Now in Widescreen! |
Today's mailbag is brought to you with a brand-new set of coding, which has altered the appearance of most pages. If you've been sick of the pages only taking up a small part of your screen's hueg resolution, then... yeah.
 | Posted by Disaster Kirby - 3:33pm September 7th, 2008 |
Alright, a new place to put stupid comments that aren't needed! |
Posted by CornOnTheCobStewMagoo on 3:48pm September 7th, 2008 |
Hooray! :D |
Posted by zero-slash on 3:58pm September 7th, 2008 |
Yippee! ki yay! DON'T TRY TO BEAT ME IN CELEBRATIONS ZERO-SLASH I WILL BEAT YOU EVERY TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh you know I'm just messing with you. NO I'M NOT YOU WILL BE FLAMED TONIGHT INSTEAD OF HAL! Back on the airplane for me. See you tomorrow Zero-Slash! hee hee hee! |
Posted by CornOnTheCobStewMagoo on 4:08pm September 7th, 2008 |
Nobody can defeat my supreme stupidness anyone who thinks otherwise should come to PeeWee's playhouse on the 17th and we shall do battle with rubber chickens and salmon, no wait too expensive, oh! I've got it rubber chickens and the number 174892174. Yeah you've already lost so don't come. |
Posted by CornOnTheCobStewMagoo on 4:22pm September 7th, 2008 |
I like the new widescreen effects... It makes everything easier to read. Sending in mail sure is fun. *sends more mail* |
Posted by persephone on 12:30am September 8th, 2008 |
YES!! an update! |
Posted by kirbycrazy on 2:22am September 8th, 2008 |
Yay! Mail bag! Finally something to read |
Posted by Noodlesoup on 8:48am September 8th, 2008 |
CornOnTheCobStewMagoo, you scare me. o_O Yay! A pointless mailbag! :D |
Posted by zero-slash on 12:29pm September 8th, 2008 |
Zero-slash why didn't you come! Now I'm gonna be at your house. Look outside! |
Posted by CornOnTheCobStewMagoo on 3:48pm September 8th, 2008 |
Lol @ Dr. Robotnik's comments. |
Posted by Girla PurpleHeart on 4:22pm September 8th, 2008 |
Is there some sort of unspoken rule that says "don't comment after 7:22 P.M." (that's what time it was for the last comment where I live). It just bugs me because I don't do much other than this, work, play games, and watch TV. |
Posted by CornOnTheCobStewMagoo on 6:05pm September 8th, 2008 |
Sounds like my schedule. But I can't usually go on the internet at this time. |
Posted by Stewie on 6:17pm September 8th, 2008 |
Well, that is understandable Stewie. Once you get a job, it takes up a lot of your time. After this I'm going back to what I do best, putting strange things nobody probably understands unless they share my type of humor. |
Posted by CornOnTheCobStewMagoo on 6:43pm September 8th, 2008 | *long pause* what will we ramble about? continously? |
Posted by kirbycrazy on 2:14am September 9th, 2008 |
Um... I'm waiting for zero-slash to comment on how I'm sitting outside his window so I guess it's up to you to find something to ramble about. Good luck! |
Posted by CornOnTheCobStewMagoo on 3:49am September 9th, 2008 |
Am I really THAT popular? Am I finally except on a Kirby-induced website? Have I finally found somewhere I belong? ... lolno |
Posted by zero-slash on 1:11pm September 9th, 2008 |
Um... zero-slash the you should read my previous comments, I'm only at your window to attack you for not coming to Pee-wee's playhouse, I meant the 17th hour not date of the month by the way just so I could attack you when you look outside. WHY WON'T YOU LOOK OUTSIDE, THROW ME A BONE MAN! |
Posted by CornOnTheCobStewMagoo on 2:45pm September 9th, 2008 |
Er... do you two know each other in real life? |
Posted by Zombom on 2:49pm September 9th, 2008 |
I think the real question is, do you two know each other? If you'll notice I generally comment on whoever came first, and comments often, and kirbycrazy and zero-slash do that every time I comment on an update, so nya nya na boo boo to you. |
Posted by CornOnTheCobStewMagoo on 3:23pm September 9th, 2008 |
Yes, I know Corn in real life. Every night, I watch over him...with a gun...a sniper rifle. Zombom, kirbycrazy, you two are next. |
Posted by zero-slash on 4:45pm September 9th, 2008 |
If you do, I\'ll send you back in time so a stegosaurus will crush you. |
Posted by Zombom on 4:52pm September 9th, 2008 |
