Kirby's Rainbow Resort > Ask the Gurus > Gobbo's Session #47 | |
Ask Guru Gobbo #47Today, kiddies, I show you how to make a sensible meal in under five minutes. Just throw a burrito in the microwave and heat it until thawed. While it cooks, read this junk ahead. - September 5th, 2008
Hi, again 3 questions: 1.How do you pronounce DDD? 2.What is your least favourite ability (besides sleep)? 3.What is your least favourite enemy? - Kirkby the Hedgehog ![]() 1) Egad, not this again! I say it "deh-day-day" due to applied syllable emphasis, but the true name is said "day-day-day", but Western culture, as is their trend, changed it to be "dee-dee-dee". 2) The ability I care for the least is Ice in Super Star. Yes, I attach them to titles since they vary so much between them. This really hinges solely on the jumping attack the power packs. That little diagonal freeze twirl is downright terrible! It's nearly unusable in my book. At least the Fire ability in that game, which is a close second, has the ability to roll on the ground and attack all sides in its nearly worthless jumping state, not to mention that dashing turns it into a burning tackle. Ice's mid-air dash attack? A faster spin! Away with ye, foul daemon! 3) Benny. Should anyone be familiar with this jerk, he's always crashing into you in Extra Mode. Plus, his looks scare me. 1. Why aren't crash, cook, magic, and UFO in the place with all the powers in KatAm? 2. Why is the only 1 use screen kill abilitie in Squeak Squad the scroll for magic? - Tripp Best ![]() 1) Because they are one-shot abilities. They aren't going to give folks a free choice of ability that won't last any time. They also don't include Mini. UFO, now, cannot be obtained since you lose that ability whenever you return to the main chamber. That power is not suppose to travel well. Also, none of these powers have pedestals to even be placed upon. 2) Because any more are not needed. I think it's a good change. Super Star had three whole screen attackers, four is you count Cook, which made for a pretty poor use of abilities. Sure, they each varied slightly, but when they say the game has X number of abilities, you expect a little more variety. In Squeak Squad, they made better use of the powers they picked and efficiently utilized them. There was no Mike or Crash, just a chance of it when using Magic. Probably since you could mix to get abilities, and since the bubbles sported pedestals of the powers which, as stated above, don't exist for some, it was wagered easier to forego including them. You said that a few Megaman games had a Boss Rush (as the "technical" term goes). I think you meant every last one that anyone has heard of anywhere outside of Japan. Honestly, name me a game from that series that DIDN'T do that. So. Uh. KIRBY ANIME HATRED! Dubbing sucks, animation sucks, story sucks, Dedede with a Hyper-Southern accent sucks. Anything that I missed sucks. - Perforated Cheese ![]() I'd toss in the Zorro wannabe-ness of Meta Knight, bowling pin people with arms, hair, and anime eyes, and the very existence of Tiff. Those are some nice cherries, I'd say. Hi! It's me again. 1. What happens if Kirby is using the Wii Remote? The NES Zapper? 2. What if King Dedede becomes Meta-Dedede? Bye! - Vinnyboy ![]() 1) Kirby would get confused and think the devices were equivalent to the Star Rod or Crystal Gun. Then, he'd try to use them to best some baddies and get a horrible beating as they'd do nothing. 2) Meta Dedede would rarely appear, trade his original hammer in for a lackluster sword, walk the line between face and heel, and attract masses of fan girls with his fake Spanish accent. Hello again! Shoot! I'm too late! My brother asked about the Meta-Dedede question. I'll try something else. If Kirby can talk, then what language can most likely speak? Japanese, French, English, or Spanish? Is Bronto Burt the same or look different as Kirby? Goodbye! - Ness Kirby P.S. I'll get you for this, Vinnyboy! ![]() 1) He most likely speaks some language native to Pop Star, but all the words are translated for us since no one is aware of any transgalactic translators. 2) Um, he looks different. I mean, really. If he looked the same, then wouldn't it be, well, Kirby? Dark shade of pink, wings rather than arms, and large eyes. Really, the only thing they share is the round body and round feet. Who is your favorite character from the Kirby games? Do the worlds in Amazing Mirror um... mirror those that are in Adventure? Like Olive Ocean to Orange Ocean? If so, could you list which worlds are mirrored? Which Kirby commercials do you prefer, the crazy Japanese ones or the nonsense hardcore American ones? If you could make the anime better, what would you do? - Leint ![]() 1) Blopper. 2) Much like the mirrored enemies, it seems like they may have been reaching for a trend but then just got lazy. Some of the levels translate, like the two oceans you mentioned, but then the rest get into a stretch. One problem is Butter Building which would have turned into Moonlight Mansion, Carrot Castle, or Peppermint Palace. Yogurt Yard is probably Mustard Mountain, but that leaves Cabbage Cavern out in the cold. No real equivalent for the Vegetable Valley, Icecream Islands, or Grape Gardens. It just falls apart. 3) I like both, really, but the American ones, the old American ones, where Kirby bursts into a bar and starts tossing around bikers is just too cool. Much like jerkish Kirby from Avalanche, I don't care if that's not how he's suppose to be, it's awesome! Got a few questions. #1 Since I never watched the anime, I was wondering what the anime episode #66 is? It has been refrenced alot, and I never knew what it was. #2 Why do all Kirby bosses start out cool looking, then transform into a simplistic circular version of themselves. For examples, we have Dark Matter. I loved him in his knight outfit. Also Drawcia. Cool witch, then circular soul. Dark Darroach, then a bland star, (not circular, but still bland.) #3 Last of all, have you noticed that as Kirby progressed, the enemies got more and more complicated. I loved the circular theme of enemies in Dreamland 3. In Dreamland 3 all the enemies seemed simple, yet intrigueing. I didn't really like the complex enemies of Superstar up. - Theorizer ![]() 1) Episode #66 is the one with the Pengies. Basically, it's an eco-message where global warming melts the arctic and gets the Pengies mad. They go and try to freeze over Dream Land to stop the Cappies from polluting or something. At one point, Meta Knight is wearing a Pengy disguise to full the gullible birds, and this is the sole reason the episode is cared about. 