth in the first one? The list of cut characters from SSBB are... 1. Dixie Kong 2. Roy 3. Mewtwo 4. Dr. Mario 5. Toon Zelda/Sheik 6. Young Link 7. Prai and Mai (A.K.A. Plusle and Minu) 8. Pichu I don't think they should have cut Pichu. He was one of my best Melee characters. Also Plusle and Minun would have been fun to use. |
Posted by Prince Flarema on 8:32am September 11th, 2008 |
yes , you are correct PF. |
Posted by kirbycrazy on 12:58pm September 11th, 2008 |
The reason Meowth was supposed to be in the first one because the Pokemon TV show just came out, also how is Pichu you're best from Melee? It's just a Pikachu with less attack power that hurts itself. But I wish they would have kept Dixie Kong, Mewtwo, and Plusle & Minun. Dixie Kong doesn't get enough attention, she should have been in DK 64 instead of Tiny Kong, Chunky and Lanky don't get enough attention either. |
Posted by CornOnTheCobStewMagoo on 4:06pm September 11th, 2008 |
Wow! All my pics on the main page with the "Fan Creation Showcase"! What an honor. ThankYou Rainbow Resort! |
Posted by Dedede-Daimyo on 2:31pm September 12th, 2008 |
While it seems too late for me to replay here i think i should say thanks! :3 I didn't have internet access for the past month or yeah soory for not being here for that long. |
Posted by SilverLunar on 3:47am September 13th, 2008 |
Corn...(to lazy to complete name, sorry) Pichu's forward and up smash attacks were better than Pikachu's if you ask me. I am also great at using the little guy to dodge many attacks. Since he's so small, he's easy to dodge with. But he wasn't my best character. Ahead of him were Zelda, Mario, Kirby, and Luigi. But he was right up there. |
Posted by Prince Flarema on 1:50pm September 13th, 2008 |
yeah but he hurt himself when he used ANY B attack. and that is really bad. the only character to hurt HIMSELF, maybe not even hitting the guy he's trying to attack. I bet some guy thought "hey, let's make a copy of pikachu and who hurts HIMSELF while using an attack!" Sakurai: "Genius!" Pichu is a comedic relief character. BTW, i don't hate pichu. don't think that i do cause i don't. |
Posted by kirbycrazy on 3:51pm September 13th, 2008 |
Kirbycrazy... Actually, in the games of Pokemon, Pichu's Pokedex info mentions since Pichu is a baby version of Pikachu, they can't control electricity well, causing them to harm themselves. So, the fact that he hurts himself with electric attacks in Melee, just makes him one of the most authentic characters in the game. Also, don't forget his forward and down aerial attacks. They also damage him. But the max damage he inflicts on himself, is about 5%. |
Posted by Prince Flarema on 9:35pm September 13th, 2008 |
Well, they (Nintendo) search through the Pokedex, hoping to find a character they don't have to make an entirely new model for, and find Pichu. And Smash Bros is not about authenticity. |
Posted by kirbycrazy on 3:25am September 14th, 2008 |