Abruptly Announced "One-of-a-Kind Celestial Event" |
Quoted from press.nintendo.com:
Spectacular, Star-Filled Display Will Be Visible From Earth at Select Locations
WHAT: Authorities
at Nintendo are forecasting an extraordinary celestial event this
season. Expected to be visible on Sept. 18, this eye-popping occurrence
will be best viewed from a handful of specific U.S. locations (see
below). Experts are still deliberating over the scientific significance
of this rare phenomenon, but evidence points clearly to the reemergence
of a luminous entity that citizens from all walks of life will
WHO: Fun-seeking families and anyone who loves a spectacular event
WHEN: Thursday, Sept. 18, 2008 Peak Viewing Hours: 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. C.D.T., 9:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. E.D.T.
WHERE: Optimum viewing locations are as follows and within a one-mile radius:
- Kirby Middle School – 1328 28th Street, Birmingham, AL 35234
- Kirby Historical Mill – 275 Church Road, Medford, NJ 08055
- Kirby Park – 301 Northampton Street, Kingston, PA 18704
- Kirby Gate Shopping Center – 6548 Quince, Memphis, TN 38119
- A luminous spectacle that onlookers from coast to coast will be talking about
- A Nintendo authority will be available for interviews at Kirby Middle School in Birmingham, AL"
...Well this is quite a predicament. Only two days notice on the event, and it's scheduled to be right in the middle of a school day...
...Listen up, anyone and everyone that lives in one of the listed four states! Beg your parents to let you skip school on Thursday to go to this Kirby eve-*smacked*
On a more serious note, I will try my best to see if I can get to one of the locations to report what exactly will go on at this event! (It's probably just going to be a demo tent/booth/whatever set up for Kirby Super Star Ultra, but...)
 | Posted by Disaster Kirby - 1:26am September 17th, 2008 |
Posted by kirbycrazy on 2:24am September 17th, 2008 |
SOMEONE PLEASE GO AND RECORD STUFF FOR US!!! ;_; When was the last time Nintendo advertised a Kirby game heavily like this :o I hope it is more than KSSU ad to be honest!! |
Posted by SilverLunar on 3:57am September 17th, 2008 |
So unfair. Why is this only near the East Coast? |
Posted by Prince Flarema on 5:18am September 17th, 2008 |
I wish I lived near these places. :( |
Posted by Cappy on 6:09am September 17th, 2008 |
I don't see any clue indicates that this event is related to kirby series... |
Posted by Kissa on 8:39am September 17th, 2008 |
DARN IT I DON'T LIVE IN ANY OF THOSE But seriously, what does i mean...? Just an advertising joke...? |
Posted by Leirin on 12:16pm September 17th, 2008 |
No you fools! This is all so Marx can squish you with Nova! Run while you can! |
Posted by Too many Kirbys on 3:13pm September 17th, 2008 |
Lol at that. By the way, Kissa, all the places contain the word Kirby, and it's by Nintendo, so everyone assumes that it will be about our favorite pink puff. However, maybe that's just a detour to surprise everyone; maybe, it's some long lost character from some video game nobody's ever heard of. Or, maybe not. I think it's about this Kirby. Also, it talks about space and the stars, which seems to be a recurring theme in Kirby, so it leads me to the conclusion that it's definitely about Kirby. Our Kirby. |
Posted by Stewie on 3:26pm September 17th, 2008 |
Ojeez. I would assume it was just something like a booth or a bunch of Kirby cosplayers if it weren't for the "mile around" part and the "celestial event" part. It must be something to do with the sky... A bunch of Kirby cosplayers as bright pink fireworks burst in the sky? |
Posted by Nanabobo on 4:28pm September 17th, 2008 |
Someone needs to take pictures and videos and stuff. All those places are too far away and it's at school time. That also excludes fireworks and other things you see at night. So what is it going to be exactly? |
Posted by Captainflip on 4:33pm September 17th, 2008 |
I'm praying this is Kirby Wii. Yeah, it's probably Super Star Ultra since this is a Nintendo of America event, but... "emergence of a luminous entity"? Perhaps the new plot for the Wii game? Maybe this is where they'll finally make a definite announcement? Obviously I'm looking far ahead into this, and my expectations are literally in the stars. But I'd laugh if this turned out to be the truth! |
Posted by Kirby'sSmellyRoommate on 6:41pm September 17th, 2008 |
Wowza, I'd take all the video you wanted if you payed the airfare to america. :P Besides, we all know it's going to be a booth of kirby cosplayers who will then be fired into the sky AS FIREWORKS! mwahahahahhahahaaaa! |
Posted by Too many Kirbys on 8:38pm September 17th, 2008 |
Wha...? Yeah, someone definately needs to tell us what this is all about. -_-' I live on the West Coast, and somehow I don't think I'll be able to make it there... Sounds like big fun, though! I envy you East Coast people! |
Posted by Blu on 9:31pm September 17th, 2008 |
http://kotaku.com/5051719/nintendos-kirby-event-+-word-from-the-field |
Posted by SilverLunar on 9:11am September 18th, 2008 |
OHH, I see! Thanks for putting that up! |
Posted by Lei on 10:58am September 18th, 2008 |
Hahaha, just got back from the one in NJ... was pretty fun watching kirby soap bubbles die in the tree branches and get ripped apart. |
Posted by Lee on 11:08am September 18th, 2008 |
http://gonintendo.com/?p=56341 HIPPO!!! *runs* |
Posted by Sonny B on 1:41pm September 18th, 2008 |
http://www.bingegamer.net/2008/binge-gamers-address-of-the-2008-kirby-massa cre/ Check this spin of the event out! I laugh so hard at the article!! XD |
Posted by SilverLunar on 3:28pm September 18th, 2008 |
That article made me burst out laughing. HILARITY at it's best. |
Posted by Leirin on 4:17pm September 18th, 2008 |
That was neither "celestial" or "spectacular". Oh well, im still going to import it. :P |
Posted by Too many Kirbys on 1:13am September 19th, 2008 |