2) Oddly, this trend came from a reverse transformation method. Nightmare was one who started in Orb form and then grew into the Wizard. Dark Matter, true, reversed this, but then stepped up his game by becoming Zero in his next appearance, which I guess is just a circle to a bigger circle. The simplification may be a jab at the typical trend in most RPGs which have the final bosses just get astronomically insane in their stages of defeat. It just gets downright outrageous at times. 3) That's a fact that I've always shook my head at. Granted, there were some complexities in the original games, but they were no where near the detail of GIM or such. It's a paradox that goes with Kirby being meant as a simple, truthfully childish figure but trying to push him into a more serious and action oriented theme. A lot of it, I'm sure, has to do with demographic appeal. Round and bubbly generally falls to more detailed graphics. Plus, Kirby was created on Game Boy, which didn't really have the best graphical power. As the bits step up, something has to look better and fitting of the system's abilities. Who are Pon & Con? I want to know who they are before I vote in the monthly poll. You know the current features at the top of index2? I browsed my mouse over the manga link and my computer told me, in the yellow box that appears in a few seconds when you hold the mouse still, that it was the "KRR Mailbag"... - Curious Guy ![]() 1) You make me sad. They were a boss duo in Dream Land 3, and only that title. Picking up the Lololo & Lalala or Nruff & Nelly battle format, they waited at the end of Sand Canyon. They didn't do much but run back and forth with a trail of baby versions in their wake. Also, occasionally, a giant bomb would fall from the sky. Being that this was a rarer title, probably not many folks care about them. I still love 'em, tho'. 2) Now that's pretty funny. I guess this link use to have the Mailbag linked out of it. However, whoever changed it to the manga never fixed the alternative text to read properly. It's changed now, however, so all is right. Okay everyone says that either Sword or Blade Knight talk strange but if you really listen it sounds like a British rock star stereotype, but I digress, why does Meta Knight have a cape one moment and then bat wings the next (it's easiest to see the change in training mode of Super Smash Brothers Brawl)?
- Corn On The Cob Stew Magoo ![]() 1) I'll... take your word for it. I've never bothered listening to either of them talk. I'm usually crying when the show is on. However, using a faux-British accent would fight a knight much better than, oh, a Spanish one. 2) The cape is suppose to be those batwings, by right, but a graphical transformation, a smooth one at least, is a feat and a half to pull off. Rather, it's a lot easier to just have them pop, changed. considering some other people seem to be doing it I might as well: here is my Meta Knight orgin story: At one time the land was in peace with a king queen and prince, but then the slightly evil Dedede and his friends (the bosses from dreamland 1 and adventure) overthrew the king and queen killing them in the process, but the prince was able to escape and from that day forward wore a mask to hide his identity from any following the king Dedede. From that day forth he swore that he would train to become the best swordsman ever so that he might attempt to overthrow the king an make his rightful place on the throne. He became a master swordsman and made a small army: the Meta Knights. After that he made a fake loyalty to the king in an attempt to overthow him behind his back. The "Revenge of Meta Knight" game was one attempt at becomeing king once more, though Kirby didn't understand Meta Knights motives. So there it is, also why havent my other two entrys for the fan friend contest appeared yet? The Giygas and Icecube ones. - Mr. Game and Pie ![]() 1) What evil have I unleashed onto this world! While that could be said to make sense, could, Meta Knight's intentions on his plot to conquer Dream Land are one of the few, well established plot points, strangely enough, in the series, probably since it has dialogue. Anyhoo, no matter which version of it is taken, the end of corruption or the end of lazy life styles, neither stacks up to, "Time to avenge my parents." Also, Meta Knight is regarded as a friend of King Dedede which would be a tricky feat to fake. Allegiance is one thing, but to be all, "Hey, buddy, hold on to this Star Rod piece for me," takes more than fakeness. Additionally, I don't really see the King or his crew as cold blooded murderers. Dedede seems more like a bumbling fat cat than a forceful dictator. 2) Giygas wasn't posted for the same reason the guy who submitted a Pichu wasn't posted. Trans-series characters aren't acceptable. While there's not much limits to what I'll accept, there are some. If it's a near worthless entry, especially if the submitter already has one listed, it's just skipped over. Besides, it seemed like you were just sending in your own pets. That's right. You have a Giygas. Also, as a reminder, I have been throwing out poor questions, and with some of the stuff seen, you can imagine what it has to be to make it to the garbage pile. So, stop asking, "Where is my question at?" I've been saying for a while that they've been getting thrown out.
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Last Updated - September 6th, 2008 | |
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