You know what, two people have asked if I know somebody else on this site within two weeks so I'm going to ask, do any of you go to North Davidson in North Carolina around Welcome or Midway? I want to settle this so nobody will ask again |
Posted by CornOnTheCobStewMagoo on 5:09pm September 9th, 2008 |
I do not. Not even close. I'm in New England. |
Posted by Stewie on 5:37pm September 9th, 2008 |
Nor do I. In fact, I\'m Stewie\'s younger brother, so we live together in New England. |
Posted by Zombom on 5:39pm September 9th, 2008 |
...What? |
Posted by zero-slash on 5:46pm September 9th, 2008 |
Well then it's settled I don't know anybody on this website, but remember you started it Stewie and Zombom. This may seem random but are ROMs illegal, I want to say yes but I'm not sure, if it's not then I want to play some Kirby's dreamland 2 while I wait for Wario land and Kirby superstar ultra. |
Posted by CornOnTheCobStewMagoo on 6:18pm September 9th, 2008 |
Da dadada da da!!!!!!!!! Did you miss me? No! Well you all can go suck a smerf! <(•.•)>. XP |
Posted by DeDeDeLong on 7:20pm September 9th, 2008 |
is that what they call " it" now?hahahahahahah.....I am so bored :( |
Posted by ninja puffball on 8:18pm September 9th, 2008 |
oh... zero slash dont hurt me!!! besides you cant find me! im waiting for ninja puffball in his closet... he's got some nice stuff in here... |
Posted by kirbycrazy on 2:14am September 10th, 2008 |
kirbycrazy, zero-slash isn't trying to hurt you, he's trying to shoot me while I sleep. I'm thinking he feels you're not as special. |
Posted by CornOnTheCobStewMagoo on 3:35am September 10th, 2008 |
lol, Corn you win. XD |
Posted by zero-slash on 11:54am September 10th, 2008 |
b-b-but... why? im special!! *sniffle*... but if he chooses to blast special peoples brains out im not sure if i wanna be. |
Posted by kirbycrazy on 12:00pm September 10th, 2008 |
Oh, you're special, alright. :P |
Posted by zero-slash on 1:20pm September 10th, 2008 |
Cool. I live in New England too. |
Posted by Captainflip on 2:52pm September 10th, 2008 |
Yay! I'm spethal! By the way have you ever had your brains blown out? It's actually quite relaxing. |
Posted by CornOnTheCobStewMagoo on 3:39pm September 10th, 2008 |
Not as much as having your lungs full of cyanide, though. Ah, that's like a zen spa. |
Posted by Stewie on 3:43pm September 10th, 2008 |
Guess what tomorrow is? :( I hope KRR does something special to honor that tragic day. |
Posted by zero-slash on 4:05pm September 10th, 2008 |
I don't see why KRR would do something special when this website isn't United states exclusive, so people from England will be like, "what in the world is going on here". |
Posted by CornOnTheCobStewMagoo on 4:42pm September 10th, 2008 |
I prefer to be knocked down and beaten with pool cues to the cyanide thing, it's like heaven to me. |
Posted by CornOnTheCobStewMagoo on 4:57pm September 10th, 2008 |
There has to be another mailbag with us in it so we can have another suicide party! :p |
Posted by Stewie on 5:30pm September 10th, 2008 |
I love the idea of us in a mailbag, but no party! I want to end up in more mailbags, oh but you can have a party if you want Stewie. |
Posted by CornOnTheCobStewMagoo on 6:16pm September 10th, 2008 |
Why didn't the word % " appear in my last comment, I know I typed it up. |
Posted by CornOnTheCobStewMagoo on 6:18pm September 10th, 2008 |
OK THIS ISN'T FUNNY! if I have to a random letter so the word will appear I will, so SUIOCIDE! See what I did there just added an o, and why did a % replace my " in the last comment? Sorry for 3 comments in a row. |
Posted by CornOnTheCobStewMagoo on 6:23pm September 10th, 2008 |
How do I register on the forums? I can't find where to register so I ask here. I bet I'm annoying people now, but seriously it's not my fault, oh wait yes it sorta is, my bad. |
Posted by CornOnTheCobStewMagoo on 6:55pm September 10th, 2008 |
Wow, so many comments. Today's also supposed to be a day of mourning, or something, but nothing has been done yet, especially that we had an assembly at my school for something else, and almost NO ONE remembered what day TODAY is. |
Posted by PrinceFlarema on 8:09am September 11th, 2008 |
@ PF: That\'s disgusting. Totally disgusting. I can\'t believe that almost nobody remembers it. Also, one of my classmates had an aunt who was on the plane to the world trade center, and almost nobody cared. Disgusting, I say. |
Posted by Zombom on 11:30am September 11th, 2008 |
we had a short lecture on 9/11 in my school, but that was probably cause it's on a military base. Oh, and corncobonthestewmagoo? look outside and up. |
Posted by kirbycrazy on 12:55pm September 11th, 2008 |
@ Zombom: Aw, man. I'm sorry that happened. :( In my opinion, I think KRR should atleast have something in the forums about 9/11. Lemme go check real quick...nope, but I caught up on the Newstands. |
Posted by zero-slash on 1:54pm September 11th, 2008 |
kirbycrazy, I looked up but nothing was there except a tree and a squirrel, I named him Nutty. Come on seriously did you really expect KRR to do something special, it's been 7 years I think it's about time to get over it, yeah it's bad that your classmates aunt was on the plane but you can't mourn every year for the rest of your life. |
Posted by CornOnTheCobStewMagoo on 3:59pm September 11th, 2008 |
Corn, you get zero-slash's official sign of disapproval. :| 3000+ died that day, most of which didn't deserve death. |
Posted by zero-slash on 4:57pm September 11th, 2008 |
In unrelated news, I misspelled "It's" in my recent question to Bimblesnaff! :D God, I'm such an idiot! |
Posted by zero-slash on 5:06pm September 11th, 2008 |
Well dang! I didn't know over 3,000 people died in that! Well in that case we should still mourn. Sorry to anyone I may have insulted, chalk that up to ignorance. |
Posted by CornOnTheCobStewMagoo on 5:36pm September 11th, 2008 |
Guys, we have a FORUM for this kind of thing. The comments section of front page updates really isn't the right place to be conversing like this. |
Posted by drnk on 10:59pm September 11th, 2008 |
"Guys, we have a FORUM for this kind of thing." IGNORE THAT FIRST PART but yeah this most deff is not the right place for these comments |
Posted by drnk on 11:09pm September 11th, 2008 |
But dmk, come on! who actually talks about the update for more than half a second??? let us enjoy ourselves, talking about many, many subjects. You disapprove about us taking it upon ourselves to talk and mourn about 9/11, when KRR has nothing??? ... we have good intentions. to keep these post alive. |
Posted by kirbycrazy on 2:27am September 12th, 2008 |
Well, drnk if you would read further down you would see that I don't know how to register on the forums, so until I find out, this is the forum for me. |
Posted by CornOnTheCobStewMagoo on 3:36am September 12th, 2008 |
Thanks zero-slash and Corn. I told him that at least 2 other people cared too, and he said thanks. Also NK, this is better than the chat room. For people who can\'t register in the forum or just forgot their password and have trouble recovering it (me), this is the best place to have a conversation without all those swears. I say, is mourning about a horrible tragedy, or just randomly quoting a commercial or saying \"Toon Link\" better? |
Posted by Zombom on 11:53am September 12th, 2008 |
I just don't want to log in to the forums, to be truthful. Too lazy to ask my dad. :\ And yes, 3000+ people died. |
Posted by zero-slash on 12:16pm September 12th, 2008 |
Why the hell are there 60 comments? This isn't a forum. Am I the only one who doesn't like the wider layout? Most longer reading on the internet restricts itself to a narrow width (look at news websites, blogs, etc.); things that take a longer time to read are a lot easier in a narrower width. |
Posted by lord emperor rmd on 12:58pm September 12th, 2008 |
oh god...i'm starting to crave Civ 4. I want it badly. Badly. Also i saw the awesomest decals on a car today! Shadow the Hedgehog!! and nice try to turn the conversation back to the mailbag lord rmd. Nice Try. |
Posted by kirbycrazy on 3:29pm September 12th, 2008 |
"Also NK, this is better than the chat room." It's not about if it's better or not, the front page updates are not for this. Also @ corn guy: it's called the register button. If you really don't know past that, then it's what we have a faq for. |
Posted by DrNK on 10:23pm September 12th, 2008 |
addressing the rest: "or just forgot their password and have trouble recovering it (me), this is the best place to have a conversation without all those swears." If you forgot your password, a simple e-mail to a staff member is all it would take. And no, this is not the best place to have a conversation anywhere. This is the COMMENTS SECTION OF A FRONT PAGE UPDATE. Hardly the place for idle chatter. I'd address all of your comments but I'd be doing the same thing. Also: the forum has a swear blocker, if that's the issue. |
Posted by drnk on 10:35pm September 12th, 2008 |
o rly? let me go check.... |
Posted by kirbycrazy on 3:12am September 13th, 2008 |
ok... my computers not loading into the forums, so i can't check right now. Someone else check. |
Posted by kirbycrazy on 3:16am September 13th, 2008 |
How about that update for the preview of project R.A.I.N.B.O.W. (which is a complete disaster, IMO), which had more than 160 comments, and hardly any were relevant? I don't believe many of us chatters here actually posted there, anyway. You didn't scorn them for nonsense chatter, so why are we so bad? |
Posted by Stewie on 8:08am September 13th, 2008 |
"You didn't scorn them for nonsense chatter, so why are we so bad?" I also didn't look in the comments page on that post. Also, they aren't the ones flooding the comments section NOW. This isn't even a debate. |
Posted by drnk on 2:06pm September 13th, 2008 |
It is now... |
Posted by Prince Flarema on 3:34pm September 13th, 2008 |
As you always love to do: de·bate /dɪˈbeɪt/ [di-beyt] noun, verb, -bat·ed, -bat·ing. –noun 1. a discussion, as of a public question in an assembly, involving opposing viewpoints: a debate in the Senate on farm price supports. I'd say this is a debate, NK. |
Posted by a passing salesman on 3:39pm September 13th, 2008 |
Wow. A debate about putting random comments on here. When and who even started this debate? |
Posted by Captainflip on 4:50pm September 13th, 2008 |
I\'d say it started on NK\'s post on the 11th at 10:59 PM. |
Posted by Zombom on 6:01pm September 13th, 2008 |
Yup. I'd say your right Zombom. |
Posted by Captainflip on 6:23pm September 13th, 2008 |
...Strange, how come the new Widescreen pages don't appear different on my monitor? |
Posted by Leirin on 2:43pm September 14th, 2008 |
The new site-wide layout allows for widescreen; however, some pages individually specify a smaller width. |
Posted by Wato on 2:49pm September 14th, 2008 |
Hm. Personally, I preferred the prior page layout, as the widescreen makes reading much less convenient. But I suppose this will do. Now, my main point: What in the world are you people doing? This is not a chat room, nor a forum. Nor is this a place to debate about debates. This area is meant to be for comments/opinions on the front page updates. It is NOT, as CornOnTheCob kindly phrased on the first comment, "a new place to put stupid comments that aren't needed". ...Oh, why do I bother? Of course you won't listen to me. You'd only start mocking ME, like you did DrNK. |
Posted by TMH on 9:38pm September 14th, 2008 |
Guess what what is in one week :) I am going to love playing another kirby. I not which of the games to start off with but I no I will start a search so I will become yoyo kirby |
Posted by puffball ninja on 4:07am September 15th, 2008 |
right you are, TMH. right you are. For that comment, you also get a big fat No Prize! Congrats! |
Posted by kirbycrazy on 12:02pm September 15th, 2008 |
yes! 1 more week! but then we have to wait for: Kirby's Air Ride 2, Kirby Wii, Kirby's Avalanche DS, and Kirby's Dreamland 4 for DS. |
Posted by kirbycrazy on 4:16pm September 15th, 2008 |
Puffball Ninja, you should start with Dynablade. At level 3, you\'ll get yoyo, which is much quicker than Great Cave Offensive, and Spring Breeze and Gourmet Race don\'t have it. |
Posted by Zombom on 5:02pm September 15th, 2008 |
NNOO!! i just learned that the game director, art director and principal tech engineer who made the awesome Metroid Prime, have left Retro Studios and joined EA games. CRAP! time to take out my shotgun and hunt them down. |
Posted by kirbycrazy on 12:05pm September 16th, 2008 |